Why is the divorce rate so high in America?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Namekian23, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I think idiots is not the right term. It's not rocket science to know what love is and what it feels like. It's how we react when we're in the midst of this sensation. Do we allow ourselves to be immersed in this amazing feeling while ignoring the potential downsides, or are we already aware of the consequences? Some people are just simply naive, inexperienced, or haven't seen both sides of a relationship. What I mean by that is being aware of the positives and negatives. The pros and cons.

    Like you said, for one to think that being in love is great and that everything will go well is oblivious. You need to experience everything from what's good to bad to be able to understand what love is truly like. When you lose someone in a relationship or marriage, that love goes away and there is nothing but hurt. Then what? You allow yourself to heal and learn to love again by not repeating the same mistakes over and over.

    Again, I don't believe people are idiots. You're only an idiot if you keep making the same mistakes. Everybody wants to be loved and cared for, but like I said, it's how we react. Some have never learned to love themselves, and that's why they make mistakes by being too needy. It's not being dumb, it's a natural response from being neglected for so long. And at some point, they can't tolerate being lonely any longer and they need someone to make them feel better. And when they lose the one and only person that has ever loved them, that's when their world crashes.

    But if that person looks back, and realizes what he or she did wrong, that's when experience and wisdom comes into play. And stupidity is out of the question. It's where personal growth truly happens. You don't take things for granted, and you appreciate the people who will come into your life more often. Someday, that person could be the one who will stick with you for the rest of your life, knowing that both of you have experienced the same thing.
    recon117 and sparkywantsnoPMO like this.
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    People confuse love and lust all the time.
    recon117 and plant goodness like this.
  3. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Hey it could go both ways lol
  4. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

  5. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    That's not a "problem," that's actually one of the perks of being an American.
  6. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I think individualism and the concept of independence is more of a privilege than anything else. That's just my opinion. Everything has its ups and downs, and it relates to what I'm talking about that's all.
    Saskia Simone likes this.
  7. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    First it's a "problem" and now it's a "privilege?" You're contradicting yourself.
  8. How is it a privilege? Individualism and and Independence are the things necessary for a truly free society. Without Independence, from the government, from society, how can you choose your own life? You can't. Independence means freedom, and I mean that the dictionary definition is " to be free". How can that be a privilege?
  9. Sure, the downside to the ability to choose is that you could make the wrong choice, but what would you rather do? Make a choice yourself and potentially choose wrong, or someone else chooses for you without even asking you, even though they may get it right? Or they might choose wrong for you to, for example they would choose that you become a garbage man, rather than go to college and get a degree as whatever you want to be.
  10. It's very simple. People easily mistake lust for love. Love is "what can I do for you?" not the other way around.
  11. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    First of all, where I'm from, there is no such thing as "freedom." I'm sure you have an idea of what Communism is right? As you can see, everything is controlled by the government. If they thought you were good enough to be a garbage man, that's what you'd probably be. I just feel that individualism and independence, to me at least, is close to a privilege than anything else. It's not easy coming from a place like mine, but if my people had the privilege to be free such as here, then things would be a lot easier.

    For you, the term privilege, may be more of a right than anything else. It's something that you work hard on to earn, whatever it may be. But then again, freedom itself isn't entirely free. Back in my country, you don't have control over anything. In America, however, you choose to be free or you don't, and that's the bottom line. But the thing is, even if you're free in a physical aspect, mentally you may be not.
    Saskia Simone likes this.
  12. Could you elaborate?
  13. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Alright. I see what you're saying. If you read the title of my post, it says: Why is the divorce rate so high in America? I was wondering if you can share your ideas and how it applies to the divorce rate in this country.
  14. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Maybe I am contradicting myself. Or maybe the concept of individualism and independence, is only part of the real problem (the divorce rate in America). That's what I'm really focusing on. And yes, I would agree that these ideas are considered perks, if you will.
  15. In this society we have taken individualism to an extreme and marriage is about compromise so its no wonder why it doesn't work well here. Marriage works when you have 2 people who love and respect one another and care enough about each other to put their selfish whims on the back burner. The media and entertainment we allow ourselves to be bombarded with teaches us the exact opposite so unless you have parents who teach you different or develope these characteristics on your own, your marriage is going to fail.
    As a guy I would never ever consider getting married in the US until the laws change. When the state places the majority of the risk on one side of the partnership and relenquishes the other side of accountability, that encourages controlling tyrannical behavior. I'm not faulting women for divorces but I have trouble understanding why other guys decide to get married.
    recon117 likes this.
  16. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Something else to consider...
    In America, it's celebrated.
    When you get divorced, you get half of the other person's stuff
    (who doesn't want more stuff?)
    You get a divorce party
    You get to go out and drink with your friends
    (yay, free drinks!)
    I think it's the only country where this occurs.
    Where divorce is a celebration.
    It's a woooo!!
    Not a shame.
    It occurs so often that it's not bad.
    Sure in the Bible it's made a fuss about, but when it comes down to it, nobody gives a shit.... It's a norm.
    And nobody cares.

    (sorry, but it's true.... Most millennials aren't religious and most families aren't together so it is what it is, you learn what you see)
    recon117 and Spiff like this.
  17. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Finally there is someone who is on the same page as me. Thank you. I agree with most of what you're saying, but I'm just curious as to how you've developed this mindset. It's kind of similar to mine. Also, I believe that your ideas on individualism, marriage as being a compromise, the components of love and respect that are involved, and so on, are crucial for a successful marriage. I never thought about the media having any influence until now, and it makes sense. However, I don't know how much we can do to change state laws. Much of the Fapstronauts have indicated that traditional marriages have slowly lost a key component: religious values. But changing the state laws as well as the laws of the US as a whole is a daunting task. That's something that I cannot speak on although it would be nice if there is a fair share if 2 people did divorce. For me, everything seems lopsided.
    recon117 and Kenzi like this.
  18. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I never said I didn't agree, because I do.
    (lol, funny)
    However... To consider, a point... When we elected a sexist divorcee (I don't know how many times because I don't read into pop culture) as president, I doubt laws are changing here anytime soon.
    Not to mention... People are lazy, few people actually want to change.
    They want to do what is convenient.
    They give into their urges.
    They "follow their heart or dick or whatever" America is a "ooh, shiny!" country.
  19. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Can you give me more information on this? Are there facts stating that people celebrate when divorces happen? Especially when there's children involved? Do they celebrate knowing that mommy or daddy are no longer together? Divorces may provide a relief for one side of the party, but I don't think celebrating should be a part of it.

    I've lived in the United States for 30 years, and never have I heard, or have I been to a divorce party for that matter.

    Are you a religious person yourself? Because if you are, you wouldn't be saying these things. Marriage is not only personal, but sacred. It is to be taken seriously, and it doesn't matter what religion you are.

    I think you may have some false beliefs because it's not always true.
  20. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    A wedding I went to last year, the wife got a party on the divorce this year.
    Years ago when my SO split from his ex wife she had a party (yes they have kids- obviously he had them that weekend)
    And I have heard of friends that one or the other, has celebrated the divorce.
    I am a spiritual person, no, not Christian.
    I'm not bashing Christianity... I just have seen alot of people claiming to be good Christians IRL and then say 'nature vs nurture' like it's some excuse.

    Maybe it's environmental.

    I know it's sacred.
    I've been faithful for a decade plus.

    And yes, I do think age and whether or how the parents were or are together plays a huge part in how people view relationships.