Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by AplhaGoku, May 26, 2016.

  1. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    i am 22 year old guy,i started mastubration at the age of 4 or 5 yes i found it out somehow but i was good in studies then in school,in front of the world i was a good kid as i covered my real self,i never had friends among girls because i can never become friends with a beautiful girl i think of having sex with her right from when i was in 5th grade when i found out what is sex,after my 8th grade my studies went drastically down ,i was either 1st 2nd or 3rd in my class i went on to become a no one after wards ,i completed my engineering but now no job,i have completed my ccna studies but have not done my certification i wanna get into networking field but no one takes frehsers this is making me very depressed,my father dont respect me as i am not earning he say see how all others are getting jobs,all this and the fact that i am still virgin and the fact that i dont even know any girl my whatsaap contacts dont have a girls number,when i watched porn there was the porn of "a person having sex with his own mother"i said to myself whaaattttttttt this is sin i know it on my heart that it is sin,but i liked watching it ,in a chat site i found a person who does sexual chat on his own mom,i liked how he said how sexy his own mom was i shag listening him say that,i asked him"what if i fuck ur mom" and he said"that would be great he wont object",well after sometime it made me question what kind of person am i ,i am chatting with people who dont have love for his own mother,all this sexual feelings in me and the fact that i am not able to stop shagging and i am not having a job makes me think i am lonely and i am not capable of becoming a man that a girl can depend on,i feel depressed and sad how i turned out to be a topper in my school to a no one,fucccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk do i have a life ahead i am not confident,i am clueless
  2. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

  3. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    how to be more self motivated
  4. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    That's a rough story, but its not hopeless. Hear me out, you gotta start taking steps towards your solution. Don't focus on how you'll get there, just take a step forward. I have crawled out of dark holes that would crush your soul to hear about, but I did one little step at a time.

    Things aren't working in your field? Go pursue another field. Get a job at starbucks. Start writing a book. Do anything you can to move yourself out of the negative space you are in now into something, anything, more postive. From there, take another step.

    Not having luck with girls? Don't give up. Practice socializing. Keep up to date with things that interest most people. Practice conversations. Pick up a few random hobbies that you like. Go and meet people who also like that hobby. Don't make it about girls, think of it like training yourself in social skills. Go to toastmasters or other public speaking groups. Go to book clubs. Take steps forward.

    Don't like your physical shape? Learn to eat better, exercise.. even if it is just a little bit at first. Just keep at it.

    It'll take time, maybe even years, but you can learn the skills and build the character in yourself to come out of this. Just don't give up. Keep moving forward. One step at a time.
  5. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    i cant take that one step
  6. Terminate

    Terminate Fapstronaut

    Do you mean they don't even take freshers if you offer to work a year for free?
    As a trainee maybe?

    I started to work for free at the beginning.
    After the first month they came to me and wanted to pay me.

    They just don't take people they do not know...
    When they know you for a while they move a step towards you.

    That is usually the way you get started...

    Another thing that might work:
    Make a trip. Take your bagpack and visit a country that you always wanted to visit.
    One of my friends went to Europe like this.
    He wanted to find a job in network technology.
    He travelled through five countries with a bagpack and ended up for the interviews at Google Zürich.

    After two weeks of interviews (they are hard and long) they said that he is not the right person.
    So he went on to Poland and at Google Krakow he applied again.
    He said that Google Zürich had already made all the interviews with him.
    So Google Krakow asked at Zürich and they confirmed and it was enough for the Polish market.

    Today, after five years at Google he works at California in the Google central, where he earns a lot of money.
  7. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    i have never worked and so i have no money for packing my bags my dad wont give me more money,and these jobs the third party people take interview so they are not even the company people so if i say that i will work for free hey dont give a shit
  8. Dan_Mann

    Dan_Mann Fapstronaut

    The strongest piece of advice I can give is to stop being so negative! I have been told this a thousand times by a hundred different people, and I understand it's frustrating to hear when you are at a low and feeling depressed. People who are depressed can't just stop being negative - it doesn't work that way, I get it. However, you were offered some great advice/support. At a minimum, try to hear what they're saying instead of finding ways to dismiss it. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start going through the difficulties of life! Like @exchronos said, you have to start by taking one step forward. Things are not going to get better if you don't believe you have the power to change them.

    If you start taking the right steps now, you will one day look back at yourself and see how much you've grown. Best of luck getting to 21 days. Hang in there.
  9. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    hey man i love chatting with someone who chats sexy on actresses i am not majorly into porn i am into many things which gives me pleasure and i just cant leave that pleasure even 1 day is 1 year to me without this
  10. Kazzy

    Kazzy Fapstronaut


    Watch this till the end please. :)
    AplhaGoku likes this.
  11. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    that was good
  12. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    @mindengineer : you can find a job which is nonrelated to your major. anyjob just to make money. it's not necessary engineer jobs. i'm sure u can find one, even with low pay, just enough money to eat.
  13. Pamela Qualls

    Pamela Qualls New Fapstronaut

  14. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    there is a walkin drive on 4th of june lets see what happens
    vulture175 likes this.
  15. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    awesome, best of luck man
  16. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    thank u bro ,am peparing aptitude from today i have 3 days to prepare
  17. GentryBentonElevate

    GentryBentonElevate New Fapstronaut

    Pick a hobby. ask yourself what interests you most and start from there. What it will do is that it will divert you from all the negative things you're doing.

    Discipline in one's self can be very hard. Start with small goals like waking up on time or jogging for an hour. If you're achieving those small goals it will slowly develop your self respect. Then go for more bigger goals gradually.

    Everyone has the capacity to do it. you can do it. Start small. :)
  18. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    hey what happens is that sometimes i get going for sometime but then i miss this pleasure and then rethink lets do it once again a little but then i get stuck up again so then it all comes to where it all started