"Don't Jerk Off" July 2017. Time to be PMO-Free in July, official monthly commitment thread.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. Tillo

    Tillo Fapstronaut

    I'm out... relapsed yesterday.... fuck my life.
  2. thesuccess

    thesuccess Fapstronaut

  3. Smartboyj

    Smartboyj Fapstronaut


    Thanks for the reply , really appreciate it!!

    I hear what you are saying ….. but I’m building again and back to DAY 5 !!!

    Feeling very down today but I know from going through this before my emotions will be all over the place in the earlier days …. Start of my brains withdrawal symptoms..

    But I want to get back to where I was and be prepared for the urges when they WILL Come ..

    Thanks again ….

    Hope you are all doing well
    Lifemuse and Ayjaydubya like this.
  4. TMax84T

    TMax84T Fapstronaut

    Me too

    But i ain't giving up

    Gotta get back to the grind, harder

    Coz I know nothing good comes easy
    Tillo and Ayjaydubya like this.
  5. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    In for July - @ day 1
  6. tol5530619

    tol5530619 Fapstronaut

    Don't give up guys, I'm on my day 21!!! Almost there!!
    Ayjaydubya, Smartboyj and TMax84T like this.
  7. Keep going guys. It's not long now till the month is finished.
    Ayjaydubya likes this.
  8. charizards_flame

    charizards_flame New Fapstronaut


    A little update here. I disavowed the weed and committed to a more sober streak. I allow myself caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco (every man needs a vice). So far the effects are astounding. Not only are my dreams vivid (from dream rebound), they are sensational. They function as perhaps the only organic dopamine hit one can attain. Not every night is eventful...but when I'm lucky I experience a flavor of our favorite neurotransmitter. Interestingly, I find other sources to trigger the same release when I'm awake. Today, I was driving home with sun roof open, gazing up at the clouds in the sky. The white was so crisply outlined against the blue I felt a surge of hope, excitement, and inspiration. Such resolution was something I never cared to noticed before. Perhaps I couldn't. Perhaps I was numb. Perhaps now I am restoring sensitivity. If this theory is correct, we can all acquire a similar fix, albeit through different stimuli.

    On another note I felt totally centered in a social situation, also today. Like I was navigating those waters through the power of nofap. After relapse such a setting provokes anxiety...and today there was some residual amount (I'm only day 17). But I exhibited a confidence and trust (in myself) to handle it appropriately, and that's what ultimately happened. Don't let anyone dissuade you from the powers of nofap. They're real. They're abundant. And they can be yours if you adopt the same ideal.

    Ordinarily around this time I feel the same baseline of commitment to nofap. It's around my 4 week mark that my resolve begins to quake. Hoping this forum can help take my record to infinity, then beyond.
  9. Ayjaydubya

    Ayjaydubya Fapstronaut

    This isn’t over yet. The truth is, it will never be over, but that’s a hard truth and can be set aside for now. You need to brace yourself for the difficult work in front of you. You’ve got your addiction locked in a cell in the basement. Now you have to see that it stays there.
    ~ Neil Steinberg, Out of the Wreck I Rise
    My Journal
    Spidermonky77 likes this.
  10. Smartboyj

    Smartboyj Fapstronaut

    Ok I'm back at DAy 6 in July ... I want to get to Monday 31st July with no PMO and build from there..

    Ok so far today but I know the urges will come but I will be ready
    Spidermonky77 and Ayjaydubya like this.
  11. Ayjaydubya

    Ayjaydubya Fapstronaut

    Don't give up. Failure is not the end!
    Buddhabro and Spidermonky77 like this.
  12. Ayjaydubya

    Ayjaydubya Fapstronaut

    It’s very hard to stop doing things you’re used to doing. You almost have to dismantle yourself and scatter it all around and then put a blindfold on and put it back together so that you avoid old habits.
    ~ Tom Waits, quoted in Lowside of the Road
    My Journal
    Buddhabro and Spidermonky77 like this.
  13. Randomguy15

    Randomguy15 Fapstronaut

    MADE IT A WEEK. STILL GOING. So grateful, honestly. I'm actually living my life. What's helped is staying busy and focusing on other things, and staying committed. Associating "sobriety" with pleasure and pmo with pain. Although I do believe there can be sane masturbation, it's just not helpful during a reboot haha. It took me so long to get this far but now I'm feeling successfull and strong and I still believe I can get through 90 days. Taking it one day at a time. Really focusing on other things helps. Don't think about it. I'm working a job now, running and doing core with friends every morning and practicing my music and singing, which was one of my favorite things in the world. Don't get discouraged if you mess up, get encourage to do better and start doing something else with your life that you really enjoy haha. Don't let your brain justify pmoing!!!!! Take control. YOU CAN DO THIS EVERYONE! If I can get through a week after so many times of struggling jsut with 12 hours or a day or even less. (not even kidding) Then anybody can get through a week ro even 90 days. Alright, will keep posted regularly through my 90 day journey to ensure that I stay on top of NO MATTER WHAT. I AM REACHING THIS GOAL NO MATTER WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT. I'm doing it. I'm come on, in reality it's pretty easy.... You just have to do something freaking else anytime urges come up until 90 days goes by. and just stay COMMITTED. NO MATTER WHAT. and if it seems like a long time it means your focusing on the wrong thing. Just focus on the right stuff, like your life, your loves, really connecting with human beings, growing and giving, etc. doing a job haha. and you'll get through it! Stop grabbing your balls and start grabbing life by the balls, cause one day you won't be able to. Alright god bless you all hope you enjoyed my ridiculously long post if anyone read it haha. It helped me writing at least! Also, thank you everyone for all the help! Wouldn't have been able to do any of this with out help from NoFap and else where. Oh also don't get encourage if your emotions go a little down at first; that can happen, but they can come back up! Just keep moving alright. and hold on. Talk to someone if you need to. okee doke
  14. I am on thin ice - first O in over 70 days - so I am wanting to chase, chase and its triggery... But.. this is my test - I usually cave
    from the desire for more - but as long as I am no P or M its all good. I feel like a need a year - not 90 days - know what I mean?
    But every day or week sans P sets us up for a better possible future....
    Buddhabro and Spidermonky77 like this.
  15. Spidermonky77

    Spidermonky77 Fapstronaut

    Dude going strong in July. Mainly staying busy with work and family but in my free time I try to run away from my phone/tablet. I've been working out a lot with my free time so when I come home I'm too exhausted to look at a screen. It's been working but I haven't been logging on to NOFAP as much ..which makes me sad /: love all my NoFaPpers man...peace and much love guys. Keep going forward stay strong.. It's like a wise friend of mine once told me " get an urge? Stick your feet in cold water..." BEAST!!
    Ayjaydubya likes this.
  16. Buddhabro

    Buddhabro Fapstronaut

    So, the O was from PIV, or wet dream? What happened?
  17. TMax84T

    TMax84T Fapstronaut

    Tripped and fell down today

    But I'm back on my feet and moving on.

    Gotta focus on my studies & exam
    Ayjaydubya likes this.
  18. Buddhabro

    Buddhabro Fapstronaut

    I'm happy to say that I am still in the hunt to bag me another month PMO free. It's a daily challenge still. No chance of a magic potion or a pill. It's more of a mountain than a hill. To make it to the top requires strength and will.
    Smartboyj and Ayjaydubya like this.
  19. Ayjaydubya

    Ayjaydubya Fapstronaut

    But then one regrets the loss even of one’s worst habits. Perhaps one regrets them the most. They are such an essential part of one’s personality.
    ~ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapter 19: page 3​
    My Journal
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017