Want some expert opinion

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by dark-light, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. dark-light

    dark-light Fapstronaut

    Hi friends,
    I have two questions:
    1. Is it necessary to use parental control software like k9 and avoid smartphone during 90 day rebooting?
    2. How much time it takes to free brain from p addiction if I reboot in PM mode and have sex with wife?

    Thanks in advance...
    geniusmegane likes this.
  2. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    You don't need a blocker for your reboot, but it helps to have one. Interestingly, one of the advantages of having a wife is that by having sex with her, it also allows you to teach yourself what healthy sex is again. But remember, having sex will induce sexual thoughts, which in turn can make you more pron to relapse and struggle. Abstinence is super helpful as you begin, but at a certain point (which is different for everyone), it only is a problem if you make it one.

    Secondly, many people can't avoid a smartphone for 90 days. I found a browser called "spin browser" which is made by the national education system and teamed with Mozilla. It works fantastic. I would recommend removing your other browsers and shifting to that browser during your reboot, and maybe indefinitely. I love it. However, be aware that it will limit your search results, probably more over zealously than needed, additionally they added a section called "prone to porn" within the last week, essentially it blocks site which are prone to porn such as twitter, tumblr, imgur, reddit, and 4chan.

    Good luck in your efforts. I marry in a little over a month and I have been desperately fighting this for over a year (not that long with NoFap). I want a health marriage as I am sure you do to. Best of luck, I hope this is helpful.
    dark-light likes this.
  3. dark-light

    dark-light Fapstronaut

  4. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    1) If you can't stop watching at home then yes.

    I am not married or have a gf so not sure about 2.
    dark-light likes this.
  5. dark-light

    dark-light Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot...:)
    Awakening123 likes this.
  6. dark-light

    dark-light Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your considerate reply...best wishes for your marrital life...:)
  7. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I think the other thing to strongly consider is if you are still not making progress, you should look at finding professional help. I can gladly say that I will be starting with a professional counselor who is certified in sex addiction this coming week. Why might I do such a thing? Because I am so sick and tired of this, I want to do everything I can to beat it, and that is one avenue I haven't tried or given a chance yet.
  8. Master Bates 43

    Master Bates 43 Fapstronaut

    Good luck keep us posted
  9. Blockers are good, but you can also try this. On your computer, bookmark every useful site that you visit, whether it's sports etc and resign yourself to only use the bookmarks, with no searching for anything. On your smartphone, do the same, but with apps. There are apps that relate to every useful thing you would need to do on a phone, so no need for searching there either. These two things have worked for me, but it really always comes down to how badly you want to quit?

    The second one is a little tricky. While sex will obviously incite sexual thoughts, having regular sex in a marriage to keep it strong is imperative. You could cut down to once a week, unless it's already less than that and see how it goes. Does your wife know about what you are trying to do? If so, then she would understand cutting down and being intimate with her in other ways.
  10. Blockers are good, but you can also try this. On your computer, bookmark every useful site that you visit, whether it's sports etc and resign yourself to only use the bookmarks, with no searching for anything. On your smartphone, do the same, but with apps. There are apps that relate to every useful thing you would need to do on a phone, so no need for searching there either. These two things have worked for me, but it really always comes down to how badly you want to quit?

    The second one is a little tricky. While sex will obviously incite sexual thoughts, having regular sex in a marriage to keep it strong is imperative. You could cut down to once a week, unless it's already less than that and see how it goes. Does your wife know about what you are trying to do? If so, then she would understand cutting down and being intimate with her in other ways.
  11. dark-light

    dark-light Fapstronaut

    thanks...I will follow your suggestion...