Post published by KCan

I was first exposed to porn when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I was using my mom's ipad and was on safari. It amazes me how easy it was for a innocent, little kid to wind up on the websites I was on. Anyways, I still hate to think about how much different I would be if I did not encounter those websites. After that point I became curious to look at pornographic images. My parents would end catching me a number of times. And I would then restrain from looking at porn for decently long periods of time. I really was on, off, on, off. Eventually I discovered pornographic movies. This was when it began to really go downhill. After a while I touched myself for the first time. Soon I figured out how masturbation works. I was hooked. I began watching more hardcore porn and my view on women began to change. I knew all of this was wrong but I couldn't stop myself. I have spent many hours feeling bad for myself after masturbating. I would look up new techniques to stop and how to block porn on my computer. I wanted to change but my body did not. And throughout all of this I have gone to church every Sunday. I have been raised in the Catholic faith. It is simply to easy to access porn nowadays. I hope that with the help of this community I can finally stop. I just wish it was easier to find nofap than it was to find pornhub. If it was easier I most likely wouldn't have wasted so much of my time.
boichy and fizpop98 like this.
Gav5 more_vert
God's timing is perfect. Welcome to the community. We hope through fellowship and building community you will see that genuine and godly relationships are far more satisfying than those we had tried to engage in through porn. God is able to heal and deliver you. Thanks for your transparency. God bless you.
fizpop98 likes this.
fizpop98 more_vert
I have a similar story to yours. It took me a long time to know what I was doing was a sin but by then I was addicted. It took me a long time to even get where I am today as well. Just remember to take it day by day and focus on what you can do today to get closer to where you need to be. It's a long and hard battle but I believe you can overcome this sin if you turn to God and ask him for help. I wish you the best on your journey! I'll be praying for you!