A "painful" ,or liberating?, question I'm asking myself (and you)

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by powerd992, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. powerd992

    powerd992 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys,
    So, I'm going (again :)) to tell a little story about me, so that hopefully it will give you some ideas to think about, my fellow Fapstronauts ;)!
    The question is in capital letters, scroll down if you want to skip the rest :)

    Ok, so, I've been confronted with a lot of anxiety about being single and feeling lonely over the last 3-4 years (but probably on a lesser degree since puberty).
    Seeing most of my friends/acquaitances who are not as handsome as me, I started feeling very lonely.. I delved deeply into this loneliness, and had several realizations over the last year.
    First, I had the strong feeling that porn and masturbation played an important part in developing some shyness, but especially misogyny in my person.

    But after a certain time of feeling lonely, excluded and victim, I started to believe that my educators, especially my father, had the most part in it.

    So I blamed them, my parents and teachers of the past, thinking that blaming would help me. Well, you might well imagine how this blaming made things worse. By the age 20, I already went to at least 3 different psychotherapists and a psychiatrist.. All because of the PAST circumstances, that were completely GONE.

    This started all sorts of questions, such as Who am I?, What is the mind?, Can I heal it?, and so on... But especially, Why don't I have a girlfriend? (I suppose many of you are asking it right now..:). I started immersing my mind into all sorts of self-help and dating books, and somewhere I read/heard the advice "You are not those problems, nor can your past determine who you are right now...". Never thought about it, and, honestly, I still need to hear it every day almost to completely believe it my heart.

    Along with that, another question I kept asking myself was: "Ok, since I am single, it means I wanted it. Maybe I need some time on my own, to start liking being with myself, and THEN start liking women for who they are."...

    And that lead to the question I'm asking you.
    SO, HERE IS THE QUESTION I'M ASKING MYSELF SINCE TODAY (today's my birthday, btw):
    DO YOU REALLY LOVE YOUR PARENTS? (your father also)?

    You know, if you have had a family to support you in any way, if nothing else at least to pay the money to allow you to go to school and worry about not having a girlfriend instead of worrying about not having a place to sleep, or food to eat?
    Or (like my father did) perhaps they came to (almost) every basketball match you and your team had when you were 14, even if during the week they were away for work?
    Or they bought you the very laptop you're using right now?

    I feel these thoughts are starting to open my eyes to how much LOVE I was blessed with since day 1 of being alive.
    And since today before dinner I remember to say to my parents (or at least think it) "Hey, even though sometimes we fight a bit, or I think that I am the only one in this family, I don't want you to think that I don't love you"

    And I shall NEVER again remember to "be the tough one at home" and fight for every little thing they did "wrong".
    Before we get a chance to become parents, first let's acknowledge the work and love our parents gave us. ;)

    Thank you if you read this far, if not, thank you for reading the capital letters question.

    Let me know what you think. ;) May Truth awaken us!
  2. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Do I love my parents? My mother yes. My father no.
    My father never accepted me. It was the typical thing. I was not a boy enough for him. He wanted me to be like him but I wasn't. Fortunately my mom broke up with him when I was about 5/6 years old. I'm glad I could grow up without him and become a better man than he was.
    I have a good relationship with my mom except for a few small issues we have but they are very minor.
    kaylee time and CrisNet like this.
  3. Tonnerre

    Tonnerre Fapstronaut

    Well, I hated my dad when I was 25 years old. He was absolutely closed on himself, unable to communicate, silent, and sometimes brutally judgmental and aggressive for no reason. I was also depressed and was blaming him for a few tough moments in my childhood. Then, I began to argue with him. I guess that was a "delayed" teenage rebellion. Before that, I always used to follow his orders and feared him. Finally, he understood I was a grown adult, not a child anymore, with my own life, my own decisions and that he needed to respect his son. After a month, things settled down and I started to love him more as we build some mutual respect. I realise now all the support my father gave us (financially, etc.) even if he has his own flaws - I'm sure he did his best to raise his children and to be with us as soon as he could.

    I guess that's natural to hate your parents at some point, to stand against them. Then, we can assert ourselves, grow, develop as a person and love them more than ever before. [so trivial, but so true!]
    powerd992 likes this.
  4. Iwillchange

    Iwillchange Fapstronaut

    Sometimes we never love anyone, people are very selfish, that's one thing I realized. For me, I love both of my parents because they always want the best for me, and have given me the best they could, what else could I ask for? I feel if your parents loved you enough, or made you feel loved enough, you won't ask this question. In these situations, forgiveness is usually required to make peace with the parents.
    Just my quick take, all the best man.
  5. LateSpring

    LateSpring Fapstronaut

    I don't feeI I love my parents. I mean they've never really done anything bad to me but they also never did anything great either. The bare minimum is enough for them, I was never shown outward affection by either by my mother or father that I can remember though I'm sure they kissed and hugged me as a baby. Yet, I do remember once my mother started to kiss me good night when I was about eight and I hated it. It was just wet, sloppy and a fake gesture taken from tv. I used to wipe it off in the sheet. My mother does try to help me the best she can with whatever I'm dealing with to a greater extent than my father who just gives off this attitude of being bothered or bombarding me with his opinions on everything as if it's some scoring game to see who can make the better points instead of having a conversation. Also, even if he does try it comes off as stiff and artificial. He does provide for the family with a dead end job he been working for decades without a single promotion which is most likely the reasons for his frustrations and lack of anything emotional. The only person I love in the world right now is my little brother. We hug, play fight, watch anime together and though he's now a teenager and changing slightly on me he's my only love.
  6. Lesoldat

    Lesoldat Fapstronaut

    I believe i can understand the way you're thinking. About blaming your parents, do you believe(d) in any ways that because they acted very nicely with you, gave everything to you and made their best for you to avoid troubles, that all of this brought you to be not enough solid/ weak, and that you'd have prefere to live and make mistakes by your own to learn better ?
  7. Reg Reagan

    Reg Reagan Fapstronaut

    My father, who addored me and vice versa, died at the age of 49 when I was 9yrs old. My mother had an overwhelming task all alone with all of us children. While love and warmth was never particilarly her strength, there was even less room for it after my father had passed away.

    As a part of this journey through nofap and other struggles in my live, I realized that my fathers death is the event in my live that had the most impact to what I am today and to my personality...

    Do I love my mother? Yes. Also as a part of this journey, for the first time of my live I really spoke to my mother about feelings and emotions... I told her that I saw her pain and struggles, when I was a child and I believe she accepted that I saw it.
    I accept that it will never be the same unspoiled love that most children will feel for their parents. But I feel sorry for my mum that she was "betrayed by live" so harshly. I accept that all this is part of who I am
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    powerd992 likes this.
  8. powerd992

    powerd992 Fapstronaut

    Yes, I believe that I have grown having a hard time expressing my true needs, or even recognizing them... But overall, nobody knows how things would have gotten if I grew up in another environment.
    All we can do is start making many mistakes now and be glad for it! :)
  9. powerd992

    powerd992 Fapstronaut

    I know what you mean, my father too is pretty much like it! Anyways, today for example I didn't like my father tidying up my room, so even though I'm not used to talk openly with him, I told him politely what was on my mind. I was already picturing him getting angry and blaming me, instead he understood, and told me that he will be more aware of it from now on!

    Sometimes we all tend to blame those around us without fully comprehending their points of view, which may be irrational. All of us are programmed pretty much during childhood;... and what we must do is to become aware of as many reactions arise inside as we can when interacting with people, so that they eventually lose their hold over us. It is not an easy process. I'm realizing a lot of unaware behaviors and prejudices lately, usually those that used to get me mad when I saw them in other people. I even started writing them down.

    But we must never condemn ourselves, otherwise we still let the old unawareness control our lives.
    I hope you can start seeing things more positively in your family in the future, and may we all liberate ourselves from old fears, worries, anger, etc....
  10. Lesoldat

    Lesoldat Fapstronaut

    I think we have many points in common. Few people can understand that, they'll just say "You're lucky" or "fortunately dad/parents are there". I was always judged by others because of this and still will. Hard to get true friends nowadays.
    You're so true for mistakes i can't wait for it ;)
  11. Sometimes I wish I had a dad growing up, my mom stepped up and played both roles. I really owe her everything, I'll always love my mom. That's why I made this song
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016