Post published by unity777

Hey I'm a member of the church and I have lost any hope that I will ever overcome this addiction. I don't view porn but the other habit just seems to own me. Any suggestions at all? Write here regularly? Find a person to be accountable to? I don't know
vxlccm, Marsmaster and Tannhauser like this.
Tannhauser more_vert
Yes, get an AP and write in your journal. And maybe attend addiction recovery meetings?
hope4travis more_vert
I don’t know either. :) But I have learned that if nothing changes, nothing will change. So I’d try all of those things and learn by experience what makes the difference for you in your journey. Keeping a reboot log (journal) here on nofap has personally been a huge tool for growth and change for me.
vxlccm likes this.
Mindy more_vert
Hey, we might have a similar story. Let’s talk.
vxlccm and Marsmaster like this.
Stardweller1 more_vert
It's only hopeless if you give up. Don't give up!
vxlccm, unity777 and Marsmaster like this.
Stardweller1 more_vert
Attend the Addiction Recovery meetings. They really help.
vxlccm likes this.
unity777 more_vert
Thanks buddy. I wish I could they don't have them here any more.
vxlccm likes this.
unity777 more_vert
Would love to Mindy. Not sure how to message you?
vxlccm likes this.
unity777 more_vert
Thanks Travis. That is so true, something has to change. I will do what you have suggested :)
vxlccm likes this.