There is no flat line.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Lyart, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. Lyart

    Lyart Fapstronaut

    We are free to share new ideas and thoughts.
  2. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You're right if you are insinuating that the flatline is related to the reboot though. ;) However originally the word (on this site) was used to refer to a "flat" point in sexual urges, not in changes in mood.

    It is unlikely that this thread would foster anyway though, seeing as advice is not directed at a specific person. Rather the OP was going on about how there's no flat line (ie he wasn't asking for advice on the matter).
    Lyart likes this.
  3. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    Ego fatigue was debunked.
    If we put two groups to work on the same task, let's say, resisting to PMO urges, and one believes will power is limited while the other believe it's infinite.
    The first group will fail a lot whie the other will deal with it rather easy.

    If anything, this test shows how there's good ways and bad ways at resisting to impulses. "Oh better not PMO now, well I'll just take a look at it and stop." Of course it goes wrong.
  4. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    There goes the plan of listening to My Chemical Romance and crying all day long.
  5. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This part of your plan sounds pretty good. ;)
    Aiyoshi likes this.
  6. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

  7. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I like your post, but it's kind of saying that the flatline is totally real, no? But I get it. A lot of this stuff, including, for a lot of us, PMO addiction in the first place, is largely due to retreating from emotional and physical distress.
  8. DarkSektur

    DarkSektur Fapstronaut

    You mean you had post acute withdrawal syndrome for three years?
  9. Flatline undoubtedly does exist after 20 or more days sometimes I go a week or two without even any urges or libido at all. Honestly it feels similar to a mini-depression because nothing excites you, but after all is said & done things become so much brighter.
  10. DarkSektur

    DarkSektur Fapstronaut

    do mean 20 days after pmo? Did also have anxiety and panic attacks and memory & concentration problems?
  11. I never got the classic flatline symptoms that people talk about. I did get a load of mood swings though.

    I've always been a bit prone to mood swings but on NoFap I get more varied ones. Sometimes the NoFap mood swings lead to good results, such as getting angry then sticking up for myself and being more respected by people as a result.
  12. DarkSektur

    DarkSektur Fapstronaut

    I created a post on POST ACUTE WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME. I would like to know if you suffered any of that.
  13. Tricky one to answer. You mention in that post, were there underlying issues? In my case, yes!

    I started using video P relatively late, in my early twenties. I already had problems but PMO just made things much worse.

    Stopping PMO makes me feel a lot better in most ways. Yeah there are probably some withdrawal symptoms, such as being more emotional and so on. But I also wonder whether the withdrawal symptoms are more to do with the fact that dopamine levels are becoming more normal, along with testosterone and other factors. Basically, we have to learn how to live with a more efficient, better running machine, if you get me. Before we were used to living with our bodies and minds in an artificially negative state.
  14. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I completely agree with the poster

    Porn can make you a zombie a person without emotions. When i used porn i always thought why do so many people have stress i have no stress at all. But as soon as i stopped i recieved a lot of emotions when something happened(stress) something i wasn't used to feeling.

    I thinx Gary B. Wilson can expalin it better then i can :

    In this audio, he tells that watching too much porn makes you a zombie which results you in not feeling any emotions. This means you will not feel any positive emotions like being happy but you also don't feel negatively ice depression, frustration.

    So, when people stop porn they suddenly experience real emotions. Happy when they achieve something or depression when their life is bad and feel like they can't achieve things.

    This means that people who watched porn a lot don't really know how real life works. Suddenly they feel all these emotions and they don't know how to handle it. That’s why a lot of you guys including me feel depressed anxiety .

    Did you guys olso notice that when you feel depressed, stress or other negative emotions you want to watch porn its because that’s how we trained our brain to deal with negative thoughts we don’t have mental strength emotional intelligence lucky we can train it and beat this .

    Yeah we use porn as a way to cope with stress and negative emotions.

    take it away and you suddenly realize you are a human person who has emotions.
  15. DarkSektur

    DarkSektur Fapstronaut

    I didn't mean post, I meant topic. My bad. I feel the withdrawal is due to brain chemicals coming back to normal.
  16. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    Great post, I totally agree. Flatline is not really unnatural, it's just the body readjusting. It gets used as an excuse (I used to use it) too often.

    "Ooo I'm feeling depressed, got this flatline right now."

    "Feeling numb, know that flatline will soon be over."

    The reality is, the flatline will only be over once we acknowledge that we are done forever and behave properly. It's not to say there are not moments of depression, feelings of futility, but those are parts of life in a fallen world.

    I'm only a few days in but I don't intend to give myself the excuse to act weird and call it "flatline."
  17. Nightbynight

    Nightbynight Fapstronaut

    It shouldn't be used as an exuse but there are definitely numerous symptoms which most of us get and I have been able to track my falls into flat line with the same recurring symptoms. Even if I exercise I will not feel better for it I will just feel numb, its real (but maybe its really depression) and no it should not be used AS an excuse but also I wouldnt call flatline an excuse itself either.
    I would say that perhaps its important to check that there aren't other issues mental or physical that are exasperating your flatline to the point of relapse.
    Its important to find out why you feel the need to fill the hole in your life with porn and masturbation and ask why that hole is there in the first place, though that does not mean there aren't rough patches and consequences from refraining.
    Sometimes we escape an addiction and are face with the reality of what we were hiding from and so we dont just run into a relapse again, we run toward it with open arms.