Do any other nofappers ever worry about this?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by superstorm250, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, sorry if this ran a little long, I just wanted to explain my PMO backstory.

    So I'm 23 and have had a PMO addiction since I was 12, I've also never had a girlfriend either. How I ended up in this situation that I'm in today goes back all the way to when I was in elementary school, my friend would always have a crush on a girl and whenever he told a girl that he liked her, they would reject him every time. Now I know that was just elementary school and those were just meaningless crushes, but I got to witness him getting rejected and how upset it made him firsthand. And this continued on into high school where in addition to him, I also met some other guys who also always got rejected every time they liked a girl.

    So being exposed to all of that rejection that was happening to my friends destroyed my confidence and made me think that if I ever tried to ask anyone out, the same thing would happen to me so I shouldn't even bother trying, and I never did and to this day I have still never asked a girl out. After high school, things got worse because I didn't go and live at a university and instead went to a community college where everyone just went to school and then went home, so it was a pretty un-social environment. I eventually left that school and went into a trade school and now my classes are all other guys, so things got worse because I'm never around girls anymore like I was in high school.

    So during my time in middle and high school, I discovered PMO and the addiction quickly took hold due to the lack of confidence and witnessing all of the rejection that was happening to my friends. But I really do want to quit and get out there and start trying, but the thing that I worry about a lot now is that I'm inexperienced and a lot of girls view an inexperienced guy as a turn off. Now I have been on 1 date had sex once (and that's how I discovered how bad my PMO addiction had become because I had difficulty performing) but that's it, I don't have any experience beyond that. And even though I have a little sexual experience, I have no relationship experience and I've heard girls say that they view that as problematic as well.

    So I feel like I'm in a catch-22 because I have the feeling that I'm gonna get rejected for being inexperienced, but I can't get the experience because of my inexperience. And most girls in my age group are both more sexually experienced than me and have been in relationships already, so I feel like not many of them would be willing to date a guy who is less experienced than them. I would hate to go through all of the hard work to quit PMO only to get constantly rejected for being inexperienced and then have the depression from that lead me back to PMO, I really worry about that scenario happening. Are there any others who also worry about this?
    MrPrince and Potato93 like this.
  2. @superstorm250 Thanks for sharing your story.
    Your perceptions of women in your age group need a bit of revision. Perhaps you are reliving the narrative the P gives you, that all women want this type of experienced, dominant male. That's not true at all. In my marriage I'm definitely the more dominating personality. I never liked dominating men. I always preferred quiet, pensive, intellectual men. Everyone has different tastes.
    You will NOT be rejected for a lack of relationship/ sexual experience. The main issue is having the patience to meet someone who you have chemistry with, who will also treat you with respect and trust.
    At your age, a lot of women are also inexperienced, and going through that together is a lovely experience indeed. This is why PMO is so destructive. It feeds us a narrative that IRL is simply not true. Many women like considerate quiet men.
    Listen, this is just me, but here are some recommendations I would make to help you on your journey to meeting someone that you care about.
    -be a gentleman. Gender roles are so screwed up now with all the feminazi's around. Look, it's always nice when someone opens a door, pulls out a chair, takes your coat etc...
    -smile, make eye contact. Not in a creepy way, but in a subtle way. I love eye contact. Even just a kind smile and eye contact is very flattering.
    -have a hobby AFK. Try to get good at something. Women love people with talent and passion. This is a very common thing for women to like. It could be music, woodwork, a sport, cooking, history, whatever. Being passionate and good at something gives something to bond with someone over and share real values.
    -accept rejection and move on. Finding a soul mate isn't easy. And if it was easy, they wouldn't be your soul mate.
    -take care of your appearance. Keep yourself healthy. Eat well, sleep enough, get enough exercise. This will reflect itself incidentally in your appearance. I don't care what anyone says, someone who takes care of their appearance ultimately reflects that they live a healthy balanced life.
    -don't rush the physical part of the relationship. earn it from each other.
    I could go on and on. But in a nutshell, be a gentleman and make eye contact with a cheeky smile. Just try it next time you walk around. Even if you don't speak to anyone, that bit of human contact will start to build your confidence.
    Kind Regards.
  3. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply! But I would like to make one correction, I'm not a submissive guy and I would not want to take a submissive role in a relationship. That's one of the things that I really find annoying about being inexperienced, the assumptions that people make about you. Like if a girl finds out, sometimes she'll go on to assume that you're a submissive guy, maybe you're gay, no other girls have wanted to date you and she'd be settling for a guy that no one wants, you're really bad at forming a connection with a girl, there's something wrong with you, etc. Now I'm not saying that happens all the time, but it does happen and it happens enough to where its a known fact that it can happen. And that kind of stuff makes me not even want to try if those kinds of false and negative assumptions are going to be made about me because of that one thing if I do try. I was already aware of the other things, there's just a lot of hurdles to get past. Especially when you're inexperienced at this age.
    Matrix Intel and Potato93 like this.
  4. PlasticBoy

    PlasticBoy Fapstronaut

    I worry about that too, im in the same situation...
    MrPrince and superstorm250 like this.
  5. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Dont give a fuck for what they think, if they're that superficial they're probably lying about something you also dont know.
    superstorm250 likes this.
  6. BetterMan123

    BetterMan123 Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, I was in the same boat once upon a time. First girl I ever dated I dated for 3 months, and only then did I finally work up the courage to kiss her(I was 3 sheets to the wind wasted) and then another 3 months to doing the deed (which was fuckin pathetic, due to the pmo). Oh. And I was Damn near 23. What im saying I guess, you gotta start some where. She didnt hold it against me that I had never kissed a girl or was a virgin, just went with it. I think woman like inexpiriance, in a way. Doesnt mean your submissive or anything, just a late bloomer. Also if I could tell myself one thing when I was that age, it would be to stop giving a Shit what people think of you. Im only learning that now. Anyhow, you hang in there dude!
  7. So a few corrections re: submission. My husband is not submissive, he's just not as outgoing as me. Our gender roles are pretty clear. He's a proper lad. Likes football, plays his guitars, likes UFC and Joe Rogan podcasts etc...
    Now I don't want to trigger anyone here, but some women genuinely do not want overtly over confident men.
    Look the barrier from inexperience to experience is a very quick one when you've met the person that you like and trust. I'm not saying the lady you're going to marry, but your first proper relationship. You'll go from uncomfortable physical fumbling to something more (having to choose words here without writing 50 shades of grey...) lets say, meaningful and fulfilling. That is why trust is so important. Trust so you can be comfortable about your past experiences and lack of. Trust so you can explain that you want to know what she likes and you're willing to learn. Trust so you can tell her what you like (of course not twisted by PMO - but what you generally like)... I gotta stop typing on this topic, getting triggered.
    Please please trust me, inexperience is not a barrier to having a meaningful relationship with a woman. Just stay away from women like I am when I'm in a PMO phase, because the dark side of women like me is to take full advantage emotionally of inexperienced men... hence why I'm going to pop away from this post for awhile...
    Kind Regards
    Fap 5 Freddy, HipPete and PlasticBoy like this.
  8. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I already do that, I just look at this differently because it seems to me that a lot of girls view it as an unattractive quality in a guy, even though it is a shallow and superficial reason to reject a guy. But I did tell the girl that I lost my virginity to that I was a virgin and had never even kissed a girl when we were in the back of my car and it didn't deter her at all, so I hope that it really isn't as much of a deterrent as I think it is. I guess that I just don't have enough firsthand experience in the dating world to know for sure.
    mnemonic_lattice likes this.
  9. @superstorm250, learn from the experience IRL, not the narrative you learn from P. That is your only true form of empirical evidence. So that is at 100% for success.
    Look, I suspect your first experience was NOTHING like what you see in P. There is so much more to intimacy that the very singular one dimensional visual / audible assault you get from PMO. The best part is knowing that someone else trusts you, and wants to enjoy a moment with you.
    It's such an eye opener for me to be here, seeing all the young people who's main experience of S is PMO. I suspect that people try to imitate what they see in P, but that's like trying to replay being Jason Bourne or Neo on the way to work! IE) It's f*cking fake! Just like real life is about as real as a Hollywood action blockbuster, real S is about as real as what you see in P.
  10. superstorm250

    superstorm250 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your story man, and its good to hear that she didn't hold your inexperience against you. I think that its not looked upon as badly until you reach a certain age, there's this dating coach guy named Frank Kermit who helps guys that are older and inexperienced. And he says that from what he's seen, when you reach 25+ is when it really starts to become problematic, so there's still time before that happens if that is true. And my first time was the same for me because of the PMO, I couldn't even finish because of it. That's why I feel that this situation is a little more difficult, because I know that I need to quit PMO in order to fix my performance before I get involved with any girl, but yet I feel like I need to get out there soon before I get older and my inexperience starts to look worse. I heard that rebooting from PMO can take about 3 months on average and I turn 24 in 5 months, so I'll be cutting it really close before I'm officially another year older if I follow that plan and reboot for 3 months and then try and get out there, that's probably the best option though and it'd be a good way to start off summer because I'd be done in June. And like I said in my last reply that I just wrote, most of the time I don't give a shit about what other people think, I think that I just view this differently because its been said that a lot of girls view it as an unattractive quality in a guy. But the first girl that I hooked up with knew and she didn't care, I guess I just don't have enough firsthand experience in the dating world to know for sure.
  11. Dude it's worth it. PMO is a bad habit and only leads to loneliness and tiredness.

    You're 23 years old, you are still very young and can make your life whatever youd like to make it. That includes career, going back to a university, fitness, and dating. It's never too late to start, especially in your early 20s. And I wouldn't worry too much about being inexperienced. Most girls are looking for an emotional conncection, looking for someone that understands them and will be there for them (most guys want this to). So the fact that you don't have any experience in sexual relationships is nothing to worry about, when you meet a girl and start dating l that part of the relationship will come naturally.

    I'm 26, I've dated a number of girls. But I'm lds (mormon) and so are the girls I date and so sex is something we wait for until we are married (we are allowed to kiss and make out, cuddle, etc.). However I do know, as I mentioned earlier, that these girls know that, while a sexual relationship is important, there are so many other factors that are far more important when looking for a spouse. I'm sure that girls that aren't lds (mormon) have very similar views, at least the girls that are looking for a solid, longterm relationship.

    Anyway, I think you should start asking some girls out! Hop on tinder or bumble and see if you can start up some conversation with a nice gal. On a first date make it simple, go grab some frozen yogurt and chat for a little, 45 minutes tops, keep it short and sweet.
    Sobriety Knight likes this.
  12. Simple, lie about your inexperience. Screw around with escorts, prostitutes or whatever to get sexual experience, then just make up some relationship stories. Works for me and a lot of people. Fake it til you make it. Life isn't fair, you have to make it fair.
  13. D2dak1987

    D2dak1987 Guest

    Experience is a funny word...

    I lost my virginity when I was 14 and slept with copious amounts of girls when I was 15-21 (I mean a shameful amount that I can't even count - that, I was once proud of, we all grow up at some point) I could last for ages when I met my fiance 8 years ago. Considering how many women I'd been with and pleased and how long I could last I really thought I was the mutts nuts... Nope turned out they where all just as young and inexperienced as me.

    Point is, how experienced you are is relative to the person you're with. If I left my fiance and found a new girlfriend I'd be completely inexperienced again because all women have different likes and dislikes (one of my exes was into BDSM and being slapped, forced and degraded, I went out thinking most women liked it like that after her... Wrong) You have to learn what the woman your with likes and this is where one night stands and random sexual encounters don't help with experience in the slightest except for the fact you can say "well I've done it" So more to my point the fact you're a virgin doesn't really mean you're inexperienced. You'll learn and your partner will learn with you when you find her. If a woman is turned off / not interested in you because You're a virgin then she's not mature enough and is the wrong woman for you. On the flip side if she's super stoked you're a virgin and wants to fuck you asap she's probably getting some weird kick from taking your V and is also the wrong woman for you.