Counters Are BAD

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by seth, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    This might be my sixth or seventh time starting a streak. I've hit 150 days before, most my streaks are at least 2 months. My participation in NoFap varies with each streak, right now I've only been logging in once or twice a month.

    And when I posted a few minutes ago in my journal, it occurred to me that I have no idea what day I'm on. I've stopped using a counter several months ago, but generally I was still able to keep track of what month I am on. But as of now, I have no idea if I'm one month in, or four months in.

    Granted this might stem from breaking many streaks that were a few months long. But, I think it really speaks to a change in mindset. I genuinely see this as a lifelong change. Not in a "I'm so motivated, I'm going to do this for the rest of my life." But I see it as, "It doesn't matter how many times I fall, I'm fucking not watching porn in my life." I don't think it. I know it. So I really don't care how long I'm into my current streak.

    I've always felt this - using counters is like holding your breath. We're all in a holding our breaths contest, seeing who can make it the most days. But that's stupid. We should be killing this addiction. And counters provide the illusion that this is temporary.

    Just my $0.02
  2. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Counters are not Bad, they are just a tool. If you dont want to use one dont.

    I think the truth is that when people fail, they feel bad about themselves and dont want to look at the truth. So they blame the counter. But its not the counter's fault someone feels bad after a slip, its the slip and porn that makes people feel bad. Then when you have to reset the counter it pushes it in your face even more and really registers the fact that you failed again... but facing reality and the ugly truth is hard and does not feel good. Walking through bad feelings and not using porn or blocking out negative feelings is part of recovery. The counter did not make anyone use porn. It just really brings home the truth and rubs it in your face a bit. But the honest truth that porn own's you, is in charge of your life, beat you again, is the real truth and what is bad. Not the counter.
  3. I had the same grievances. I just have a date now and plan on reporting relapses only. I feel less anxious without a counter.
    That being said, if counters work for people, that's fine too
  4. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    I do think there's some truth in the fact that a lot of people look at their counter, live by their counter, and rely on their counter to dictate how "rehabilitated" they think they should be. Sometimes when they reach a certain milestone on their counter (30 days, 90, etc.), they expect the journey to be easier and are caught off guard when they still have urges. I've often seen people relapse during these times.

    The more important strategy is to change your lifestyle. Like you said, if you say "I'm done with porn" rather than "I can't believe I've made it "XX" days without porn!", I think you're already in a much better mindset.
  5. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Good post.
  6. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    I just checked my day count.. im on day 69, no pun intended.. but that gives me just 21 days to reach my 90day goal...

    I marked my calender with an alarm to go off at 90days.. so i feel really good now, as im no longer counting days, im counting down days!. Seems like im sliding into home plate and much more managable now.
  7. AstronautMikeDexter

    AstronautMikeDexter Fapstronaut

    Overall I agree.
    For me, early on, the counter did help.
    I haven't full blown PMO'd since sometime in December 2015.
    Since then I mark on a calendar the days I MO. I'm trying to eliminate that all together so I'm back.
    But I think marking progress/failures (as opposed to a strict streak) makes it easier to get back on streaks. If the focus is an unbroken streak and a relapse happens it's tougher to back on track. They relapse, reset, then look at a counter that says 1 or 2 days and relapse again. Then push off the reset another day so they can splurge "one last time" and push recovery to a tomorrow that may never come.
    It's easier and more motivating (for me at least) to look at a calendar and say wow I've only MO'd once in the past 30 days. If you're only using a calendar that exact same person could say I'm only on day 4 and be discouraged into relapse.
    seth and Monster Carrot like this.
  8. If that helps you, that is great.
    But from my experience, yes counters are seen as something you can 100% rely on when you track your progress. That is not true, counter is here for some sort of information for you to track your progress, and get the overall picture of how you do with your PMO issue, but counter itself is not meant to be a progress. PMO is a very difficult habit to break, lets say if you relapsed this month total for about 4 times, but in previous month you relapsed 6 times, that's a progress. Counter in most of cases, cannot inform you about that.
  9. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    We are building a new way of living for ourselves, not trying to break a record for number of consecutive days clean.
    seth likes this.
  10. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    Well said! I haven't made a calendar per say, but I have a mental one. The last three or four times I broke a streak, my goal was to reduce the amount of time until starting a new streak. It went from 1 month of relapsing, to 2 weeks, to 4 days to 3 days. That last time I broke the streak, I KNEW I had to get back on track in just a few days. Seeing the big picture definitely helps.
  11. Just start a countdown. Boom. Problem solved.
