Quitting Video Games

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Libero, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Divine

    Divine Fapstronaut

    But yeah, everything in moderation.
  2. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Imagine watching Shindlers list and all of a suddenly you hear Fetty Wap playing in the background, that is where I'm going with this. Movies and Music aren't the same in the respect in which they are um used, one can be done pretty much in every situation and is incredibly convenient and versatile, whereas the other is much more fixed and requires someone's full attention to be devoted in order to have its intended effect.

    I understand you are probably one of those people that loves music and all, but without it you would be just as happy. I for one appreciate the quiet, I enjoy just listening to the chirping of the birds, crickets, and all kinds of little things like that. I know it may sound weird, but I could live in a world without ever listening to a beat and I would still love it.

    There have been many arguments made against almost everything though, like I have heard of someone making a book against "light pollution", and stuff like that. I think it really depends on what kind of an environment you are from, like I am from a rural area so the idea suits me.
  3. DrRobotronic

    DrRobotronic Fapstronaut

    It's all about how you use games. Sometimes I'll play just an hour of a game after I've had a productive day. I'll feel pretty good about myself and enjoy the game even more.

    Somedays, however, like today I can binge on games because I'm bored or avoiding things I should be doing. Games can be a time sink, and the time in front of screen can lead to PMO, at least in my experience. If the game isn't satisfying you or is becoming too challenging, PMO is just a click away.

    So I'd say try and limit how much you play per day, or per week whichever is easier. See if playing less makes a difference. I think I'll always play games as it's a way to connect with friends and it can be a good reward, in moderation. But it's important to not let it control you, and there's always something else you can be doing.
  4. Dude, I still don't feel like you're really making sense. All of the things you said, I enjoy as well. I'm actually quite a quiet person. And no, I'm not one of those people who does anything. I am human who has many different interests, just like many other people and you need to understand that and kinda get over it. People are multi dimensional. Appreciate and broaden your horizons to understand that people have different interests and that different things or forms of art effects people in different ways. No two people are the same and every single person in this universe is beautiful and unique in their own way.

    I can still listen to the birds outside and still have a huge passion for music at the same time. My loving music does not mean that I wouldn't be able to live in a world that didn't have music, because I still have OTHER things that I enjoy, as do other people.
    People enjoy art in the form of painting and spend a lot of time in art galleries. Get over it. That is their own unique, divine interest being expressed and that is their own personality and character and nobody has nothing to say about it. As long as they are not causing another person harm, they are absolutely allowed to do what they want, so I still do not see your point at all.

    I have nothing against you, man, but I actually find a lot of your comments here very arrogant and closed minded, unwilling to appreciate other people interests and differences.
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  5. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Art is neither good or bad, sometimes it can be bad (to mention Spielberg, Jaws for example) and it can sometimes be very good. Like a lot of people do consider porn to be art, so would you stand up for porn in the same respect that you do for music?

    What I was saying had nothing at all to do with art or expression or souls or any of the other things you said. My argument (if you want to call it that) is that any time someone is exposed to a certain stimuli in saturation, it ends up making everything else seem less um stimulating. Basically too much of a good thing can be bad for you.

    As for the last part (in bold) how you get arrogant from anything I have said in this thread is beyond me. You may be reading what I post completely differently from what was intended. Or perhaps you may be putting some kind of preconceived notion onto me from other threads and comments.
  6. Porn being art is a completely different argument altogether.... Totally different topic and I kinda feel getting onto that would be sidetracking.

    Getting back to music as art. In the context of art, yes, it's art. The ability to be able to play an instrument a certain way and have it effect people in a positive light is not only an art, but a gift, the same way a musician is able to make lyrics that connects to people and have it identify with them. There are a lot of things that go into musical construction, on a technical and production level as well, the ability to have the instruments flow together, to time right with the lyrical delivery which results in an energetic explosion of sorts. Have you never felt that before? And this is what I am talking about, and this is why music effects people so powerfully. It's an experience that cannot be simply put or described into words.
    In a way, I kind of feel you're degrading that personal experience. So what if people spend most of their time engaging music more than anything else in their lives? Music is not harmful, it's a beautiful thing, and I've never really heard of anyone being "addicted" to music in my 27 years of living...

    That's what I meant by myself feeling that you have kind of come across as arrogant. I don't know about any of your other posts and was not referring to that, only about this posts and our present interaction. I also found you labelling music as "unnecessary" quite arrogant in a sense as well, because who are you to make the rules? People are allowed to completely love and adore music if they wish to. If you'd rather go out and listen to the birds instead, that's fine, and I'd never judge you or try and call you out on doing that, and you shouldn't towards other who have different interests to yourself.........

    If someone has a passion for something, it does not have to mean that other things in their life becomes less stimulating. It really sounds like you are making points only from your point of view, and that's what I meant when I said that it feels like you're being extremely narrow minded. People love and adore different things in life. Try and learn to appreciate that not everyone wants to be or act like yourself. Again, people are multi dimensional. People enjoy more than five things. People can love and adore music, spend most of their time listening to it, but can also still enjoy hiking or bird watching. None of those things have to be done in moderation. They are all natural, beautiful things to enjoy.

    It's like me condemning you for enjoying bird watching, or saying it's unnecessary. It just sounds arrogant. Sorry. As long as it's not causing harm on someone else, let people express themselves and do what they want. People can enjoy multiple things and STILL have time for numerous other interests too.
    ShotDunyun and ICleansedMe like this.
  7. Exactly my point.

    However, just to add, in reference to the part about even too much of a good thing can be bad. It really depends in which context, though.

    I've never heard someone "addicted" to music so much that it causes them to start skipping work and effects their lives in other areas. The same goes for anyone who is fascinated by stuff to do with nature like bird watching or hiking. Never heard anyone with an addiction to such things, so the call for these things, including music, to be done in moderation is altogether is absurd and ridiculous. Let people be obsessed about all of the above if they wish to be. All of them are great and harmless things to enjoy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2015
  8. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I have. You may have never had a roommate who stayed up all night listening to music and was obsessively addicted to different genres for several years. One and same person would spend his rather limited funds on 'original' records and such. For the record (pun intended), I didn't really see any negativity in @melancholy king 's response. Maybe I just missed it.

    Sadly I must disagree with you on your hiking point as well. When that becomes addictive, you have people who can easily seek a very dangerous sort of high (and I mean that both literally and figuratively). To your point though, I haven't personally noticed anyone going overboard with their bird watching ☺ I supposed that happens when they start to think they can fly too.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  9. I've never seen anyone addicted to music or hiking, and obviously if it is the case, it's probably rare. Of course I don't know everybody and never said it's impossible, I was just making a loose point, to make a point.

    To say that music is "unnecessary" is in my eyes negative, and I gave what I feel are valid reasons for feeling that way. I'm not sure if you've read every single one of mine and his comments, but if you do, maybe you'd see where I'm coming from, to see the whole picture of the actual interaction as a whole.
  10. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    To be honest, I am ridiculously pedantic and that is often what drives me to provide counterexamples. And you are very correct, it is rare indeed to find those types of addictions for several reasons. Most people like or love music and rarely take the kind of risks I am talking about hiking. Both are a safer bet than many other pursuits so long as they are respected. I didn't read the thread in excruciating detail, but I do sense the feeling of lack of respect and some offense (those are emotions and I don't always notice them easily).

    Another reason I commented is that I recently spend the last 13 years or so and rarely listened to any music (intentionally listened that is). I was very happy during that time and have had a wonderful life. I now choose to enjoy music and am equally happy. I definitely understand a piece of the power and life force that music brings.
  11. Well, then I do encourage you to read more of the comments in this thread, because I did specifically make a point to him that it doesn't mean one has to be unhappy if they do not listen to music. I explained many things in depth. It's a bit complex to summarise it all, but I feel that a lot of things were said in this thread by other person(s) that were not very well thought out, and you can make up your own mind about that. It's always important on a forum to read every comment on a thread if you wish to add something to dialogue that has occurred between two individuals to get a clear picture of what's going on.
  12. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    You are right and I am wrong. I missed the first post by melancholy. Neither video game nor music offer "almost nothing for what you put into them". That is how this long two pager was started. My apologies.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  13. Saying that is not supposed to be rude and there's nothing rude or against the forum rules to call something absurd. If something actually is absurd, I don't see any big deal in calling that out. If you read every single bit of dialogue that has occurred here, you might even agree.
    Yep, and this is all I've been trying to get across this whole time in these long pages. Apology accepted. Congrats on 100 days as well.
    nfprogress likes this.
  14. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I have added a new goal to my habit list. Read more thoroughly and don't jump to conclusions. This is not the first time I have been caught skimming and missed an important nugget or three. The real life corollary to this is that I know I need to improve my listening skills.

    The most thread-appropriate thing to say here is that I am using gamification to track my habits and goals now and my years of playing video games are coming in pretty handy now! What was once an addiction is now a strength. It didn't kill me so I suppose it made me stronger.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  15. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    There are games I can turn off when I want to but every time I play crusader kings I end up doing a 10 hour marathon trying to unite ireland or whatever
  16. lol

    Sounds good, man.

    And in topic with the thread too, I'm excited about finally picking up Xenoblade Chronicles X for the Wii U on Tuesday. Not sure if any of you know what that is? One of the biggest open world RPG games this year, with a bigger open world than Elder Scrolls and Witcher 3.

    Anyways, I'm off to bed. Chat to you guys later.
    nfprogress likes this.
  17. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    that game with that guy from smash4?
  18. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Quitting video games was actually pretty easy for me. I just lost interest over the years more and more. Video games were the center of my universe throughout my teens. I don't know how many hours I put into them and I don't want to know.
    Today I almost play nothing anymore. But I actually play some WoW with a friend. We just play 1 to 2 hours every sunday. Have no problems keeping it this way. A few years ago I would play 6+ hours everyday.
    nfprogress likes this.
  19. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I see where you are coming from. Families have caused many of my male friends to naturally stop playing video games. They just don't have time for it anymore.
  20. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    It's not the I didn't have anymore time. Interest just faded away. I've been playing video games for over a decade and thought, this is enough, start living your real life.
    What bothers me is that my younger brother goes through the same as me. Pretty much the only thing he does is video gaming. I hope he'll get away from it.