The real key to how to reboot sooner than later (more details from my last post)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Newmission, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    This is a post that goes into a little bit more detail on my post yesterday.

    The one thing that I have learned over the years of nofap is that it is a method of will power of the brain. Trying to stay absinant long enough for you to reboot your brain ...(right?). But the thing is that everybody thinks that it just starts with the brain. But it does not, it starts with your hormones. Your body is made to crave sexual stimulation, that is why before you had this addiction you could get and erection out of the blue like a man without the addiction can (ex: raging hormonal teens). Hormones send signals to the brain to tell the brain it is time for sexual stimulation (everything sexual starts with your sex hormones).Its just how are bodies work. Will power is you going against what your brain wants at that time. You want that because your sex hormones told your brain that's what it wants. For years I tried to use will power and failed (relapsed)until I was told a method on how to temporary slow that hormone down (dht). Once that happened my sexual hormone was no longer able to signal my brain for sexual stimulation. At that point will power was not needed because there where no cravings. While this was happening it gave my brain and penis time to reset and desensitize. Once I let my sex hormone kick back in everything was back to normal. No more p.i.e.d , or even wanting to watch porn. All I craved was real women , it was like I was 14 again because I was so sensitive. My body was reintroduced to wanting sexual stimulation again and that is what you call a real reboot. My erections where rock hard. After years of fighting using only will power and relapse after relapse I finally was ok. It was crazy because it only took me 2 weeks. I learned this method from a friend of mines who learned about it in Japan while stationed there in the army. In Japan they have a real bad porn addiction problem. Japanese men are well documented heavy porn users (look it up). I actually seen a guide about this method(hack) on a small porn addiction blog I found. It crazy knowing how I wasted years with will power and relapse. Smh
  2. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    What was that about?
    Toven likes this.
  3. Toven

    Toven Fapstronaut

    Yeah, this...

    Also, more spacing please...
  4. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    I used a dht blocker to reboot myself. Look it up
  5. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    Dht is the Main Form of potent testosterone in a male human. It is responsible for primary and secondary male physical features such as muscle growth body hair etc. It is many times more potent than normal testosterone and not prone to aromastasis. Also the main culprit of hair loss on the head and possibly skin problems
  6. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    Did you have side effects?
  7. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    I did not because the side effects where what you want. Like you wrote the definition above this post. Also look up propecia which is a super harsh dht blocker. It you read the side effects of the drug which is one of the biggest for hairloss those people end up going to far and cutting dht off forever which is what you don't want. That is why I used natural one that are less powerful. Also you would only need to take them for a couple of weeks.
    RealLifeGamer likes this.
  8. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut


    I spotted another post of yours & suspected you might be pushing a product or something. I therefore did some more research and came across this post.

    I don't think your approach fits NoFap at all.

    You sign up here & immediately start pushing a product in a very teasing, "I'm not allowed to post a link here" kind of way.

    I'm not impressed by your angle & have serious doubts about your authenticity.

    Pay some dues here & stop pushing product.

  9. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    Dht has no relation to muscular growth, it has little to no receptors in muscle tissue. Muscular growth and responce is entirelly tesosterone based.

    Look it up.
    Erections are 100% tesosterone related for those that dont suffer PIED. DHT plays almost no role.

    only real DHT blocker would be finasteride/proscar ..... a lot of men including myself who suffer from MPB use this. it's great for most. Small percentage of men experience sides
    traveller22 likes this.
  10. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    The blockage of dht creates free testosterone. Which is great for building muscle. Also when you put up your next research list the side effects of dht blocking????????? That answers my question alone lol. Don't answer just list the research.

    But anyway thanks for all the people who contacted me. Glad to help. Forreal tho ... And always remember there is always more than one way to skin a cat.
  11. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    Thanks to and good luck
  12. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    @Newmission. Indeed, there may be many ways to skin a cat, but you always end up with a dead cat.

    My issue was not with you, but rather the two substance-related posts you put up.

    If only it was as easy as your post title suggests.

    No short cuts - only hard work, humility & courage.

  13. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    Also when your trying to make a point you have to be correct in what your saying. You forgot to mention that dht isssss you got it testoterone right (look it up) now also look up what happens when it is blocked. Again don't trust me about do your own research and look it up. Also those are for sure not the only dht blockers those are just the ones you know about. I suggest you focuse more on your addiction then trying to discredit me. I understand that you are frustrated, but really you did not look up anything. I only said I can post the link because it is explained in a better more detailed way and I did not want to write all of it. For all the people who did I have got no complaints. If fact there are 17 members of this forum that I sent the link to and already are starting to try it. No only that but I came back and wrote a more detail post on here. I'm cool with helping people with this because I know there are a lot of people who are tired of relapsing and have no real help. Nofap is still good but not for everybody. Look at it like this ... If you suffered from any other addiction would they just tell you to stop cold turkey??????????? No .... Addicted to drugs.... Go to rehab and get treated?right... Sorry but just going with stopping cold turkey and using will power and you will lose. Don't believe me than just check the relapse section, or but yet just remember all you relapse times. #dobetter bro

    O and ps ... This link alone will prove that you just lied out of fustration...
  14. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the lack of encouragement Newmission.

    We don't want you pushing a quick fix substance on this site & now you're saying we'll never get clean by exercising freedom of choice, supporting each other etc?

    Thanks for clearing up any doubt about what makes you tick when you post here.

    Go well.

  15. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    You are 100% right ... I hate to see people keep failing. Your like the doctors who brush is off when we bring this up. People like your are the problem. Everytime somebody wants to advance the treatment or awareness of this addiction you want to shut them down. It's funny because everytime you post you have no facts. You just said dht was no testosterone. Are you serious???? I mean do you know how dangerous what your saying is to people?? That is why I put a link up. But like I said good luck. I'm just glad my journey is over and life is better.
  16. masterballs

    masterballs Fapstronaut

    kids... please..
    when a recommendation is proposed, you can take it or you can leave it.
    We don't have to agree on everything here.

    I personally support people bringing up alternative ideas and potential solutions. Remember that we are trying to accomplish a life-saving transformation due to a desperate situation. The path is sinuous and with many branches that we don't know everything about. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going all-in no matter what it takes.

    Drugs is one approach, motivational self-help is another one. Are we going to bash on spirituality if someone brings that on the table as a solution? No. If it works for you, then thumbs up. And make sure you share your ideas in case it could work for someone else.
    Keep it cool.
  17. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Hey rarecandy.

    I'm all for people posting research. What I'm not into is people pushing particular substances in the manner that newmission has.

    If I have something that has helped me kick the habit, let me be honest & open & post a link, rather than saying, "I'm not allowed to post it here" & getting people to message you about it.

    It's a cheap marketing mind-game & doesn't fit with NoFap.

  18. Newmission

    Newmission Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro for saying that. That is all I am bringing to the table which is and alternative. Plus I never once said drugs where used to do this. But there are drugs to do this as well but I would not mess with those. It just makes me made at the relapse rate, I was so mad and happy at the same time when I finally got clean because of the time a wasted. I just wish I would have known sooner.
  19. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    Effects on muscle

    Relation between testosterone and erections.

    Sorry but you are entirely wrong. Go read some pubmed studies on DHT and it's effects on skeletal muscle tissue.

    Good for beard, going bald, and aggression but plays little to no role in muscular development, and erection quality.
  20. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Avoid the tantalization technique next time.

    Try, "This helped me. Check it out for yourself. Here's the link." Bam, no problem.

    Honesty & transparency will get you much further here.

    Travel well meantime.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    diamondboi likes this.