Meeting girls or being celibate for a while?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. So i am on my 5th day of not PMO'ing and i am planning to continue moving forward. I am looking for some advice, i feel like not meeting girls and having sex with them at the moment. Even if that is what i want and crave it doesn't feel like it can bring anything good at the moment. This state feels so fragile.

    It's like if i met a girl for instance and we would end up having sex, i would be addicted to having sex with her. What would happen if it only was a one time thing? Then i would be fucked because my dick would rise like the 300 spartans and be ready for war. I am just wondering if you have any ideas that might help, i don't know maybe it's healthy to meet girls and have sex even if it hasn't gone that long.
    Islanders190 and Sailor93 like this.
  2. badeae1

    badeae1 Fapstronaut

    The way I see it, there are several reasons that you go hard mode:
    1. Your focusing on building yourself again. Porn has destroyed the mind and filled much of ones mind. Time for new habits.
    2. Finding a girl is great when starting to quit porn but from my own experience you might end using the girl in place of porn. Whenever your aroused at any image or triggering video you might go to th girl but then what's the point of the reboot? Isn't it to become free from enslavement to sexual thoughts?
    3. Once you start to have longer streaks, you'll notice that porn is simply a symptom to an even greater problem. For me it was the ability to respond to emotions such as rejection and worthlessness. So it definitely takes some introspection to gain access to your deeper core.

    I wish you great success. One day at a time

    Stay clean
  3. free0fight

    free0fight Fapstronaut

    I'm afraid of the same thing...if I get a girl, I'll just want to have sex...then what's the difference between that and porn? I totally feel you man, it's difficult and I've been struggling with the same issue too. Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer to the issue. Appreciate the response, badeae1. Best of luck to you man.
    badeae1 likes this.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    That is very wise advice. It couldn't be stated any better.
  5. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    Now might be a good time to simply take a break from trying to get laid. By all means, continue to talk to girls, but do it without trying to have sex with them. Instead, use this time to brush up on your social skills, get to know them on a deeper level. You might even find someone you want to have a long term relationship with. Just let go of the attachment to sex for a while.
    Sailor93 and D . J . like this.
  6. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    This is why we "reboot" , fresh start on the mission to a new you .

    I don't look at it as "change" anymore ... I look at it as "growth" .
    D . J . likes this.
  7. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    GO for it man, no need to abstain from meeting women, conquer world with that energy!!!!