Post published by Timeforachange!!!

Hey everyone. Welp, it happened and I relapsed. I wish I could sit here and say I was still good, but I messed up. What gets me on this is I was over halfway on my 90 days, it was after the halfway mark when my mind got fuzzy and I teased with porn all day until I finally did it and let it out. I am certainly upset with myself, feel like I let down my girlfriend and generally just feel like I have failed. However, I am going to do my best do get back on the horse and get off the PMO for good this time. For me and my GF, we are finishing are semester soon and what I think I'm going to do is to go for 40 more days on hard mode so I'd finish off around the same place I would have, go back to sex with no P or M. I know it's not exactly the full program but I don't feel as though I have lost everything with this reboot. I think if I can keep a strong mentality these next 40 days and remain completely PMO free, going back will still be good and I can stay off the PM for good.
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Any day not acting out is a good day. I can tell you that at 4.5 months w no P, I am definitely changing and having better sex w my gf. That said, I’ve had a THOUSAND Day Ones so just get back up