Would you ban porn websites?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by 23Bru, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Um, no. Unhealthy foods can be had in moderation, there are no "purely" unhealthy foods. Alcohol and gambling can both be enjoyed in moderation. But cigarettes cannot. Every cigarette is cancer-causing.
  2. I think what is more important than banning it is to EDUCATE young people about the effects of PMO. It should be taught to teens so they dont waste their teenage years fapping away and missing countless opportunities to live a 10x better life - which is what happened to a lot of us.
  3. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    The fact that the most disgusting sites are just a click away and can be accessed by anyone is a cause for concern so anyone making the most vile pornography I would close those sites down and stick the people involved in a gulag or something similar.

    I think I would probably put porn (everything else which is legal and which contains no violence or coercion) behind a paywall rather than banning it altogether. If people want it then I'm sure they would be happy to pay for it.
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  4. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    You see how complicated all this case-by-case bullshit can get? It's easier just to have a set of principles and stick to them, preferably ones that allow individuals the liberty to help or harm themselves.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  5. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Also the fact that alcohol can be enjoyed in moderation is a terrible argument for your viewpoint. What about the little old lady who's son was killed by a drunk driver? She's passionate that alcohol should be banned. What do you tell her?
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  6. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    No, I don't see how it gets complicated. It's really quite simple. Smoking was designed to be highly addictive. It has no redeemable qualities. It hooks people who struggle the rest of their life to give it up. It has huge societal costs (including to you, if you pay taxes). It cannot be used in moderation. It harms other people through secondhand smoke. It has a hundred compounds that cause cancer. It has NO benefits, period. If you find something objectionable with any of these arguments, then state it, don't beat around the bush.

    The argument that alcohol can be used in moderation is excellent. I don't see what it wrong with it, and you have not stated it. My point is that alcohol can have benefits, eg it is known to decrease cardiovascular risk and the chance of death from it. Your argument does not make sense. If you would ban alcohol because deaths are caused by drunk driving (which is caused by people deciding to drive after they drink, not the alcohol itself), then you would ban practically every human activity. Why don't we ban eating because some people overeat? How about we ban divorce, too?

    BTW, drunk driving is preventable. All governments have to do is mandate that all new cars come with built-in breathalyzers, which prevent a car from starting if the driver's alcohol level is too high. Unless you think there is a reason to allow people to drive drunk? Do you think that the liberty to harm themselves and others is preferable?
  7. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    You are beginning to argue my point for me, thank you.

    Here's another case study for our lesson: should we require people to wear helmets on motorcycles?
  8. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    @stygian I'd even argue that porn can be enjoyed in moderation.
  9. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Ha. You have not understood my points. Please re-read.

    Not wearing helmets on motorcycles - you could argue that it does not harm others, only the individual not wearing it. Societal cost is not as much of an issue, due to numbers (compared to smoking, eg), and unfortunately, people who get in motorcycle accidents without helmets tend not to survive, decreasing health costs. So no, I would not require people to wear helmets on motorcycles.
  10. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    I don't know if porn can be enjoyed in moderation or not. But I was unequivocally advocating for a smoking ban, not a ban on porn.
  11. C'mon bro, you're Christian, how could you say that?
  12. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Very good! I agree with that
  13. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    I simply state that it "can be enjoyed" in moderation. It's not for me, like a lot of other things too.
  14. Interesting topic.

    Well, at first we should clarify something. Porn is prostitution, nothing more than that. It is just another form of it, and it is worse, because a "real" prostitute would had sex with the client in a room, all by themselves, and that's it. In porn, though, sex is being recorded and spread all over the internet, plus it is going to stay there for years - decades maybe. So you understand, it is 100 times worse.

    A second thing we should notice, is that pornography is not there to glorify sex, love or human relations (duh...), it is just a profitable industry. MONEY. Now on, sexual acts and positions are downgraded to "categories", women are treated like a piece of meat, younger and younger people are participating in those kind of videos, human trafficking is on its rise because of porn "consumption", and human dignity is really nonexistent.

    The days when pornography was portraying the undemonization and deification of the human body, and was something like a sexual revolution, are long gone. Pornography with its current face, is just the playground of perverts.

    If I was a president of country, I would not go cold turkey, I would not ban it with a snap of a finger. What I would first do would be to block all of the pornographic websites throughout the country, BUT anyone could unblock them with an application at their internet provider. That way, minors could not visit such websites, but someone who would live on his/her own, could have access. In the meantime, information about the negative causes of porn both on the person watching it and on the society, would be everywhere. On TV, on the radio, on the internet, maybe on applications for smartphones, stating that pornstars are prostitutes (and not "models", "actors" or...... "adult film stars"), and that porn can be addictive.

    In an educated society, that could happen. That's my opinion of course.
  15. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Yes, I agree with this. I don't see any good reasons to not ban it.
  16. Conrad Aether

    Conrad Aether Fapstronaut

    No. Simply because I don't want to be killed, and as you all know, If porn is banned on the internet there will only be one website left called "Bring back the porn."
  17. ontarius

    ontarius Fapstronaut

    Ofc, porn can be very addictive, but I guess it can be watched in moderation, some friends say they just watch it once in a while, e.g. together with the girlfriend.
    I am pretty sure making porn illegal would only worsen the problems people currently have with PMO. Ofc porn would still be around, just be illegal, and for any addict it would be an even more vicious circle of porn use, shame and guilt. Its the same with drugs, criminalising consumers doesnt accomplish anything, look at countries like china with extreme harsh punishemts and still drug consumption is rising.
    Conrad Aether likes this.
  18. Banning things don't end them, just opens up a world of clandestine illegal stuff. What should be done is to put an alert in all porn that explains the dangers of porn and each individual is responsible for their own health. Like a PSA before each film. Just like cigarettes have a warning over them.
  19. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't ban porn but I think some form of reliable age verification should be developed. I really wish I hadn't been exposed to pornography at such a young age.
  20. Kristen

    Kristen Guest

    I dont think cigarette warnings work tho..lol