Post published by zamazm33

So been off from porn for some time now, which really got me free from sissy thoughts completely. But I was surprised to see how it popped back in my head last night.

And the trigger was extreme depression and anxiety. Felt so defeated by life yesterday, and so the sissy feelings just crept up like some kind of demon. It felt so real, I can't even explain it.

I felt like I needed to submit and just be dominated so I can just give up. I don't have to be strong, I don't have to keep fighting, and most importantly I don't have to be good enough. I could just be a submissive bottom and life would be easy, full of continuous pleasure and gratification. It took over my body, I felt excited. I swear I had a smirk on my face as my body language started to shift with that feeling.

I really don't how to fight this other than just ignoring and suppressing it.
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Roady more_vert
I've got some help from Heaven. Praying is the most powerful protection for me personally against this demons.