Releasing Sexual Energy -Help needed

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Andrew Johnson, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson Fapstronaut

    Hello Nofap community.I'm sorry to be rushing the thread but I'm facing a huge problem regarind my rebooting process.

    I've got absulutely no problem getting over the first 5-6 days of no PMO (also no edging,no touching ,..) BUT after the 8-10th day of NoFap I usually relapse.
    Why ?

    I honestly can't bear the pressure that's being built over those days.After the 9th day , all I really do is sitting around and have my mind filled with nothingness and all I can really think of is , well , releasing the sexual energy that's bothering me.

    Have you had a similar experience ? How can I eventually "release" the sexual energy that's pumping inside me and won't let go ?

    P.S forgot to mention that I'm also working out regularly and eating very much which Builds up my sexual energy allmost twice as fast.

    Thank you all in Advance ,
  2. WHM

    WHM Fapstronaut

    I can identify with this a lot. I'm on day 5 and so far has been easy enough, but I know full well about the sexual energy that you're talking about. I haven't found a good, healthy, non-PMO way to release it yet. I also have a healthy diet (too high in protein atm but it's all real food) and work out regularly. Anyone who has found a way, it would be awesome if you could chime in.

    I can identify even more with the nothingness that fills the head. It is like the vacuum of space; all that existed before was addiction, now with the addiction gone there is a void. I've been trying to engage in activities I know I like doing, but get frustrated or bored by them extremely quickly. I know the lack of motivation is caused by the addiction cycle, but even being mindful of this I can't seem to break free of it (yet, at least). In fact, over the last few days my Internet addiction has probably swooped in to fill the void. Is it possible to become addicted to NoFap?

    To highlight this, I just laughed harder at a grammar joke (alot is not a word, but it a proper noun - it's a village in India) than I have in a long time. God I'm lame.
  3. Ben Jamin'

    Ben Jamin' Fapstronaut

    Maybe try restricting your internet usage a lot during those few days. Then maybe the sexual energy will die down.
  4. WHM

    WHM Fapstronaut

    Not trying to directly contradict you, but I don't think that the excessive Internet usage and the sexual energy have the kind of relationship you are suggesting. IMO, the Internet usage fills the void of time and stimulation that PMO was providing, like swapping one addiction for another. The sexual energy is the build up of physical and mental energy inside the body from not PMOing. I believe the OP was looking for a way to diminish, lessen, or expend the extra energy without using PMO
  5. Ben Jamin'

    Ben Jamin' Fapstronaut

    I was trying to say the following:
    The sexual tension that you feel will probably pass after a few days. The problem is getting through those days without PMOing.
    That is where restrictions come in: If you limit internet access it will make it harder to watch P and eventually MO.
    I hope you succeed in conquering PMO!
  6. WHM

    WHM Fapstronaut

    Hmm, let me try saying this another way: I don't think the issue here is staying away from PMO, it's finding a healthy way to release the extra energy one feels from not PMOing.
    b2611 likes this.
  7. Ben Jamin'

    Ben Jamin' Fapstronaut

    Okay, sorry if I misunderstood.
  8. WHM

    WHM Fapstronaut

    No problem, no need to apologize. We both read the same post and interpreted it differently. Only the OP can really shed more light on this
  9. Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson Fapstronaut

    Exactly brother,you correctly identified the problem (which is also the topic name lol) that is :Correctly releasing the sexual energy without any kind of PMO-ing.
    While spending time doing other activities sounds good , the "void" is still there and yet I have not found a good way to release it.
    I may last up a day ,maybe two but then I get sick of it and also having a small will to fap I usually fap my way out.

    So again , if anybody knows any sort of way to release the energy ,feel free to share it :)
  10. Dan_Mann

    Dan_Mann Fapstronaut

    Alright guys, I have a suggestion for what to do with the energy - harness it! Use it to your strength! You mention working out? Take all that frustration and built up energy, not to mention the anger you're probably feeling toward porn and addiction, and use it to lift as hard as you can. Use it to run as fast as you can, as far as you can, as long as you can. Get angry. It might sound cliche but I mean it.

    Another idea, a bit less intense, is to find small joys that don't involve effort. Activities are the best, but I understand it can be defeating those early days. So, what worked for me when I was feeling that void was to have a strong cup of black coffee. It gave me/gives me happy and content thoughts, and can really help pull me through a day. Caffeine should be used carefully, and I get that - caffeine is not my problem. Maybe you have something like that to help see you through.

    At the end of the day, take it from a guy who is 47 days in and has been stuck in flatline for over a month: feeling horny is not a bad thing! God, how I wish I could get an erection.

    Find what works for you and stick to it!
    Islanders190 likes this.
  11. Tj720

    Tj720 Fapstronaut

    TBH i don't think there is a way to release sexual-specific energy without O. Furthermore, I don't think your real problem is "sexual energy". Hormones happen, sure, but they wash over you like waves. If you try to fight it you will be miserable. Just accept that you are feeling the hormones and let them pass, using the safeguards like mentioned above. To me this sounds like an alcoholic looking for other ways to release his "alcohol urges" with ways outside a bottle. The "sexual energy" you describe sounds like me when I was trying to justify my M addiction as just being a horny teenager, and that eventually it would pass. Pent up sexual energy cannot kill you, or even hurt you. And the longer you go without indulging, the more that energy will dissipate naturally.
    astrocity16 and Dan_Mann like this.
  12. Heinz 2

    Heinz 2 Fapstronaut

    When you feel the urge to masturbate, do some sports to get exhausted, like push ups or running.
    Islanders190 likes this.
  13. Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson Fapstronaut

    Just to be clear , I'm not by any means trying to justify my PMO-ing at all.I do confess that It's somewhat of a self destroying habbit that I really really wish to quit,moreover It's the addiction I'm fighting for a pretty long time. I'm abstaining for like 8-12 days , then fap ,just because I get so lost in the so called "flatline".

    In addition , I can't be working out all the time or doing push-ups 20 times a day because I also got homework to take care of ,but can't manage to do because of the nothingness I feel inside my head.

    It's a harsh fight ,I know ,I'll get used to it. But taking care of the sexual energy in any way other than physical exercise would be extremly helpful for me.

    BTW Thanks for everyone replying
  14. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Why not get into a relationship and have normal sex with a partner? My goal is not to give up sex or become sexually frustrated. My goal is to give up PMO, looking at porn, and cutting way back on masturbation. Everyone's goals are different, but I wouldn't be here if it meant I would have to be celibate. - Good luck.
    Heinz 2 likes this.
  15. Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson Fapstronaut

    Getting into a relationship is a thing that in my case can't be rushed just for the sake of releasing urges.You correctly identified the problem and gave the conventional method we're all used to but unfortunately it doesn't match my ethical and spiritual beliefs.Thanks for replying tho
    Heinz 2 likes this.
  16. Heinz 2

    Heinz 2 Fapstronaut

    Did you try sports?
  17. Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson Fapstronaut

    I've mentioned like 3 time I work out reguarly ,at lease 3 times /week.
    Heinz 2 likes this.
  18. WHM

    WHM Fapstronaut

    Yeah but bro do you play any sports??

    JK :p

    I'm finding a good release of energy for me is engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations. But this has always been something I like doing and may not work for you. Just a friendly suggestion : )
    CTRL + DEL and Andrew Johnson like this.
  19. Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson Fapstronaut

    You know what , I might try this out.I've tried a few times to forget about it by socializing but it won't work out quite as well.
    Something that stimulates you might be just right.
  20. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    try to find a hobby whre you can do something interesting to you and then meet people along the way. Of course, don't pick something that is so prominently a male choice.
    Islanders190 and Heinz 2 like this.