Life was peak in the Middle Ages

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Itsuki, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Hear me out.

    Yes, there was the mud, and the smell, and the disease, but it was all for the better, wasn't it? Chances are you would be a peasant so you would spend your time doing good honest work like raising crops and animals (none of modern crap like insurance sales, advertising, inventing technology nobody needs, etc). People got married in their teens so you would literally have sex with your wife before you ever had the chance to get addicted to porn or prostitution. You would work 6 days a week and would not be expected to lift a finger on the seventh except to go to church. Every 2 - 5 weeks there were feast days so you got the day off work and some good food you don't get to eat everyday. Life expectancy for peasant men was around 25 years.

    So basically, you get to work an honest job with many days off, you get to have sex as soon as your body starts craving it, and around the time life gets tiresome you die. Oh and also if you want you can become a badass sword wielding knight. Come on, man! Why did we move on from this?!
    Semtex and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  2. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    We had also a moment of poverty and famine, a moment that diseases were easily spreaded, people that would have a longer life expectative due being borned in rich families. About the badass sword knight depends of the person, one swing would be enough to lose a battle or even be decapitated.

    Honest jobs indeed still exist and let's remember there were thieves and other kind of evil people living at this moment, then robbery and invasion to others' properties is not something to not consider. People got married because that was a tradition followed by them, not necessarily because they loved it and prostitution is one of the oldest jobs in earth.

    You would lift as long as it was necessary to do, 6 days a week is a not necessarily the pattern to be followed. There were people living in the capital and others living in the "country" zone, and those would need to work everyday taking care of the farms, doing the harvester, taking care of the animals that would be eaten, etc.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    And you couldn't just decide to become one, you would need to be born under very good circumstance, akin to the 5% in modern society or do extreme act of valor (and be witnessed) as a conscript in a battlefield wielding a spear and what little armor you could get, knights had to provide their own equipment and if they lost their horse they were done for.
  4. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    True. Animals would need to be fed on the off days and stuff like that. In the catholic areas the sabbath days were taken seriously. They would prepare all the food the previous day so they didn't have to cook, too.

    Yes. I acknowledged the disease part. And thats the entire point of being a knight. I guess you wouldn't be a knight.

    This is a mute point because robbery and crime still exists also honest work is much less common than what it was in the Middle Ages. People get married because they want to have sex and have babies. That came first, tradition came second. Tradition stays because people like it. I promise you that.
  5. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Dude, have you even seen Braveheart? You become a knight by being a badass OR being born into it. There are lots of guys that would be some ninja warriors today but they are confined to the world of video games. No one said being a knight is a job for some little bitches either. You have to be strong. But there was the option to fight if you wanted.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  6. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Ahh yes the middle ages...

    I would have LOVED to live in it. Be an old man by the time I was 35. Die when I'm 16 cause frost destroyed my entire crops and I starve. Watch 75% of my siblings succumb to a horrible disease that would have been prevented with something as simple as hand soap. Contract syphilis from my first sexual experience. Be engaged in a brutal decade long war because King Fartsalot lost a card game to Lord Coomqaud the 2nd.

    Eat nothing but boiled cabbage and meats and drink nothing but fermented water (beer) with the weekend pleasure of mead (which would be pretty cool tbh)

    Work an "honest" job that I would see no reward from and only gain life debilitating injuries.

    But at least I wouldn't be a goona :)
  7. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    You have a great sense of humour.

    If you are afraid of death that changes things of course. Your vivid descriptions of disease don't really change my opinion. Today we have a bunch of fancy words to split hairs and describe maladies and the awareness that we will probably live until we are 80, this difference in perspective must be taken into account.

    Many modern depictions of medieval disputes are portrayed this way for the sake of plot and post modernism, but chances are most of the time you would be fighting for a cause you believed in, the honor of your lord, the territory of your community. The notion that people would live in complete peace if there were no rich people is ridiculous. Also, atleast they even had cool wars. Like swords and bows and stuff. Thats a real test of manhood, not like chemical warfare, nukes, and pulling triggers. Not that neither is it media manipulation, virus design, or immigration string pulling.

    Idk man, maybe you would be a goona, can never know.
  8. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    I'm not afraid of death, my friend. I am afraid of dying a horrible death. Starving is not pretty, freezing is not pretty, burning is not pretty, getting disembowed and laying in a nameless field is not pretty.

    War isn't cool and it is not a test of manhood. Swords, bows, pikes, boiling oil is only cool on TV. You get stabbed you are going to get an infection and die. You have oil poured on you will experience agony which english doesn’t have a word for.

    You're right you probably would be a peasant. Thus you wouldn't know the cause or be easily manipulated to throw your life away to a meat grinder.

    War doesn't create men, it creates gravestones and holes. There is not a person has went to war and has came back a better person.

    I'm fortunate to not have experienced a war, but I have been around the block and it isn't pretty. I don't feel like a man because of it, I only feel like a survivor.

    All this media manipulation, virus design, and immigration string pulling have been a tool used by the elite since biblical times. Only now is it on a mass scale. The population always needs to be controlled.

    I think all of us would tbh. Once a goona always a goona. *goomba emoji*
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024
    onceaking, Meshuga and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  9. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Are you to say that the slow onset of dementia until one is incapable of going the bathroom on their own, the decade long forestallment of cancer through a reliance on soul-draining medication and surgical procedures, the rare moments of one's returning consciousness punctuated with the realization that one's grand children have turned into flirts and mirror lovers, is that a preferable death to you? Death is rarely pretty, when put into such terms.

    War is absolutely a test of manhood. Why do you think China has such an inclination for pushing bubblegum pop on tiktok? Why do the Scottish armies flash and moon the English before their battles? It is to emasculate the opponent and make them more vulnerable. The idea being that the army with greater morals no matter how small will always prevail against the larger, corrupt one.


    Once a goomba always a goomba *salut*
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  10. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Life expectancy can be a misleading statistic because it only gives you the mean age of death, it doesn't say anything more about the distribution which has changed a lot over time.

    Before modern medicine, half of children didn't make it to age 10. But those who did could expect to reach old age. Plato and Buddha both died aged 80.
    Itsuki likes this.
  11. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Deaths by starvation and freezing are relatively nice. You get tired, fall asleep and don't wake up. Infinitely preferable to hanging or drowning.
    Itsuki likes this.
  12. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Why then men who went through bloody battles point to those experiences as the peaks of their lives? Ernst Jünger fought WW1 from the beginning to the end including the Somme and he absolutely loved it.
    Itsuki likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Braveheart is a cool movie but as far as historical accuracy goes you might as well be watching 300. I don’t remember all the plot of the movie but badass or no the character they based him on was born into nobility, most likely the son of a knight, you look at his friends or officers they all shared that background.

    As a lowborn your best bet was attaching your service to a lord and rise through the rank of men-at-arm or survive as a sellsword long enough to be able to afford good armor and a horse.
    Knights didn’t really fight with swords, swords were mainly symbolic, a knight armor was impenetrable so they used weapons that could cause blunt damage instead like axe/poleaxe(or a knife for small gaps) on foot or a lance on horseback. Due to their armor they didn’t think much of bowmen and at least in antiquity the latter was seen as cowardly, there is some similarities to this with how sniper were viewed in ww2.
    Meshuga likes this.
  14. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    You watch too many movies, uncritically. Every single innovation we have, from vaccines & antibiotics down to microwaves, nitrogen based fertilizers, even Internet, was to solve a serious problem. It’s true we caused different problems with our solutions, but in virtually every instance, what we have now is better. We just need to learn how to use the tools we have.

    And I’m a veteran: there is nothing glorious or valorizing about combat. The only good thing about it is to protect innocents from monsters in human form, and even then innocents die. At its most ideal, war is the least heinous option in a list of terrible, unjust options. There is nothing great about dying from a pike in your bowels, lingering on while your body rots. Nothing wonderful about a barbed arrow buried in your flesh. Nothing magical about dying from boiling oil poured on your head, rather than mustard gas or agent orange. Go to the VA. See the amputees, see the blown out knees, the injured backs. Look at the endless march of men with depression, hyper vigilance, PTSD. Some guys are made for war, that’s fine, most of the guys I know who peaked during war was because combat robbed them of development. They can’t move past it to better things.

    These are the good old days. Today. Now. We got hooked on porn, that’s unfortunate. So we work through it, we learn how to get off of porn rather than get off to it, but that’s attainable. We can achieve that. Nothing you can do about bubonic plague in 1322.

    Stop using movies as your basis of education on history.
  15. WanderingKnight

    WanderingKnight New Fapstronaut

    I agree.

    However I think fighting in general is a healthy test for ones manhood, but war is too destructive.

    Men are born to create and destroy and without we are nothing.
  16. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Are you a combat veteran?
    SquidCook likes this.
  17. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    True, but the point being that 80 years old is an extreme case. If you look at the life expectancy of people who survived childhood back then it has to be closer to 40.
    SethLCU likes this.
  18. WanderingKnight

    WanderingKnight New Fapstronaut

    I'm not.

    I don't believe in war and I don't agree with it.

    I'm referring to martial arts, my friend.
    Meshuga likes this.
  19. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Martial arts isn’t fighting. Tae Kwon Do, Akido, Muay Thai, Judo, boxing, I do BJJ myself, these are sports, contests. They have rules. These are not fighting. And I agree, they are exhilarating. They awaken something visceral and competitive in us, but it’s like big horn sheep knocking heads, or lions sparring. Fighting is ugly.
    SquidCook and WanderingKnight like this.
  20. WanderingKnight

    WanderingKnight New Fapstronaut

    I do BJJ also but at its very core it is fighting. Albiet stage fighting.