Stop raping my ears

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. To all store managers - supermarkets, department stores, fashion stores, homeward stores, everyone:
    STOP raping my ears with god awful christmas music. 'All I want for christmas is you' is not enjoyed by a sane customer. And think of your employees. You think your playlists of shitty songs by never heard of artists help their productivity?

    Don't you understand that Bing Crosby is the King? And O Holy night is a really great carol?

    And btw I will find and kill those chunk heads who thought it was a good joke to sing the hallelujah chorus reggae style with a fake big band. Poor Handel deserves compensation.
  2. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I am on of the victims who has to work while listening to those songs. It doesn't make me happy :(
  3. Me freaking too :mad:
    Today I worked five hours and I heard not one traditional carol and not one artist I have ever heard before.
    LEPAGE, Star Lord and Deadlihood like this.
  4. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    We'll just have to endure it, I guess. Christmas time is almost over :p

    Not that I hate Christmas though. I freaking love it :)
    Star Lord likes this.
  5. yes I know, thats the thing, I love christmas too. Because Jesus is amazing!
    Bad songs in shops is actually the worst thing about it.
    Star Lord likes this.
  6. Quiver

    Quiver Distinguished Fapstronaut

    True that!
  7. [​IMG]
    he is really cool
    Quiver likes this.
  8. Not sure why your post made me think of this:
  9. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Personally I love Christmas music because I am a lover of music of the 1950s and jazz.

    Also I enjoy hearing different renditions of the same melodies but you have to be a jazz aficionado or musician to appreciate the variations of version of the same melodies.

    If you dislike music from that perspective and are annoyed with the silly side of music, you will probably dislike Christmas music.

    However, there is some obscure Christmas classical music that never gets air time and maybe that may be preferred.
    Quiver likes this.
  10. Traditionalist

    Traditionalist Fapstronaut

    Usually stores play horrible modern renditions of the classics and they keep the religious stuff to a minimum. Didn't you know that ChristMas(s) is a holiday only about shopping, eating, parties, and some "jolly, old, fat guy with a snowy, white beard, cute little red and white suit?"
  11. It's not Christmas... it's called Xmas. I like Xmas because of a lot of discounts for stuff. Also because of holidays off from work/school.
    Good. They have no place in a store. It's a place for shopping. If I would like to hear religious songs I would go to church instead.
    Jesus? That name reminds me of something. What does he has to do with Xmas? Is he one of the Santa's elves?
  12. The Pandora Classic Christmas station is wonderful, it has all of those songs you love and none that you don't.
  13. Traditionalist

    Traditionalist Fapstronaut

    X is from the Greek letter Chi which is the first letter in Christ. Mas = Mass meaning a sacrifice of which is meant the sacrifice which occurs in the Catholic/Orthodox Mass.

    Oh and by the way, Holiday is derived from Holy Day. So even when you say Happy Holidays, you're saying Happy Holy Days. Oops.
    Son of a Bitch likes this.
  14. "The Little Drummer Boy" album by Harry Simeone Chorale is the best Christmas album. Everything else can suck a yule log.
    Star Lord likes this.
  15. @Shugi Shugi your chestnuts just got roasted!!
  16. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I feel sure that is Jesus were to walk the earth again, he would react to Christmas like he did to the money changers fleecing people in the temple. Businesses make a killing and thousands of millions of muppets line their pockets year after year. Calling the festival of the pagan celebration of the rebirth of the sun (Saturnalia) Christmas, was a stroke of genius. It was how Constantine the great got the Pagans and the Christians having a time of excess and celebration on the same day! But if you take a jar of strawberry jam and put on a label saying marmalade, it doesn't change what it is. :rolleyes: People have fallen for the hoax of Christmas since it was invented 1700 years ago. :oops: Oh and yes, Christmas music sucks I agree! :(
    Tiny antelope likes this.
  17. I love Christmas music as well, just the better stuff. Carols are of course good, but I like a select number of meaningless songs such as 'baby it's cold outside' but songs about Santa can go jump in the lake. I like a lot of styles too. But the styles they play in shops are like, so bad, I consider throwing turnips at the speakers (yes I am a fruitarian).
  18. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Haha I feel for ya.
    Thankfully I'm only exposed to it for 30 min a day, the rest I'm in my van with the radio or my playlist on lol.
  19. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I would be much happier about it if they used BOSE®™Systems with like surround sound 400W speakers in every corner but nope they use shitty quality speakers playing music played through some other speaker on the tannoy. Like some speaker inception lol.
  20. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    They seem to over sing and over do songs nowadays. I heard some Beyonce rendition of a classic and it was horrible. Maybe they try to hard to stand out?