Cold Showers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Child of God, May 28, 2016.

  1. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    Today I took my 4th cold shower in a row and I still thought they were awesome. Then I read probably the 4th thread in a row talking about how the NoFap community is the only community that takes them seriously and that nowhere else do people actually use them to better themselves. They said they are pointless; for weak guys with no other way of feeling acomplishment.

    I thought maybe they were right, so I did loads of research, and guess what. They were wrong :p

    Turns out, just like all the Fapstronauts obsessed with them say, cold showers are freakin awesome. There are big long lists of real health benefits that have been proven to work, from weight loss, to fertility, to your immune system. And, there are loads of anecdotally proven emotional and mental benefits.

    Just saying, all you guys who may be hesitant to try it, it may just be one of the easiest ways for you to improve yourself and even battle PMO.

    And all the guys that keep saying they are pointless, I don't get you. End of point.
  2. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    I don't care about what people say anymore. Just yesterday I reccomended a friend to stop masturbating. What did he say? "Mmm.. Ok, I'll think about it". I know from his answer that he won't even consider it and he thinks that I'm crazy. Fuck that. I know that NoFap and cold showers work. Cold showers are good mood boosters for me, so I'll keep taking them.

    I just have a question, what is the best time for you to take a CS? I can do it without a problem at night, after I take my dog for a walk or working out. But I just can't do it in the morning, I feel like a total wimp but I just can't do it, any suggestions?
    Deleted Account and Child of God like this.
  3. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    They are good for you in the morning an evening.

    In the morning, they will help you focus and be alert for the day as well. In the evening, they actually have been shown to help you go to sleep (which is awesome).

    As far as getting around to do it in the morning, it is just a matter of will. It is much harder in the morning because you are tired and somewhat weaker, but that makes it more worth it. If you just do it, then they will erase all those things that make them more difficult from your day (which you will deal with anyway), and they will make you feel even more beastly for overcoming them!

    I hope this helps. If it didn't, I found loads of other advice from a simple Google search.
    Lucky1 and ShotDunyun like this.
  4. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    Sounds good to me. I know that the only thing I need to do is jump in and that's it. The funny thing is that lately I've been feeling dissapointed that my afternoon cold showers are not as cold as I'd want. I'll tell you how it went, thank you
    Child of God likes this.
  5. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    In Highschool, our Rugby team's motto was: "THERE WILL BE NO HOT SHOWERS"
  6. Yes, I'm on my 6th day streak now. Loving it.

    Yes, there are tons of benefits but there's 1 more reason I got into it that many people don't know

    According to the book The Hour Between the Dog and the Wolf, cold shower is the only reliable activity that increases the accuracy of your gut feeling.

    Thanks for sharing guys, let's keep this on!
  7. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    Very interesting. I wonder how true that really is. Probably changes a lot from person to person.
  8. You always get a benefit no matter when of course it is key (even though the physical benefits are nice) that they are a mental exercise. I've met people who claim to know 'all about cold showers' because they lived without hot water for a while... you have to be training your mind to 'get comfortable with discomfort' to really get the PMO edge. I love taking them before going to bed makes me sleep like a baby. I'd say to watch your mood and when you're more prone to making bad decisions. And take them before that. I imagine for typical people that is after work / study time in the late afternoon evening.

    Also no reason to leave it at one a day ;)
    ShotDunyun and Child of God like this.
  9. CreatedRight

    CreatedRight Fapstronaut

    Jack, so true! I am on day 50 of cold showers. This tool, explained in Joel Runyon and Sacred Sexuality Project (both. c o m), speaks to making our mind control our bodies. As we experience the cold, teaching ourselves to breath regularly - deep and slowly - and relaxing our muscles. This mind over physical discomfort is a dicipline. Thus, when drawn to P or M, your mind is conditioned to breath deep, relax and make a correct decision. Thank you!
    Deleted Account and Child of God like this.
  10. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    I'll have that in mind! I usually take two showers a day, but the one in the morning seems impossible for me. I didn't even try today in the morning, I'll man up and try tomorrow.
    Deleted Account and Child of God like this.
  11. CreatedRight

    CreatedRight Fapstronaut

    Super-Shot, if you can go 150 days without PMO, you don't need the shower....but try anyhow with a new goal, like running 5 miles a day?
    Low and ShotDunyun like this.
  12. CreatedRight

    CreatedRight Fapstronaut

    I looked op the DOG/WOLF concept. So these dopamine investors wrecked my 401K? Is that a point?
  13. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    @CreatedRight, there are lots of other reasons for taking cold showers than fighting PMO, or even just increasing willpower. Even without a specific goal to work toward they can have a great impact for you, especially considering they come at no cost!
    Deleted Account and Iwannabeme like this.
  14. Iwannabeme

    Iwannabeme Fapstronaut

    Loving the cold showers! Had my first one today. Refreshing, exilerating, and tons of health benifits. You are right my friend!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. You know what you can do is take it warm as usual and just as you are ready to get out turn it down to cold and wrestle with your brain a little.. that's better than a couple of cups of coffee right there ;)
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  16. CreatedRight

    CreatedRight Fapstronaut

    Child of God and Iwannabeme like this.
  17. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    1. My grandmother used to do a shot of cold at the end of her showers. She lived to 94. Coincidence? (She also ate right, didn't smoke or drink and drank warm water every morning, among other good habits. :) )
    2. I'm the wife of a PMO addict and after being on this website and reading about cold showers (and remembering grandma dear) I decided to try it. Not the full cold shower, just the shot of cold at the end. What's that called? Anyway, I LOVE it!!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    I believe the shot of cold at the end/cold progression is called a Scottish Shower. Or James Bond Shower. I like them all cold though :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    @fupornwife @Child of God - yes scottish showers. I've been having them for 61 days now. Amazing! One every morning, and id I get the chance one in the evening too. It's a good place for noobies to start I think.
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  20. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    I just had one all the way through as cold as it will go. I was shaking like a baby. It was awesome.
    Headspace and im_alive like this.