Sometime's I just want to give up on everything!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by xSolidSnake86, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. xSolidSnake86

    xSolidSnake86 Fapstronaut

    I'm so broken inside! For about 10 years I go to sleep deep down inside not wanting to wake up ever again just so I won't have to deal with my pain and my thoughts. I'm just an empty shell, a hollow meaningless being!

    I've never had anyone who's ever been there for me or genuinely cared for me in a non selfish way in my whole life. Not family, not friends as I have none, and no girl.

    The one girl I loved my 1st love 10 years ago stole all of my of confidence and charisma, used it to build herself up and then shit on me, dump me and replace me.

    Every girl in my city don't want anything to do with me because of my "player" status since my teens (I'm 29 now). As I was always hitting on girls back then and in turn it gave me a bad rep.

    I've hit the lowest rock bottom. I've been at rock bottom for like 9 years now. I have alota problems. No job (I'm unskilled and useless), no money, no friends, no chance of ever having a great girl again. I have extreme pied, and I have peyronie's (curved penis).

    I'm doomed! Why should I even abstain from pmo? It's all I had, even though I know it made me worse and induced countless dysfunctions, but still it's all I had!

    All I want to do is just cry and feel sorry for myself. I'm so empty and dead inside, I don't even want to live anymore. I find it near impossible to be, think and feel positive when all I am is the opposite.

    I feel that Allah doesn't love me. I never learned my religion growing up (Islam) as my parents never bothered to take me to mosque to learn, as they were just too busy dealing and focussing all on my toxic fucking sisters! I was left alone. So I became a video game addict at 5, and a pmo addict at 10. So because I never learned my religion, I don't have that to fall back on in the time of pain and need.

    It will take years to learn it (Arabic) which is why at every attempt I always turned my back on learning after just a few days of trying. I have 0 willpower and motivation (pmo induced no doubt). But pmo is all I want! I wish I had a woman who'd be there for me and loved me. It would make this nofap life journey a billion times easier!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  2. R92B

    R92B Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    Maybe move country/city and start over. You seem to be stuck in the past and what others in your area think of you.

    Remember, no-ones going to save you and you're going to have to pick yourself up at some point. PMO is killing us and we have to love ourselves enough to stop it.
    Golgo 13 and Earl Sweatshirt like this.
  3. Bale

    Bale Fapstronaut

    - The Quran has been translated in over 100 languages. You don't need to be able to read Arabic to learn about Islam.
    - The resentment you feel towards your family seems to be one of the things blocking you. If you want to move forward you must learn how to let go.
    - Before a woman loves you, you need to love yourself. You need to transform yourself.
    - All the help in the world will be useless if you don't actually get on track. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one single step.

    What kind of life would you like to live ? Make a short list of the things you want to accomplish. Then for each of them, make a simple plan of how to get from A to B. Start with easy but progressive goals. You've got to start somewhere, however small it is.
    goodboy1 likes this.
  4. Earl Sweatshirt

    Earl Sweatshirt Fapstronaut

    You're named after the legendary Solid Snake. Snake didn't give up on Outer Haven, Zanzibar, Shadow Moses, The Tanker, Big Shell and the Guns of the Patriots incidents after all the crap he was going through, he kept going on and made sure the job was done no matter how difficult it was. I think you should follow his footsteps in going through life's difficulties.
    XPiRED likes this.
  5. xSolidSnake86

    xSolidSnake86 Fapstronaut

    @chefboyxo You're right, I never used to think like this or be this resentful before 9 years ago. My father died when I was 12, I grew up with no guidance etc! But when "she" broke my heart 9 years ago, I let it break me. I jumped into nicotine addiction (cigarettes), alcohol addiction, cocaine addiction, cannabis addiction, and deeper into my pmo addiction (like 3 or more times a day). I quit alcohol and cocain 6 years ago cold turkey (I don't miss it). Quit cigarettes over a year ago (it was tough but vaping e-cigs helped bigtime). And now I just quit cannabis 3 months ago. Discovered nofap and ybop 2 months, and decided to make a stand against pmo. I had several streaks, longest was 14 days. This pmo addiction is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with! It's been 10 years that I keep living in the past and feeling sorry for myself. I never got over her (pmo never let me get over anything, it keeps you numb and dumb like a child and never lets you grow up). I must stop pmo forever!

    @Bale I hear you, but it's kinda abit more complicated than that. I'm not trying to make excuses for not learning, but I'll explain as best as I can... The Quran can never truly be interpreted 100% into any language. Because the Quranic Arabic is the richest and purist language there is. Just one example, like the average English word has like maybe 1, 2 or 3 meanings... whereas most Quranic Arabic words has 100s and even 1000s of meanings! Things get misintepreted through translations, they lose the meanings, contexts, and understandings which can create misconceptions, misunderstandings, confusions etc. There's more examples but I'm too lazy to explain lol. And learning to do Salah (prayer) is just as important as reading/understanding the Quran, and you need to learn Arabic to be able to do it properly. So my point is, learning it first in English is just beating around the bush and will prolong the learning process. That amount of time and effort might as well be put into just starting off with learning it in Arabic. That's what my religious associates say and basically what every religious figure says.

    Also true. I must fix myself before taking on women. Because let's face it, if I was to get a woman while I'm in this stage - sooner or later she'd just reject me which will may just basically break what's left of me into unfixable mirco pieces, and I may never recover from that! And yes I have a million mile journey to undertake, that can only be done in one step at a time... in my case, baby steps before full adult steps! I just wish I discovered nofap and ybop like 5 or more years ago. But better late than never right? I might make a later post about my million mile journey broken up into each goal. As it's all in my head but I have no idea how to go about any of them, I'm confused!

    @Earl Sweatshirt Solid Snake is one of my many role-models. Huge fan! I was origanlly going to go for a Big Boss name because I liked his games/character/story better! But Solid Snake I believe had a harder journey, as he was mostly alone and self motivated throughout his life journey. Big Boss always had people / emotional support and people to rely on! Solid Snakes' missions were by far tougher! He had amazing strength and courage and emotional stability! I hope they make a follow up MGS after 4 because I want to know what's happened with Old Solid Snake!
  6. @solidsnake: Well, that is the point. There will be no follow up after MGS4. Solid Snake fought his whole life and now it is time for him to live. That is what they said at the end of the game. I really like the idea that Solid Snake is a silent spy. He listens to the stories of all his enemies. And he himself is just a clone of a very big man. It is like the son of a popular superstar who tries to create his own unique life xD. Anyway, let us talk about you. It really feels like your roots are keeping you in a prison. Don't let that happen. Baby steps: Sports, meditation, less computer consumption. Maybe block some websites with a program. But look at yourself. You quit your other addictions. That is an accomplishment. Delete all the other things in your life that seem to have a toxic influence on you. And please don't think about religion too much. I will not force you to be an atheist (but I would totally recommend). When you were born there wasn't a holy spirit who told you that you are supposed to be a muslim. It was your family or your environment who did that. This is also a root. You have to get rid of most of your roots and start from scratch. Find your true self. What you are is not what other people want you to be or what you maybe were 10 years ago. You develop every second. Question is in which direction?

    Everything that you need to be what you want to be is already in you. That is a mind-blow. Say it to yourself as often as possible until you actually believe in it.
  7. xSolidSnake86

    xSolidSnake86 Fapstronaut

    @hellothere123 Yeah it's just the fanboy in me wants another Solid Snake story. It would be cool if they remade Metal Gear 1 and 2. But I have to say that the best MGS game was MGSV (not story wise, just gameplay wise). I've spent like 700 hours on just the single player lol. Not spoiling it for you if you haven't played it, but something in the story pissed me off, kinda ruined it for me.

    And about Islam, it's not for my family or friends or peers etc, it's for me. I've always wanted to become a good practicing Muslim since my mid teens but never had the willpower to see it through. It's what I believe in, it's truth and peace and love and the purpose of life, it's the answer to everything. There's a lot more to life than just this tangible material world and everything in it that we humans are infactuated by, which won't mean anything once we enter the grave. I just want to make myself proud in that aspect and get into it as it's never too late, until it's too late!

    My older brother died when I was 2. And my parents were good parents, but they were just simple people, not very strict in any way (which imo is not a good thing. Children need to be disciplined and guided and taught right from wrong contantly and consistently with love and passion etc). My parents couldn't be there for me because my toxic sisters took all of their time and attention with their never ending drama and trouble making behaviour 24/7 even til this very day. My dad died 18 years ago so it's been my mam dealing with them since. And they (my sisters) are getting worse and more toxic as time goes on as they get older. I want to leave this house and make it on my own. This is a huge house. And it's actually my birth right and my inheritance (in theory atleast, not in reality), and I have to give it up just to be free of them!

    I didn't want to go to mosque as a child so my mam thought "ok he's my only son, my other son died so I want this one to be happy so I'll never control him and make him do something that he doesn't want to do". I see and empathize with her in this regard but I disagree with it. It's a Muslim parents' duty to teach their kids Islam. It's then upto the child when they come of age in their teens to decide if they want to continue with it on their own or not... as long as they've learned it, they can have it. It's like school. You're forced to learn English Maths and Science etc even if you don't want to or don't want to follow those career paths, but as long as you have it under your belt you can use it whenever wherever. But how can you use something that you don't have? That's why I wish my parents were more strict with me and never left me to myself. I doubt I ever would've picked up a porn habbit if I had discipline, guidance and attention.

    Anyway learning anything has always made me lazy and unwilling (pmo played a factor for my lack of will). I failed my high school exams because I never used to go to school, I used to sneak out of school with friends and have fun etc. And even used to just stay home and play video games (which is my biggest hobby btw lol). Mum wouldn't say anything ever or make me go to school because like I said above she wasn't strict at all. It's actually a miracle that I earned my associates / foundation degree in college. God I worked so damn hard for it. Pmo brain fog made it harder than it was I believe now that I look back on it.

    And yes you're right, I should look at my conquering of my other demons as another motivational influence. I know I have the potential to be greatest version of myself in life, but potential don't mean squat of I don't put in the effort mentally emotionally spiritually and physically. It's easier said than done, but I have to. For my own sake. I've pmo'd enough for countless lifetimes. I need to grow the fuck up and toughen the fuck up. Can't afford to be living in my own head anymore. But sometimes I can't help it. Abstaining from pmo is making shit slide of my shoulder a million time easier though (sample of a superpower I'm guessing? lol). My first step is to find a job that I can be comfortable with doing for atleast the next year or so.

    And sorry if I write too much. I have no where else to go to vent my shit. Nofap is the only place. I'm finding this therapeutic letting my feelings out here with such great people in my same boat. Why pay £100s and even £1000s to a physiatrist who doesn't give a fuck. When the people here actually want to and try to help eachother. Glad I made an account here. I feel way less weighed down.
    Headspace and goodboy1 like this.
  8. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    You are young. Move to a big exciting city. Get a new job, or career, or retrain. Work on self-development. Learn from your traditions.

    Go hard!
    goodboy1 likes this.
  9. @Snake: That's good. Nice to read the story of your life. I will tell you. Video games were a big problem for me aswell. Actually I even started playing now to keep myself away from thinking about PMO. But I know people who are totally destroyed because of their gaming addiction. Tell yourself how much time you invest in gaming. If you love it that much then play a game as a reward for doing something for yourself before. I still remember when I invested about 600 hours in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 in a period of 6 months. That was too much and I felt how I didn't function properly anymore. Couldn't focus on anything. So happy that I got rid of it. And no, didn't play MGS5, but I want to. But I heard some mediocre opinions about this game :/
  10. xSolidSnake86

    xSolidSnake86 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I found that pmo kept me as a bigger gaming addict than I really was I think. Because when I was 18 to 22 studying at college, I gave up on gaming all together for those years. I didn't realy miss it because I was living life. Things went bad at around 21/22 then I got deeper into pmo. Which in turn got me back to gaming addiction until recently.

    In november 3 months ago I started attempting nofap (failed many times), but since doing nofap I find that gaming doesn't have much of a hold over me anymore. I only do it (gaming/movies/shows) out of bordom like you to keep away from pmo (it really helps if you're home and bored). Virtual life however is just a substitute for a lack of a real life!

    I still love gaming but my point is, pmo addiction is a drug... and being stoned keeps you addicted to other stuff too like gaming and movies/shows/music etc entertainment in general and/or other chemical substances. And I've been getting stoned since like 10 (pmo). Quit all drugs (which includes pmo), then gaming becomes just a side activity, a reward as you said. I can't see myself spending 1000+ hours like I did with Battlefield3 some years ago since starting nofap 3 months ago. It just doesn't appeal to me that deeply anymore.
  11. @xSolidSnake86 Hey xSolidSnake86, i have read your post and in what you suffer. First of all I am Muslim too and if you want any help to learn something from the Islam I may help you a little bit. You are far older than me, but you have goals you want to reach or not? Look, sometimes you just need help from any other human/people... Like you said you wished you have a woman by your side. You´re not the only one. If you ever need help by your journey, or to learn the religion islam or any advice in anything you can ask me if you want :) Maybe I can help you by how you feel. Do it step by step and it will be much easier for you. And I am really really sorry for that heartbreak 9 years ago, I can imagine the pain you´re going through... If you need any help ask me anything and I hope I can help you :)
    goodboy1 likes this.
  12. xSolidSnake86

    xSolidSnake86 Fapstronaut

    @uchiha-itachi Thankyou bro I'll gladly accept your offer. Infact you might regret offering lolz because when one day inshallah I get deep into learning my deen I'm always going to be hitting up every muslim associate of mine I know including you I'm sure :) and yes I have many goals in life. For the first time my eyes are opening to what needs to be done in my life. Better late then never! And you're totally right about needing help from others. Being pushed and encouraged into doing/choosing right especially regarding islam by others is what I've always lacked in my life. So I'll really appreciate your help/input/advice etc.
    goodboy1 likes this.
  13. msmahamed

    msmahamed Fapstronaut

  14. I am here for you bro for any help in anything :) I will not regret anything as long as I can help you. Try to reach a small goal first of all and what it the most important thing is, that you feeling better and happier again.
    goodboy1 likes this.
  15. xSolidSnake86

    xSolidSnake86 Fapstronaut

    @Kiwi Thanks for your words of encouragement and priceless advice. I must do it all! And stop not believing in myself.

    I used to be very self believing and motivated 10 years ago and had dozens of friends. But I let them all go when things started to go downhill between 07-09 because instead of facing my battles and dealing with them through patience and positive thinking, I decided not to and just picked up substance abuse and jumped deeper into pmo. It's only now that I'm waking up and realizing that I need to fight and deal with everything like a normal person is supposed to do.

    As far as jobs go. There are a lot, but most of them are the over working / under paying types, that require experience and some other things that I don't have. There's also a lot of call centre jobs, but god they are so depressing. Just sitting at a comp answering calls meeting unrealistic targets for crap pay. Too repetitive for me. The ones I am interested in don't require anything other than just enthusiasm and oh, a driving license (which I don't have one). I'm picky about jobs. I want one that I'll be comfortable doing for at least a year or two to set myself up for better things. Otherwise I won't last a moment and be right back to square one.

    I want to get back into lifting too like I was in my teens but, I need a job to pay for the gym and for a bigger bulking diet, for driving lessons, and for some dental work. I just have a lot to do.
  16. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I'm just jumping in here, so I apologize if my advice is off target/a repeat of what someone else said.
    I think you should find a test (I think you can get them online) that will advise you on what kind of jobs are good for you based on your personality. I think you should also look into customer service related jobs. Something at the supermarket would be a good place to start. There are more jobs than just cashier to choose from.
    Good luck.
  17. Bale

    Bale Fapstronaut

    Oh okay. Let us for a second apply your thinking to something else. Say, fitness. So there's this lady who is not doing any kind of physical activity and keeps saying all the time that she wants to be running 5 times a week. But she never does. One day, a guy comes to her and says: "hey, why don't you start with once a week; come see me next month". One month later, she hasn't run once. The guy meets her again and asks why she did not do it. She says: "well, I don't see the point of running just once a week; 'cause there won't be any benefits then right".

    I think you are trapped in the same way here. Because you only envision the "perfect way" to do it, you delay action every single day and you still haven't got anywhere with learning religion. And let's be honest for a second here; how long do you think it will take you to learn Arabic to the point that you will be able to understand every little different interpretation? Years? Decades? And during that time you would not even look at the Quran because you don't have the language ability?

    My point is, there is a principle called the Pareto law: 20% of the work accounts for 80% of the results. And to get the remaining 20%, you need to work your ass off on the 80% extra work. So imagine right now your understanding of the Quran is 0%. You could read it in English (20% of the work) and therefore understand 80% of it. And at the same time you could start learning Arabic (the remaining 80%) which over the years would get you to 99% understanding of the Quran. Of course this is purely schematic, but you get the point.

    Don't try to get it perfectly right, right from the start. Whatever goal you have, all you need is to get started. Now.
    Headspace and goodboy1 like this.
  18. crazypaki

    crazypaki Fapstronaut

    Dude in all of honesty I found your story quite interesting and motivating at the same time. I'm quite glad your moving towards Allah with every letter that you type which helps us all. Although our stories a quite different there are quite a few parallels. I wish you the best of Luck and I know anyone striving towards Allah is never returned empty handed.
    goodboy1 likes this.
  19. goodboy1

    goodboy1 Fapstronaut

    Salam bro, you can do it. Don't forget the power of nofap. Within 1 or 2 year you will be back to normal. Just give it a try. And for Islam, feel free to pm me about any questions you have. I will try to answer it. Wish for u a great success . Jazakallah.
  20. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    That's the attitude. It's actually a great insight. Never forget about this. You've sat on your buttocks enough, now get up. Do stuff. Just do it. That's the most important thing.

    May be you'll have some lows on your recovery, and hell, everyone needs a calm minute every now and then, just some relaxation... but if you stay committed to quitting all your addictions even in those moments, you will always remember why you started this journey, and then you will get up again and continue.

    Do it! Wish you great success.