Post published by DF1579

I have recently connected with faith. Raised Roman Catholic, I always felt forced into it, but the decision to stop PMO was before that. I feel like once the PMO was kicked, faith got better. I have been doing it for years, excessively. Working in one of the most dangerous parts of the city that is in this country on the ambulance didn't help. The trauma I felt from things I witnessed, and the things I've done, filled me with a void so empty, I was filling it with PMO, to mask the depression, the fatigue, the horrors of how cruel mankind can be and how unfair illness and death is. It is now day 3 of kicking the habit, went cold turkey after doing it 2-3 times a day, mostly every day, for 7 years. The temptation is there and it's difficult, but I'm still going on. Pray for me
thatsingleindividual#K-13 more_vert
Dangerous parts of the city in this country.....Chicago?
I thank you for sharing this with me. Your determination is rather inspiring because at times I will not even try (when it comes to quitting masturbation) because I know I will give in. To quit successfully at this point in my life seems like a impossible task for me.
I will pray for you and hope that you improve. I can only imagine the payoff.
balatula more_vert
Will pray for you brother, I can relate to your story. Working in the medical sector is tough, unfair, cruel even horrible sometimes. But, it also is one of the most important jobs on this planet. And it shows that you have determination, faith and willpower to come out at this site. We're here for you and the Lord is, always. Bless you!