Did anyone develop high blood sugar/ diabetes because of excessive masturbation ? Please help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by stack85, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    @stack85, fapping 4 times a day, you probably weren't getting a lot of sleep or exercise, and your diet may not have been the best.
    As you reboot, you want to get plenty of sleep and exercise and eat well. When you are proud of your own body, you do better competing for time with real bodies.
    Flyhigh likes this.
  2. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @HappyDaysAreHereAgain Thank you so much for your advise. After how long of NOFAP do you start feeling better from the damage caused by chronic fapping ??? I am not talking about breaking the addiction, I am talking about the body getting healed ? 1 month ? 2 ? 3months ? How long does it take to feel like the old me again ? I swear this habit is awful and disgusting. It can even causes diabetes, I am sure it caused mine.
  3. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Flyhigh I finally got my serpentia ... I am sending you a private message. Check your inbox
    Flyhigh likes this.
  4. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Healing is an awesome and usually gradual process. I hope that you will be diligent in improving your health, using the time that you were wasting in watching and fapping, you can get your body and soul in good shape. How long it will take depends on how injured it is, but when it is finished healing, you will not care how long it took. Playing football in high school, my ankle got torn up. Six months later, it was still tender and swollen to the size of a softball. Other sprains have only taken a few weeks to heal. It takes time, but, have patience, your body does heal. When it does, enjoy and try to avoid re-injuring it.
    Flyhigh likes this.
  5. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @HappyDaysAreHereAgain Thanks for all your support, it's day 2 already, hopefully by day 90, my body will be in a much better shape.
  6. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    You can count on that.
    If you eat well, sleep enough, and exercise while avoiding PMO for 90 days, not even your mother will recognize you.
    stack85 likes this.
  7. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @HappyDaysAreHereAgain I bet. I am here and will update you.Would you mind sharing the negative side effects that affected your body negatively before embarking on the journey of recovery ? Was your body damaged inside as well ? My body is a mess right now but I am definitely determined to stay focus and hopefully give up on that habit for good after the 90 days.
  8. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    I was out of shape, I hadn't been in a gym in over a year, and I needed a couple of days to mow my small yard. I thought that I was terminally PIED, not to mention somewhat depressed.
    I haven't exercised as much as I should have, but I have now pulled shirts out of storage that I hadn't worn in years, and I can see what I'm aiming while standing straight at a urinal. I still like carbs, but I have cut back. Now I need to go to bed. I am staying up later with NoFap than I should.
  9. lbnp

    lbnp Fapstronaut

    I've been PMOing for 19 years and haven't developed diabetes. I'm not a doctor but I don't think this is where yours came from. My mom just was diagnosed with diabetes and I don't know much about it but I'm sorry that you're suffering...

    Best of luck to you and your reboot. The reboot should be a lifestyle change and not just an answer or cure for your illness, sorry to say. You should focus on replacing PMO with something positive like exercise, travel, reading, women, constructive hobbies, career, spirituality, etc.
    Flyhigh likes this.
  10. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    Hello @lbnp I do not think that's true, chronic fapping can cause insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in some people. Below are two links explaining that is possible. The first talks about a young man who's only 25 years old diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he found out that his blood sugars are normal when he does not masturbate. The other link talks about the stress hormone called cortisol that is overproduced once fapping becomes an addiction, cortisol can cause high blood sugar as well when it stays elevated. Below are the two links


    This link below clearly shows how fapping causes diabetes or insulin resistance and adrenal fatigue. read it


    I also had a random thing happen to me last year. I had completed no PMO of 15 days straight with very strong rigorous cardio and my sugars were very normal no matter what I ate without medication. For some stupid reason, I stopped the no pmo and started fapping again but I still didn't know that had to do with fapping yet. I also remember that I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at a time when I was doing it too much, like 4 times a day for months and diabetes does not run in my family. On this very same thread, you can also see a user @Daddyfats23 testifying that his sugars significantly decreased after stopping fapping for thirteen days.Let me know what you think. Read those links.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
    Flyhigh likes this.
  11. lbnp

    lbnp Fapstronaut

    Couldn't hurt to try.
    Flyhigh likes this.
  12. Daddyfats23

    Daddyfats23 Fapstronaut

    Hey Stack85 thanks for name drop lol!! Some people need some clarification we're not saying M causes Diabetes in all people some people are born with it we all know!! But when people M their body does create chemical and it does effect some diabetic issues!! In all and all any addiction is not good for you even people addict d to working out it feels good then in time their body does fail whether it is in its knees or shoulders. Then again my blood numbers are totally different then others !! Do for yourself me and Stacks just trying to help!! Good day to you all on day 16!
    Yesterday got blood results back
    April A1C is 13.4
    July A1C is 7.2
    I am on metformin
    I have been fastening working out
    Eating a lot better but still struggling
    And was on weekly streak since May1
    Hard to keep going but since june24
    Had some slips ups
    Edged in shower
    Peeked at porn
    But no click on porn! Masterbate and no Orgasm all at once. Blue balls killing me some days testes massage helps cold showers
    I also stopped smoking on May 22 after 25 years and have to stay NoFap has been harder then that!!!
    Changing Teen and Flyhigh like this.
  13. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    Will keep you guys updated ....After day 90!!
    Flyhigh likes this.
  14. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Daddyfats23 Amen bro !!! You said it best. Chronic fapping causes chemical imbalance in the body. Did you read the links I sent you ? In the second link, you will learn a lot. fapping too much keeps releasing the stress hormone called cortisol, when cortisol keeps being overproduced, the body does not respond to insulin anymore and we become diabetic. Once you stop and let your body heal after a while, the body will restore the chemical balance. Please try to make it to day 90 without fapping.Distract yourself and exercise, I am sure it will help your sugar issues.And yes, not all people experience this but I've read testimonies of people getting cured with no PMO.
    Changing Teen and Flyhigh like this.
  15. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    How was your blood sugar today ? @Daddyfats23
    Flyhigh likes this.
  16. Changing Teen

    Changing Teen Fapstronaut

    Thanks Stack85 and Daddyfats23
    I am 17 years of age and I feel all the symptoms of diabetes. I started to masturbate 2 to 3 times a day when I was 11 and now I think I am diabetic.
    Almost every site on internet claim that masturbation prevents diabetes but my fear was true . Masturbation causes diabetes.
    I know diabetes is a deadly disease and I am scared of it.
    Is their anyone whose blood sugar levels got perfectly normal after quitting masturbation?
    I am really tensed and scared
    Please help
    Changing teen
    Flyhigh likes this.
  17. MRas

    MRas Fapstronaut

    I'm going to share my story in brief words. There is nothing I regret more than not making better choices when I had the chance but to some extent it wasn't my fault as I was taught how to masterbate by an older friend and the pleasure I got from it at just the age of 7 or 8 got me addicted. Later I realized I was abused into this behaviour.

    I would masterbate like an animal upto 7 times a day and it surprises me when you're young how stubborn your body is. I could still get a rock hard erection after the 9th time.

    I'm 31 now, and have a pretty wrecked life which I'm trying to repair.

    I'll be brief for the rest of the story,

    My diet was good I had no health issues. But with constant masterbation I would be stuck with brain fog. I wouldn't be able to study or concentrate it made me feel like AdHD till this day but back back then I didn't know any of this.
    I always had super high liver enzymes but doctors would say it's probably because of hepatitis. When my blood work would come back negative for any disease they were confused and blammed it on my fatty liver. This was before I started putting on body fat.
    I had through the roof liver enzymes for 18 years. And a fatty liver which no onecould diagnose because I didn't drink alcohol.

    Later in life I developed man boobs, from the constant abnormal hormones in my blood.

    To make things work about 7 years ago my Total testosterone dropped for no reason and I now have osteoporosis which I'm trying to reverse with TRT.

    THE THING I'm trying to tell you is, doctors will never tell you what you need to know, atleast they didn't when it was me. I told doctors I'm addicted to masterbation they didn't blink once and said it was normal.
    Here is the funny thing, when I stopped masterbation about 7 years ago to save my testosterone from being wasted, my liver enzymes went down to normal in 3 weeks! And the doctors again couldn't come up with an explanation other than Ohh you've recovered really well.

    Other things associated with masterbation that I've had

    Symptoms of diabetes, ( because masterbation causes insulin resistance! It took me 5 years of research) and insulin resistance further adds to the low free testosterone, high estrogen, to make your body be at war with its self.

    My brain fog went away since I brought my testosterone levels up. I had lived in 25 years of depression and that went away, for which doctors gave me freakin antidepressants!

    Man I have so much to say don't know where to begin or end. If I had the power to reach out to help anybody I could, I would personally do it. I'm new here and that's not my freaking name.
  18. MRas

    MRas Fapstronaut

    Dopomine works in mysterious ways. The how we reward ourselves. By masterbation or for instance smoking or heroin or any other drug that manipulates dopamine. The thing is, when were used to higher levels which we chest ourselves into by one thing or another even masterbation, when we go without, the lower levels of dopamine make us go back even unintentionally at times just to feel better.

    Masterbation addiction is far worse than drugs. Because drugs only mess with your reward system at first, masterbation throws you into depression not just by low dopamine levels, but also by leaving less free testosterone which helps our brain function and keeps the male emotions in check.

    I use to cry like a baby and was super sensitive on small issues in life, basically I couldn't take anything like a man.

    There is so much I can help people with through my research.
  19. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    Just wow on this thread

    I've been battling high blood sugar as well. I'm in full agreement about the orgasm cortisol connection
    Basically we are stressing the body out with excessive O. This leads to increase vulnerability to infections. Diabetes is an infection in the pancreas.
    Granted type 2 or insulin resistance is caused more by inflammation but still it puts stress on the pancreas to pump out more insulin because your cells aren't taking up the glucose. And that can burn it out.
    Anyway, since rebooting hard mode my blood sugar is getting better. Not quite optimal but definitely in normal ranges.
    I'm also on elioton gold. An herbal supplement, that could be helping. Going to check out serpentina like the other poster mentioned
    Thanks for opening up this discussion. It's very timely for me.
  20. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    May God heal you of your illnesses, guys.