Post published by Harrison1990

It has been such a relief to find a forum like NoFap to be open an honest with about porn addiction. I am also a recovering alcoholic sober 9 years, and finding this group on here makes me feel even more at home. Much like staying sober in AA, I know I need the support and honesty of others to give up porn. Thanks for accepting me. Thankful for the 12 step programs and this forum. Closing out day 2 Porn free.
SaturnsSun more_vert
Hello. We have the same time porn free. Welcome. Do you go to a 12 step program for porn addiction? So they exist?
Harrison1990 and kammaSati like this.
Spontifex more_vert
Hi @Harrison1990, nice to have you in the community. I‘m pretty convinced this community will benefit the journey you are already on. Congratulations to the 9 years. That is awesome. I am currently attending CoDA and SAA meetings. Alcohol is a side issue, it can lead to more damage, bringing me into the mood to act out sexually therefore I cut it down, not drinking on a daily basis anymore and when then moderately. I will though not be drinking now until I go to the meditation retreat on Aug. 28.
Harrison1990 and Deleted Account like this.
Harrison1990 more_vert
Right on @CookyMonster. The 12 step programs are truly an incredible journey. You will find strength from others to overcome any addiction and experience peace within yourself.
kammaSati likes this.
Harrison1990 more_vert
Hey SaturnSun! I don’t go to any porn addiction meetings or aware that they have them specifically for porn. I go to 2-3 AA meetings weekly, but need something more like this forum for help stopping PM.
kammaSati and Deleted Account like this.
SaturnsSun more_vert
Thanks Harrison. I wouldn’t go to those mtgs if they did exist. I’d be too ashamed.
Spontifex more_vert
Actually once you are there and you hear them all you realize there is no need to feel ashamed.
Deleted Account and Harrison1990 like this.
Harrison1990 more_vert
No shame in admitting any addiction. Very courageous to be able to do so.
kammaSati and Deleted Account like this.
Spontifex more_vert
@SaturnsSun I was first apprehensive of going to a SAA meeting cause I feared I might bump into ppl I know ... That wasn‘t the case. I think I would have turned on my heels and left.
Harrison1990 likes this.
Spontifex more_vert
Now I‘m glad I went. Shame cannot survive once it‘s being uncovered
Harrison1990 likes this.
SLAA1 more_vert
Just remember that the AA credits don’t transfer to any S program. I had to really dig down and create MY OWN S program and not rest on my A.A. laurels. AA is kindergarten compared to S recovery cuz S is a nasty disease.
kammaSati likes this.