Lose fat, Build mass, Change diet and lifestyle support/advice

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Martyr_man, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Kyoheix

    Kyoheix Fapstronaut

    Update: Lost a few pounds by means of a proper diet. Nothing special, I just "read the manual" of how my body works and cut the crap on eating whatever and as much as I want.
    I loaded up on vegetables with every meal, can't handle drinking plain water though so I just make-do with non-caloric artificial sweetened apple juice and, this part is key, I eat healthy throughout the day at intervals short enough not to feel hungry. When hunger sets, there's the danger of the body going "starvation mode" and it gets into calorie saving.

    I'm not doing any strength exercise yet, just the same as always, about 6 hours of "Dance Central" (Xbawks 360 game) per week. Next week my feet will be completely healed and I'll get back to walk for hours playing Ingress.
    94kg -> 89kg (210lb -> 196lb)
    It's a crash diet and it is NOT effective. Your body quickly adapts and gets into starvation mode, hindering any weight loss.
    I tried all kinds of crash diets and got no results. They seem to be working the first week then you stop losing weight.
    Martyr_man and Gladiatori like this.
  2. yoyo1

    yoyo1 Guest

    You rely on myths with regard to IF. I have been doing it for quite sometime now. My acne cleared up by the way.
  3. yoyo1

    yoyo1 Guest

    Go to Kinobody.com. I totally trust the man. He tries everything and he has given us the info and it has worked for those who have tried it including me.
    Martyr_man likes this.
  4. Martyr_man

    Martyr_man Fapstronaut

    Well I'm down! Due to personal reasons I'm dry fasting once a week so I tweaked the eod workout routine to 3 days a week workout routine. If you want fallow me and what I'm doing and we'll kill this sh*t together. Just got done. Took a couple hours but that's how I like to train! Hardcore one day and nothing the next. Then once a week I'm dry fasting from sun up to sun down. I was doing the super simple eod routine for a while. Been noticing great effects too, swollen, tighter skin etc but now I've stepped it up a little harder with an extra day off so I can fast.
    This is what I do now
    Take pre workout then 30 min walk
    Abbs: 4 sets, failure (situps)
    Back: 2 sets, 10 (seated lat rows) + 2 sets, 10 (reverse fly machine)
    Chest: 2 sets, 10 (press) + 2, 10 (machine Flys)
    Shoulders: 2, 10 (upright barbell row) + 2, 10 (shrugs)
    Biceps: 2, 10 (rotating bicep curls) + 2, 10 (seated bicep curls)
    Triceps: 2, 10 (pulldowns) + 2, 10 (dumbell Triceps behind the head extention)
    Legs 4, 10 (squates)
    Calves 2, 10 (calf raises)
    I do one warmup set before all (light weight, 20 quick reps) and do a drop set after each LAST set (drop weight 50%, burnout the drop 50% of that and burnout again) and I wait anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes between sets, depending on how I feel
    Gladiatori likes this.
  5. Martyr_man

    Martyr_man Fapstronaut

    Well I don't know because that'd be illegal brother...... So when I get some time I'll PM you lol.
  6. Martyr_man

    Martyr_man Fapstronaut

    Btw my schedule is Mon (wrkt) Tue (off) Wed (wrkt) Thu (dry fast sun up- sun down) Fri (off) Sat (wrkt) Sun (off)
    Gladiatori likes this.
  7. Kyoheix

    Kyoheix Fapstronaut

    Excuse me, what? I don't get your message, what IF means?
  8. Hassan Raheel

    Hassan Raheel New Fapstronaut

  9. Hassan Raheel

    Hassan Raheel New Fapstronaut

  10. Hassan Raheel

    Hassan Raheel New Fapstronaut

  11. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @Kyoheix IF = intermittent fasting. I hate that terminology. IT sounds soooooooooooooooooo, unnecessarily cloaky. Its just not eating for a while. then eating a ton.
    Martyr_man likes this.
  12. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @Martyr_man Nice man. It sounds like you are definitely doing full body routine. I did that too for six months or so, It was amazing.

    Nice list of sets, you are smashing the whole body well like that :D.

    ATM I am just warming up to it on week 3 now, so I am doing split routine, 5/7 days.
    Martyr_man likes this.
  13. LordLinskey

    LordLinskey New Fapstronaut

    I recently started the gym myself about 3 weeks ago. While not looking to gain mass or the body building look I am aiming to slim down and tone up. The results I have got so far are quite good the faint outlines of a six pack the tone of the arm and shoulders. One thing I have learned though it seriously helps with not fapping.

    The time I'd use after work on the computer looking at sites is now being spent at the gym and afterwards I have no urge to fap I don't know if this is a chemical or psychological effect but it cuts the urge down ALOT !

    For me gym is a driving force in helping me find my self respect and self restraint .. learning to say no and to keep healthy helps you say no in other aspects of your life too. I'm not vain in what I am achieving .. yes I am liking the way I look but it's not to impress anyone or women it's to prove I am a confident single young man who looks after himself and can choose what I want to do not what my urges tell me to do.

    I recommend a more healthy and fitness focused lifestyle to anyone overcoming a sex or porn addiction.
    Martyr_man and Gladiatori like this.
  14. Kyoheix

    Kyoheix Fapstronaut

    Oh, now I get the comment. I don't recommend doing that because it did not work for me and there are reasons why no healthcare provider or professional in the field would recommend doing that. And there are funded arguments against it, not in the plane of myths.
    Gladiatori likes this.
  15. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    From Sexercise into Exercise!

    A boy to a man.

    8-------------------------------> to ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER! [​IMG]
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
  16. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @Kyoheix There is arguments to everything. I don't need to argue with anyone. I know this works cause I did it many times. "Myth" hmmmf.
  17. LordLinskey

    LordLinskey New Fapstronaut

    Yeah tell me about it ! It's good It's not a massive regime. 5 days on 2 days off .. Mon- Fri then weekends rest which is actually a killer because I get bored easy which can lead to the fapping.

    I choose a body part a day pretty much the same routine every week and each day has at least 3 cardio workouts 1 from Treadmill ( 30 mins running ) , Rowing ( 1000m ) and Cross-trainer ( 20 mins level 5/6)

    Legs -Monday
    Abs- Tuesday
    Chest- Wednesday
    Arms/ Shoulders - Thursday
    Back - Friday

    If I am really struggling weekends with my urges I'll pop in Saturday or Sunday and do 1 exercise per body part or just go swimming for an hour or two. I have to kinda take it a bit easy and lean more towards cardio at times due to a heart condition but I keep it varied enough to lose weight gain a bit of muscle.

    Diet wise it' quite varied my main rules are cutting sugar down and 0 junk food. I eat alot of chicken and pastas .. breads I've switched from white to whole meals same with rice and just basically having 3 meals a day but smaller portions instead of eating till I was bloated. I included a lot of veg and fruit and try to eat fish at least once or twice a week. Breakfast is always a shake with porridge ( plain ) or a fibre or wholemeal cereal. I am 0 in alcohol ever since my mother passed from addiction to it. Addiction seems to run in the family. But at home it's normally green tea, water or juice. Being a plumber by trade I get offered a lot of cups of coffee and tea in houses which I do accept, although it has to be decaff ( damn heart problems again ) and just 1 sugar instead of 2/3. If not decaff I'll ask for water or juice which they are usually happy to supply

    I do have a cheat day which is usually a Saturday Morning or night I'll treat myself to a curry, Chinese or pizza or a fry up at the local greasy spoon cafe down from my work.

    I don't take any major supplements ( again heart condition ) all I take is a Sci - Max Diet Protein shake 1 in the morning before work as part of breakfast and then one after my workout at the gym.

    I admit I am a complete amateur at this stuff and probably doing something wrong so any tips are super helpful but that is my healthy lifestyle I am leading to beat my addiction to porn.
  18. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @LordLinskey Actually your routine is solid, diet seems solid( U can never ever have too many carb btw :D except refined isolated sugar crap). I'm very happy u don't drink. I hate alcohol myself. I just stopped drinking a few months back. I'm doing my best, NEVER to touch it again. People don't even know what the hell they have been exposed to when they drink. Alcohol is to a party as porn is to orgasm.

    Keep it up man!
    JoePineapples and Martyr_man like this.
  19. Martyr_man

    Martyr_man Fapstronaut

    Yeah brother I did something like that for years (long time ago) and got great results just sticking with it. Can I ask why you've decided to go with the split routine now?
    JoePineapples and Gladiatori like this.
  20. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    @Martyr_man I just started again. My body won't be able to recover fast enough for Full body. Also it will overtax my nervous system. Also I want to develop my upper body more. Right now my arms are my weak point. I can hit arms 3/4 times a week once my body gets into the groove. That is to say. Dedicate tremendous energy to the arms.
    Martyr_man likes this.