Guys who say they're attractive

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Waldo101, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    There are some guys here on this forum who say they are handsome. How do you know you are handsome?

    I remember once I heard of this lady at work who admitted that she was hot but in reality, she was just a 6 on a scale of 1-10.

    So it's a possibility that you may be a 6 or a 7 and not really that 8 or 9.
    aingdk11 likes this.
  2. señor

    señor Guest

    calling yourself good looking is a textbook projection of insecurity
    jest and FightAgainst like this.
  3. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    If anything I don't like certain things about myself.
    And I know I shouldn't, but watching a fake reality for so long has made me insecure with certain elements of myself.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  4. aingdk11

    aingdk11 Fapstronaut

    I say myself pretty attractive for southeast asia man im mix asian and dutch ancestor.some girls and women fowardly flirts with me even when i was still kid. and im not rich man or succes bussinessman with lots of money.used to work as waiter.receptionist and barista/bartender in a famous paradise island tourist place in my country. most of my fwb or ex gf is one of my costumers and i pick them up in street and bar after i learning pua via youtube. well another sign that ur attractive when a fucking horny gay dudes old or young hitting up on you also yeah handsome is relative but many sign if u are the one.but i see many 6 that have 9 confident living healty life hitting a gym work as surfing instructor having girls and have sex with 7-9 more than its all about innergame also bro.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Beopus

    Beopus Fapstronaut

    Other people telling you that you are attractive is a decent marker
    Deleted Account and aingdk11 like this.
  6. This.
  7. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    I don't know where I am on the scale but I do know I've improved in the last 5 years, due to the increased attention I've gotten from women.
  8. often it is...even if the person is actually good looking they may be very insecure.
    I think confidence is most important for both men and women...can up the hotness a few points in my mind. Dress and style yourself the way you feel confident and be confident and dont worry about the rest
    Strength And Light and aingdk11 like this.
  9. Just looking at my face structure, shape, facial features, my body shape, the way I dress and the way I act in public. Knowing what most people would find attractive I think I can pretty accurately extrapolate that.
    There isn't a scale, it's all in your head. While it's true that most people generally find similar things attractive (for example most guys will find flat stomach attractive and lesser amount will find chubby one attractive) in the end it's all subjective. I've rated girls with my guy friends for fun and some girls that I would give a 5 they gave 9, and other way around. Also we were rated by girls and some gave me 10 and some only 6. So I came to conclusion that it's all one big bullshit. Because different people like different things, or same things but but in different ways.
    That sounds weird to me. Usually I would feel that somebody who thinks is good looking have higher level of confidence instead... o_O
  10. señor

    señor Guest

    there's a big difference between someone who thinks that they're good looking and someone who announces that they're good looking
  11. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    I agree. It's easy to know you are ugly, but it is much harder to know that you are good looking.
  12. That's true, there is a big difference. Personally, if I would meet a person that walks around talking all the time of how good they look I would think more of a direction of narcissism than low self esteem. Hmm.
  13. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    jest likes this.
  14. Yeah, tell me about it! :rolleyes:
  15. Sometimes I think of myself as good looking but sometimes I dont, I guess it depends on how I feel in that moment. :emoji_laughing:
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  16. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

  17. Same here!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. I've never considered myself good looking or ugly. Either way, one benefit to getting older is people tend to be less and less shallow about appearances. I'm not saying being physically attractive isn't important, however, it becomes a little less of an importance as time goes on and you realize we're all going to end up big wrinkled messes. The important question is can we be wrinkled messes and still enjoy each others company? That's what's important to me anyway.
    jest and Deleted Account like this.