Post published by Dadncharge50

Brothers. I could use your prayers. The dark, gray skies of winter are taking me into depression and I tend to dive deeper into PMO. I am taking care of myself and quite clearheaded intellectually. But my mood is dark, somber and I snap easily. I have been trying to enter into Mindfulness in a Catholic way (see The Mindful Catholic by Dr. Gregory Bottaro). Despite the moody haze, I am finding His presence. I'm feeling called to make a retreat in the spring. Perhaps Ignatian. I have been reluctant to walk with the Jesuits, but perhaps there is some wisdom there that I overlooked previously. It keeps calling me back to take a look at my SSA and try to reconcile my life.

Blessings and peace to all of you today.
folium, dudeface and Deleted Account like this.
dudeface more_vert
St. John's Wort. Make a tea out of it. The stuff is freaking magic!! I suffer from seasonal depression. I start in on this and peppermint tea in late august and drink it as necessary till spring.
dudeface more_vert
I will also pray for you. :)
phantomstranger more_vert
I try every summer to make a week-long silent retreat at a nearby Jesuit retreat house. I am fascinated with and have embraced Jesuit spirituality in my life, even having performed a home-based retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises. Master Ignatius' insights into discernment and doing all "for the greater glory of God" have been a true blessing in my life, including helping me to embrace the SSA I had kept repressed for so many decades and to be comfortable identifying myself as bisexual. I hope to make a similar retreat this summer, and I will take all of you with me into the silence. Peace and good to you all.