Scared of the Monster Inside

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Caldams, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Caldams

    Caldams New Fapstronaut

    Hello, you can call me Caldams, I am 17, I have been watching porn since I was 7. I live alone, so I don't have anyone to hold me accountable. I grew up with 5 sisters and a mom, and my dad was arrested when I was 8 (he sexually assaulted one of my friends at the time). I am a virgin, and want to stay that way until marriage (weird I know). I have been trying to quit porn since I started watching it, and to be honest I almost succeeded multiple times. The kind of porn I have been watching has been rape, bdsm, torture, cuckolds, humiliation, femdom, maledom, and just about anything that would've horrified me at an early age. I have heard stories of guys escalating from porn to rape, especially when you watch the hardest stuff that exists, and I am terrified that it might happen to me. I've caught myself thinking of girls as just an object to serve a master, this has only happened in the "moment" thus far, but it was still me that thought it. I have made some bad choices in life and admit to that, but I want to seize control of my life again. Long-term I want to never masturbate again, short-term I want to make it through the day without giving in to the monster inside.

    I want to tell my family but I don't think they would understand, sometimes I just feel alone. From the outside I look like a man that has it together, but inside I'm just a struggling kid. I just want someone to talk to about this, someone who gets it, someone who doesn't think porn is "normal" or that I should just deal with it.

    Any advice, or if you share a similar experience it would be very much appreciated. Honestly, just letting me know someone is listening is enough to help.
    Thank You.
  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Porn nowadays definitely brought out some nasty genres that were non-existent only a few years ago. One needs to completely stop watching and sanitize that mind.....because there is real dangers. At the minimum, there is at least unrealistic expectations about real sex. a real relationship with a woman cannot develop in such perversions. So that has to stop.

    You need totally forget about what you seen and give your brain a new start. You might have picked a lot of twisted thoughts, at the worst moment, which is during brain development.
    As your personality is settling in, look at what you fed your brain with...filth.

    Sorry to hear about your rough youth. You need to start the healing process. Yo umight need help that you can't find on a forum. I'm talking 1 on 1 talks with a therapist. For you to consider!
  3. AnonUserHere

    AnonUserHere Fapstronaut

    I agree with the user above. You've been deep inside the dark parts of Porn. That kind of exposure and use can really affect how we view and feel things toward other people and ourselves.

    Personally, I try not to think about the things I enjoyed when I used Porn. Because those thoughts could lead me to go back to it which will derail all the progress I've made. But I think you may need more work in this area.

    A therapist is really a great avenue to try. I've had therapy before and want to start again myself. I think for you, that therapy will help you break down your need for such extreme genres of Porn and down to the real stuff.

    I hope you find your way out.
    Good luck
    WarriorScarr likes this.
  4. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    You can not change what has gone

    Look at where we are all going. I have a shameful past and if I dwell it can disgust me which then deflates me and I need a pick me up.
  5. Caldams

    Caldams New Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys for your input, it really helps. I have talked with a councillor at school shortly after my dad's arrest, and it really helped. I have moved passed the stuff with my dad, and me and my family are pretty close. It's just I'm a guy, and they are all girls, I feel like they wouldn't get it.
  6. Sojourner

    Sojourner Guest

    Porn is a destroyer of the soul. I've battled it for nearly 39 years. We are dealing with a spiritual sickness, in the same way as our AA friends. We get cut off from real life as we are in search of the perfect picture or scene.

    Secrecy keeps feeding the beast. Good for you in reaching out to others who are working to be and sober.

    As a Christian man, I believe and have hope in the Savior and that He wants me (and you and all who struggle with addiction) to be set free and He provides the way of hope.

    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭NASB‬‬

    Healing is within reach.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  7. Nuflis

    Nuflis Fapstronaut

    Hi Caladams.

    I'm 23 but otherwise in a similar situation. I'm basically virgin and I've spent years watching very extreme sadistic/masochistic porn. I already liked these things before porn, but probably porn has made this deviancy stronger and in any case, it would be impossible to leave this behind if I continue watching porn. But I do want to leave this behind. I don't think sadomasochism can be healthy.

    It seems we are in the same struggle. Would you like to chat on skype/whatsapp? We could be accountability partners and also discuss about what could be the cause of our sadomasochistic tendencies and how to move forward. I'd really like to give it a try.
  8. Francymac

    Francymac Fapstronaut

    I can also relate to your post Caldams, I too started watching porn at a very early age and have been truly affected by the nature of the genres I was watching. Remember that the thoughts that you have and the fears that the stuff you viewed online will become reality is in essence a fear of losing control, or at least for me it is. This fear of losing control gets less and less as time goes by and with therapy and for me some medication to help with my depression and OCD tendencies and without porn in your life to make the anxiety worse this is something that can be addressed and with the right support will abate in time. I have faith that we can all truly recover and get through to our true selves. I am working on it every day. By the time I was 15/16 I had seen near to everything imaginable and some of the content I saw has scarred me, some of it has left certain expectations that I still work on changing. It's so important that you have made this decision and have decided to leave it behind. Truly I think that therapy will help in a very big way. I still have unaddressed issues with abandonment and shame from my childhood that I need to address before I can truly heal. Also I can relate big time to what you said about the outside appearance of having it together and the inside feeling like I'm a kid. I have been going to SAA and SLAA meetings and they have opened my eyes to a lot of things. I know that you must be 18 to attend these meetings but they are a good way of connecting with a community of people who are also struggling.