Leaving the NoFap forum

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NotSoAverageJoe, May 13, 2014.

  1. Peace out bitches!!! I come on here hoping for inspiration but all I see is bullshit cry babies.

    Get fucking lives! Get busy living or roll over and die.
  2. Xwin

    Xwin Fapstronaut

    Some people need a shoulder to cry on, others prefer a kick in the butt..

    Do what's best for you. I think that I just don't get the tone of your post. Who exactly are you angry at?
  3. Like with any community, you are bound to get an array of viewpoints from our diverse pool of users. I'm sorry that you don't find NoFap helpful and wish you all the best in the future.

    If you have any tangible suggestions on how to improve NoFap, I'm all ears.
  4. gunlaegun

    gunlaegun Fapstronaut

    I personnally feel like the NoFap community is great. Actually that's the best community i've seen on the internet.
  5. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    I will admit people are a little loose they say anything. And I'm sure some tough love would be good and people do that I've seen. I mean dude this post is completely unnecessary. And i'm sure your a bitch in some way that they aren't.

    And I guarantee that one day someone will see you down. So are you saying we should just leave you there down but not dead. Seems like someone broke you dude. Good luck I guess
  6. AnythingIsPossible

    AnythingIsPossible Fapstronaut

    Saw in your other post that you relapsed quite recently. We all look for answers after a relapse, it seems like you think the answer is to leave the forum, if it works for you then it works for you, if it doesn't, well, we'll still be here if you choose to come back :)
  7. This is an understatement. On this forum people actually use things like capital letters, punctuation, and common sense. We are the minority.
  8. JoelJJ777

    JoelJJ777 Fapstronaut

    I must add that this forum is very forgiving, because if this was some other forum, this guy would be bullied by what he just said.

    I am amazed for all the respect they've had and it increases my respect for all of you fapstrounauts.

    I can see that people here are not only growing in strength to overcome PMO addiction but are also growing in patience, self-esteem, respect and love toward each other.

    -It may be hard, but not impossible. Accept the challenge and enjoy the pain.-
  9. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Remember Joe... the doors of NoFap are always open. If you need to come back, don't be afraid.

    I am sure a lot of people supported you, wanted you to be clean, and helped you out from time to time. We as your support system can only do so much to help you. In the end, we can't save someone who obviously doesn't want to be saved.

    Good luck :)And remember... Don't hesitate to come back.

    ~Squeaky Soul
  10. Malik Jaffar

    Malik Jaffar Fapstronaut

    Despite being rude I like how you all reply without saying a single rude comment. And to you NotSoAvgJoe, we are always here for you, bitches or not.
  11. Fallior

    Fallior Fapstronaut

    Wait wait, are you saying that people, especially guys don't deserve to EVER show emotion? I think a guy who shows emotion every single day is a lot better than a person who never shows emotion. Emotionless people are VERY toxic people. If you can't ever show emotion, you might as well be a robot who can't think for themselves either.
    No matter how you feel, if you choose to come back, I'm sure you'd be welcomed back, just please be more open minded next time. We are all humans, not robots.