Post published by CPilot

I was inspired by a post here concerning the three stages of temptation. Speaking specifically to our struggle, the first stage, a glimpse of a pretty face or form is not a sin. The second stage, when we let ourselves linger over the image for our own pleasure is venial sin and of course the final stage where we give into sinful ways is a more serious sin.
Until, I took these thoughts onboard, I had forgotten (probably since my childhood catechism) that the second stage is a venial sin. I had completely diminished the seriousness of venial sin and its role in leading to mortal sin. Now, I am trying to focus on avoiding such venial sins as a means to recognize and throw off the temptation the devil constantly puts in front of us all.
Many times this is not easy as I still have a longing to return to my old life. However, I have found a good tool to fight this is to not only pray for God's help when I am tempted but also to promise Him I will avoid such sins for the next hour or for the morning, afternoon, etc. These small promises are powerful and the benefits are wonderful.
exsoldier more_vert
Good points. Do good works and you'll have less time for evil ones.
ADMG more_vert
My Spiritual Director once told me that we can't promise God that we will never sin again, but that we can promise him to fight the next temptation. Very similar to what you're saying in regards to "the next hour or for the morning, afternoon, etc." A good reminder!
exsoldier likes this.
WOODROW more_vert
Please clarify for me some
WOODROW more_vert
What about involuntary. Orgss.
ADMG likes this.
JoeinUSA more_vert
We can promise God that we'll always pick up from sin and start again.
WOODROW more_vert
I meant what if a devout Catholic guy has an involuntary orgasm while fully awake--no fault of his own. Just innocently jogging,biking or doing a nice excercise program. Perhaps just reading
ADMG likes this.
JoeinUSA more_vert
If it's involuntary, and such things do happen, there's no sin, nor relapse, nor reset.
WOODROW and ADMG like this.
WOODROW more_vert
Clarification--reading a nice wholesome book or simply trying to get sleep. No nocturnal emissions, living a chaste pure life and BINGO--out of the blue--an O occurs. I have read about "double effect" in moral theology. We do something good but a negative happens. This topic has been on my mind very much. If there is good moral theology book I can read please let me know. I really like the gym and wholesome activities
exsoldier likes this.
WOODROW more_vert
Thank you joeinMD! are you a Catholic doc if you don't mind me asking .
WOODROW more_vert
Rest assured. I would not commit MO ..with full intention of offending God.