Has anyone of you swallowed the red pill?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RealLifeGamer, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    I have swallowed neither blue nor red by the way.
  2. I'm trying to stay away from drugs.
  3. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    It´s not a drug haha

    It´s about swallowing a worldview ;)
    Yesodi likes this.
  4. I'm trying to stay away from swallowing.
  5. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I took the red pill when I was 28 when the world around me sort of collapsed. Looking back it was a blessing in disguise because you are then forced to look at other channels and venues. Funny how what I found which became a passion and purpose initially I absolutely abhorred when I was first exposed to it.

    Lesson? Hitting rock bottom can be a blessing in disguise. You have to keep an open mind because what you think you hate can become your savior.
    Gladiatori and RealLifeGamer like this.
  6. On a serious note, I've been living on blue pills for long part for my life. Mostly them being fed to me without me even knowing. But now that I am presented with choice I probably gravitate towards red. But I haven't taken one yet. Sometimes I wonder though... what if there is nothing to choose?
    RealLifeGamer likes this.
  7. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Sounds like not many get what the red pills means. Here goes....

    Yesodi likes this.
  8. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    What is a red or blue pill? Is it a metaphor for something?
  9. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    you´d best google it and yes it´s a metaphor
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
  10. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I guess we all have our own definition/version of what the red pill is. That would put things more clearly. I can say that it is not something like an overnight one off event for sure. It may take a period of time for things to reveal itself or the answer may have already happened but we have not realized it yet until circumstance(s) make us to look back and say hey that answer was there all along! There are times where you may already took the red pill and doesn't know it and need trigger(s) to show us the way.

    To me taking the red pills is not about revealing what the world has lied and deceive us. It is about finding your path and purpose. Sometimes we are all so conditioned by society, loved ones, friends, teachers, etc. we end up doing and wanting things we think we supposed to want instead of being true to ourselves. After finding out what we want we may end up alienating our friends and loved ones which may cause some major friction along the way. But we have to true to ourselves and this means we have to let go of those who get in the way of following our purpose and path.
    RealLifeGamer likes this.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I'm a red pill taker.
    RealLifeGamer likes this.
  12. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Hell yea I took the red pill the first time I took shrooms nd watched the matrix. I've trippdd on shrooms nd LSD over a 30 times nd I definitely have an idea of how the universe, world, society, and peoe function.

    Conclusion: Look out for yourself first, and be wary of people who you talk to. But life is still a beautiful thing.
    Lucky1 likes this.
  13. Exterminator

    Exterminator Fapstronaut

    In a political sense I have
    Star Lord likes this.
  14. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Exterminator likes this.
  15. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Blue Pills are for those who want the "bliss" of ignorance, and the "pleasure" that comes from fake things (such as PMO!).

    Poor Cypher! Thought he "won" by making a deal with "the Devil" Mr. Smith. How sadly fitting that he who so desired empty things, ended up winning nothing at all in the end.

    Lucky1 likes this.
  16. Judicious 7

    Judicious 7 Fapstronaut

    I took the red pill around age 16-17. Interesting world we live in. But I guess once you red pill, there's no turning back. I'm not turning back. Heck, even being here is red-pilled.
    Lucky1 and RealLifeGamer like this.
  17. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    In a sense, Mouse (born outside the Matrix, didn't have to take any pill) might also be compared to a "PMO addict" -- in that he lusts the "Woman in the Red Dress" (that he himself created).

    But, compared to Cypher, Mouse might be considered a PMO-addict who has "discovered NoFap.com" ;) -- in the sense that he at least knows that his "P-sub" is not "real."

    Cypher, on the other hand, wants to go back to the Matrix and "forget everything." He wants to ignorantly live the illusion.

  18. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Sorry, but what has "MGTOW" got anything to do with the Matrix or "Red Pill vs. Blue Pill"? o_O

    And what "hating" are you talking about?
  19. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Sorry, I can't help you on that one. I'm color blind, so I can't tell the difference.
    RealLifeGamer likes this.
  20. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    IMHO, you are.