Does true Love exist?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Krillin1993, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Matrofe

    Matrofe Fapstronaut

    Once upon a time I had been teenage around 16 and used to have girl or girls that were kindred to me , they were not interested in my job( which could not have existed it was time that school played this thing )I have been barely asked what study or what grade I got, still even though I wasn`t tall, sinewy or with money, we could date having only each other and nothing to provide, prove you know what I mean here..If I were to say the best time to date it is exactly at 14-19? of course the 14 does not mean to do the act of love,girls in this age are not that brainwashed by life itself that they need a man that stand up for her needs thus she is not looking for knight that provides everything.Now it is almost 10 years since my last date. I know that there is nothing I could obtain from them but inquiries about my job, my house or flat, my car or if I own or rent.Thankuflly I do not feel need to have gf. That is the reality and one has to acknowledge it, if person A got a girl from school , she will be with him unless he dies, otherwises love is impossible, there are some stories well everything is possible but the chance that it will be you are low, some guy got kicked out of school by truancy and now he is now millionare , would you be him? I doubt but it has the percentage. As always do what you like, what you see as the reason you eat, and the girl will come if not, then whatever still you will have passion. chasing girls that are above 20 is pointless unless you got car, own bussiness and you are tall. good luck in life and remember they are about to come to you you are the the man of the earth not them.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  2. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    Nope. Women deal with men primarily through Briffaults law.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  3. Anton Chigurh

    Anton Chigurh Fapstronaut

    I fluctuate between an existential and post modernist view about “true love.”

    Sometimes I think that true love is a form of escapism where people try to find meaning outside of themselves… And sometimes I think that true love is a social construct forced on couples rather than an objective reality.

    Either way, after 17 years of marriage I find the concept of true love as a bullshit construct. I love my wife, but only because of our shared values and responsibilities. If she abused my children or didn’t hold her part of the contract I’d leave.

    There wouldn’t be a “next time” either as I’m more interested in learning about myself now that having to learn… And potentially support… someone else.
  4. How I look at it is I'm a being capable of love, therefore true love can exist, so whether true love does exists between two people will depend on me and the other person.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2023
    Krillin1993 and kropo82 like this.
  5. Anton Chigurh

    Anton Chigurh Fapstronaut

    I tend to not put a lot of faith in other people :)
  6. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    Short answer - Yes.

    Long answer - Yes.
  7. Well the good news is you don't have too...however, if you don't trust your partner that's a big red flag. Get well soon!
    Anton Chigurh likes this.
  8. ObjectiveCode

    ObjectiveCode Fapstronaut

    I say it true love exists but it's really the love you have for yourself. Not in a narcissistic sense. But truly loving yourself. Loving who you are as a person, who you are becoming, being in love with your own skin. Self love.

    If you don't, then I would work on that love first and foremost. Once you get that sorted you may as well attract those to you.

    My 2 cents.
  9. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Not a single one of you thought of love in any other context but a romantic relationship. I love my parents more than words could ever say. I love my sisters almost as much, but in a different way. I love my children more than life itself and they are the reason I’m still breathing today. I have loved my husband for 37 years, but his porn use and lying has made me wish I could I hate him.
  10. ObjectiveCode

    ObjectiveCode Fapstronaut


    I specifically talked about self love.
  11. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    True, I concede you did.
  12. Anton Chigurh

    Anton Chigurh Fapstronaut

    I was married to someone a long time ago and it ended in a divorce. My porn use and lying coupled with her flirting with other guys and hooking up with one of my friends really messed me up bad for a while.

    Was it me? Was it her? Was it both? Probably 50/50…

    Back then I absolutely could not stop fap’ing to porn and lying to her. I realize now how terrible that must have felt (she’s still culpable though). Porn addiction is the worst!

    I’m sorry you’re going through that with your husband.
  13. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    This has been the dynamic since the dawn of time, and it will be the dynamic until the end of time. Women are wired to seek a good provider who can offer a stable environment for her and her offspring, and men are wired to seek fertility and chastity. The reason that women tend to be attracted to older men with more life experience is because it's indicative of advanced financial status and psychological maturity. The reason that men tend to be attracted to younger women is because it's indicative of healthy fertility. And the reason that men tend to have an aversion to promiscuous women is because it's too much of a risk factor that a man might end up raising and financially supporting children that aren't biologically his, and that's genetic suicide for him.

    Everything that humans do is initially motivated by biological instinct, and we are the only animals that are intelligent and introspective enough to be cognizant of this. People don't have as much free will as they like to think they do.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  14. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Her cheating is 100% on her. She chose to betray you. There were other options. She could’ve left, got counseling, detached. Her character and integrity allowed her to justify her cheating because of how she felt in your marriage. I would rather leave than ever lower myself to the extent that I betray not only my husband but my values as well. I hope you know this was not your fault.
  15. Anton Chigurh

    Anton Chigurh Fapstronaut

    Not to derail this conversation… But one time my ex-wife and I had a party at my house when I was stationed at Ft. Drum. We were having fun, getting drunk, and at one point we were talking to this guy and his girlfriend. I don’t recall the whole conversation - But we were outside and it was between my wife and I and that couple. He said “we’re engaged” and I was like “oh, cool congratulations!” I went on drinking oblivious to life and such…

    About a month later I asked him at the barracks how he and his fiancée were doing… And he said “We’re not engaged. I just said that because your wife was hitting on me and my girlfriend was pissed off.”

    The embarrassment from that has always stuck with me. I didn’t go home and call her out… Hell, I’ve never mentioned it to anyone until now.

    For sure her decisions are on her. It just took me some time to understand that.

    Thanks for the words.
  16. To be fair, the OP is most likely referring to true love in the context of a romantic relationship rather than family/friends, which is why most of us didn't include those other examples. Of course @Krillin1993 can correct me if I'm wrong.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2023
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  17. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    Have you never had a dog?
    SethLCU and Warfman like this.
  18. milanamiss

    milanamiss Fapstronaut

    true love exists, but not in my case. I always take care of myself with the help of certain dri customer service, and accordingly I also want at least a little attention in my direction, why isn't there? Maybe I need to wait a bit?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2024
    Krillin1993 likes this.