My husband of 13 years is an addict and I just want to run!!!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by MandyC, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. MandyC

    MandyC Fapstronaut

    I initially started navigating this site to educate myself about porn addiction. I found out about 2 weeks ago that my husband has been heavily engrossed in porn addiction for a majority of our marriage. He has even evolved to contacting people on Craigslist (he calls it fishing), looking at escort services and other searches of such nature. At first he tried to deny it but slowly he has started to talk about it. I don't know that I believe that he hasn't acted on the online correspondence, my gut is telling me otherwise.

    We have been married for almost 13 years (together for 16) and have children together, I feel like I should try to work this out but I don't know if I can. The things I have seen were totally shocking and the ways he hid all of this from me leave me feeling deceived, numb and alone. I know that I had nothing to do with his actions concerning these things but I also do not know if I'm willing to stick around during his recovery due to the simple fact that I feel like our whole relationship has been filled with lies.

    I'm glad that I found this site and knowing that I'm not alone is comforting in an odd way. Truthfully I am still in a state of shock finding all of this out about him and in turn finding forums that deal with this. He definitely hid it well. I look forward to any insight I gain from this site and will decipher along with everything else if I want to try to make my marriage work.
  2. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the site MandyC.

    You are definitely not alone. There is a support group for significant others of porn addicts. You may want to consider joining. It's very active in providing understanding and support to those who are dealing with this kind of pain.

    I know you have suffered a significant shock. Now everything seems like it's broken. If we can provide any answers to questions you might have, please feel free to ask. While we won't seek to create excuses for your husband, we can provide insights as to what may be going on in his mind and the struggles he faces.

    As you seek to process this, ask anything. We have been through it all, and you will find that nothing will be held back from you or treated with judgment when you discuss (even what you would consider to intimate to discuss prior to this happening)

    Obviously we can't fix it, nor can we tell you what is appropriate to do. Just know that you are no longer alone.

    I would advise that since this sounds like a very recent discovery (perhaps today), you will need to secure an immediate safe place where you can process this. If it all possible, perhaps seek to be with family, or friends, so you aren't alone, but ones that will leave you to cope, and not try to 'fix it' by telling you what to do. Give yourself a chance to keep breathing, and let the shock pass. Your discovery destroyed your entire perception of your whole life and your goals. You need to let that pass for a moment, and see that life is still going on, and that tomorrow won't be substantially different than yesterday, so that you can start to make ideas of action to take to address the actual issue. (Prioritize yourself, but do try at least for the moment, to not let this spill over onto the kids)

    (PS: you will find many others here that have had lives uprooted by partners with porn addictions or sexual misconduct. While I myself have been a long term porn user going through a reboot, I am also in process of divorce (and discovered my ex-wife of 17 years was cheating on me my entire marriage))
  3. MandyC

    MandyC Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reply. I am really struggling with this. I joined the SO support group, I'm sure that posting will help me because I am too ashamed to discuss this with anyone else at the moment. I did tell a couple of close friends but have since retracted some of the details. I feel like an idiot for doing that like I'm protecting him when he doesn't deserve it.

    I'm sorry to hear about your current situation, divorce is the last thing I ever wanted to consider (I feel like I've been hit by a truck from all of the shock). I know this must be a difficult time for you but be proud that you are moving forward and making yourself better. Infidelity, especially during your entire marriage can definitely make you question so much. I'm considering divorce because regardless of what he says he has been stepping out of our marriage and it is extremely hurtful.

    Thanks again for your insight.
    TooMuchTooSoon likes this.
  4. Carbon Icon

    Carbon Icon Fapstronaut

    Hi ManyC, sorry to hear about this. It may not seem like it now, but things will get better. You don't have to make any rush decisions and can take all the time you need to figure things out. Your husband has a long, hard road ahead of him if he decides to accept his addiction and try to deal with. He has an even harder road if he doesn't. He may or may not have the opportunity to get clean to save his marriage, but he should get clean of this addiction at the very least so that he can have a healthy relationship with his children. The addiction effects every relationship he has and he cannot be the best father he can be when he is in the grip of the addiction. Has he admitted to the full reality of his problem? Have you shown him this site or the "your brain on porn" movie?
  5. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    I echo what @PostiveChange1974 and @Carbon Icon have shared above.
    @MandyC, you must understand that you can only encourage your and stand by him through this, if you choose. You cannot fix or heal him. He must admit the problem and he must want to be healed.

    Many men have joined NoFap through ultimatums from wives and girlfriends but only you know if that strategy will bear good fruit. This has to be his journey.

    We will answer questions and offer whatever support we can.
  6. Judging from you said I don't even think you want to "fix" your marriage. It's fine that you don't want to take responsibility for your husband's actions, but it's just downright selfish that you want to end you're relationship before even trying to come up with a solution. Wouldn't you want some kind of support if you were in his shoes? The first step that you should take is that you talk to your husband and tell him how you feel about his habit and not judge him for it. After that you should refer to something that shows him the effects of long term porn use. Eventually, introduce sex in the bedroom when you see that he's making progress. Finally, send me a check for my solid advice when everything works out. ;)
  7. fuzzywaz

    fuzzywaz Fapstronaut

    Dude seriously- you're a teenager. Run along and play, the adults are talking. You are in no position to give this grown woman advice about how she should proceed in her relationship.
    MandyC- I fully understand your feelings of betrayal and confusion right now. It really does feel like someone has pulled the rug out from under you and it leaves you disoriented. With such a big, ongoing lie comes out in a long term relationship, it makes you question everything. I find I will go back to signifacant times in the relationship and wonder what level the porn use was at at those certain times.
    I would echo what other have already stated. If he is willing to address and acknowledge the issue as a serious addiction, then there is hope. If not, there is not much you can do and you need to draw the lines and boundaries for yourself. The SO support forum is wonderful for getting info and support from people who have been there. @ILoathePwife can add you
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  8. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Thanks @fuzzywaz, she just joined yesterday. @MandyC I'm so sorry you're in this position but I'm glad you've found nofap. The good news is twofold. 1. There are a lot of supportive, helpful people here. I have received some great support from both SOs and PMO addicts alike here at nofap. 2. When ignorant people comment there is a report function, which has been put to good use this morning.
  9. MandyC

    MandyC Fapstronaut

    Hi Carbon C,
    Thank you. I completely agree with you that he needs to seek help with this issue for the sake of his own health and our children. I have mentioned that to him and found this site and recommended it to him. I also checked out your brain on porn and directed him to that website as well. I'm not sure if he has admitted to the full reality of his problem and I'm almost positive there are more underlying issues that he has not dealt with, he has a hard time talking about it and seems to shut down when we start to really talk. I know that I am not the person he needs to look to for help, all I can do is be supportive in his recovery as much as I can without losing my own sanity. We are going to see a marriage counselor but I know we will both need our own therapy. Above all else I want him to get healthy for our children. I am being as supportive as I can be under the circumstances but the anger and hurt are keeping me from wanting to pursue this any further with him. I feel deceived and like our whole relationship has been a lie.
    TooMuchTooSoon and ILoathePwife like this.
  10. MandyC

    MandyC Fapstronaut

    Thanks for that ^ and for the advice. I have joined the SO support group, I hope it will help me with all of the emotions I'm feeling right now. I have been doing exactly what you speak of about looking back at significant times, I've utilized a few internet tools to actually see what he was searching for and looking at, it's pretty heart wrenching matching up the going-ons in our lives at those times. He is realizing he has a problem and we are marriage counseling. We are also going to seek out our own therapy. I appreciate the back up there, this is my own situation to deal on my own, no one else knows the extent of circumstances surrounding what has eventually led to this. All I can do right now is educate myself, get the help I need and above all else be the best parent I can be.
  11. MandyC

    MandyC Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the info, I appreciate it! I am slowly coming to terms with this and hope to make good use of the SO support group.
    TooMuchTooSoon and ILoathePwife like this.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You really are a piece of work @fuzzywaz? Why do you have to be so condescending to @Jewels offering some words of advice? Even if the advice is poor, the OP can read it and move on. But JFC, to say to someone almost twenty years old: "Dude seriously - you're a teenager. Run along and play, the adults are talking", that is so fucking patronising! :mad:

    But as you are comfortable with criticising others' contributions, let me tell you that your own contribution sucks big time!
    How can you "fully understand" the feelings of betrayal and confusion experienced by another person. From your own lived experience, you can relate to them, identify with them or say her situation reminds you of what you went through. But you feel entitled to criticise others severely and come out with vacant platitudes: "I fully understand your feelings". Oh really? :rolleyes:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey, everyone, this is a thread where @MandyC is introducing herself. This is not the place to get into a debate about who should or shouldn't give advice, or how advice should be given. If I were in her shoes I'd be angry that my thread had been hijacked.

    Whatever else has gone wrong here the moderation team will be reviewing in due time and diligence. Until we've sorted things out here, continuing the disagreements you have in this thread is simply off-topic and such posts may be subject to removal and warnings.

    Please, give @MandyC the courtesy of a good welcome to NoFap
  14. StandingTall

    StandingTall Fapstronaut

    I don't like posting on SO's journals, as it feels intrusive, but I will only say this: your husband (nor your relationship) is not defined by this addiction. The man you fell in love with and married and had children with is still there. Hopefully, he'll have the strength to show you this.

    I wish you much luck on your journey.

  15. Carbon Icon

    Carbon Icon Fapstronaut

    This is almost certainly the case. Most addictions are an attempt to cover up painful or unwanted feelings and emotions. Lack of authentic connection growing up is often involved.
    For this reason he deserves compassion, but it doesn't mean that it's your responsibility to heal him, he has to do that work himself, but could surely use support.

    In think addicts will avoid opening up or dealing with the full extent of the issue as long as possible, particularly if they think there is an opportunity to just ride out the uncomfortable conversation and get back to their "normal" addictive behavior. I would suggest that if you are going to stay with this person, you have to establish very clear boundaries... what is and is not acceptable behavior moving forward. Marriages are essentially a deal, so if using Porn and/or lying about it is a deal breaker then it's get better or get out.
    oreogirl, fuzzywaz and MandyC like this.
  16. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Very true. It's taken time for my husband to get there but he now acknowledges that the way he grew up (anger was never allowed, sadness only in situations like a funeral, and even then, keep it reined in) shaped him and his inability to Identify or talk about his emotions or handle my emotions. For us, FANOS (link in my signature) was a great help with this. He literally needed practice and promoting to discuss his emotions. Looking at a list of emotion words was helpful when he didn't know how to identify his feelings.

    Yes. All this.
    oreogirl, fuzzywaz and MandyC like this.
  17. Onelieatatime

    Onelieatatime Fapstronaut

    a lot of the advice from the other SO's and Positive Change are really great so I won't chime in. I just wanna wish you luck on your road to recovery because even though this his issue and his battle, you still have a road to recover from all this new information. I'm sure you feel like you've lived a lie and you think back to days and realize there were things happening that you just were not aware of and it sucks. I've been there.. you need to do what's best for you but at the same time you should wait until your emotions have come down because any time I am angry with my husband for what he is done I want to run out the door, but as time passes by I see his efforts in making our marriage better and I realize I need to slow down and think clearly. So, good luck. Check out the SO group =] you'll get a lot of helping hands there.
    oreogirl, MandyC and ILoathePwife like this.
  18. IGY

    IGY Guest

    MandyC likes this.
  19. Nameless

    Nameless Fapstronaut

    Hi Mandy C and everybody els.
    I am new here and I have little to no knowledge.

    Mandy I'd just like to say:
    Although your Husband may be watching some nasty, disturbing things. That doesn't make him a bad person.

    You'd be surprised just how many men are watching hardcore porn every single night and still volunteering in the community to make the world a better place.

    This doesn't excuse the pain he has caused you. But please don't assume everything you know about him is a lie, just because this additiction was hidden from you.

    I dare said he kept it hidden for so long because, he is ashamed. Feeling shame proves he thinks its wrong.
    Don't we all want to avoid doing what we think is the wrong thing?

    There is still hope for him and you're marriage
  20. MandyC

    MandyC Fapstronaut

    Thanks StandingTall, I keep telling myself these things and want to be here to support him, I am trying my best despite everything I have discovered. It's definitely a roller coaster of emotions.
    oreogirl likes this.