Post published by Ajar

Whenever you fail, or screw up - never be down on yourself. Never feel angry, or hurt - because we have to understand that we are trying to fight against something that took years to build. It doesn't matter if you fail 1,50, or even 1000 times. The main point is that you keep going. That you brush off whatever emotions, or feelings you have, and honestly within yourself keep trying to the best of your ability. If not today, then tomorrow. Every step you take towards liberating yourself of these chains, is a step of progress that is not in vain. Even if you abstain from one day of porn, that is still ONE full day without porn. It is still some progress. We should definitely, clearly remember though of where we came from, and where we are going. If you used to Fap 8 times a day, then that is ground zero, that is where you work from - that is the low-point. If you want to progress than you need to work away from this low point. The further away, even if you fall, you'll fall miles from the low-point. Keep fighting guys. Its funny because we all contain the capacity to be Super. Life waits for no one, we need to do this today. Today is the day. Never wait until tomorrow, keep fighting for this change today. It is in your hands. Never give up.
shahryar more_vert
@venuabobby me too I felt so many times in the bad :(
quit@porn and Symbol of Peace like this.
Chace Fulton more_vert
Chace Fulton
Never stop believing in yourself! It's all in your hands. W8, why IT is in your hands, put it away, you! (haha get it? :D)
champion42 more_vert
So true, I've been trying to not masturbate since 2016, and only now I'm starting to finally go many weeks with no PMO because of the countless times I failed and got back up. We can do this!
Mickey_mi more_vert
I fapped thrice today. I felt completely useless but this just inspired me.
Red Dead more_vert
Red Dead
Never give up on the fight... you learn something new each time. Some weakness that you can overcome in the next...
superjbro97 more_vert
this doesnt help m8 like how the fuck do i actually stop
Symbol of Peace likes this.
Ferritin more_vert
@superjbro97 be patient bruv. I dont know your longest streak buh its really difficult to stop and there's no ultimate and most effective way that works for er'body. I've gone 7,days and I'm proud of it. Its just 7 buh hey, I couldn't have been able to go 4days without PMO. Its a daily basis thing. Try not be alone all the time. Delete all porn stuff on your devices and handset , do not follow leads from ads online when you surfing the web. If dont have anything doing online dont just surf aimlessly, trust me, your end game is gon to get you PMO-ing
Lebby lebby, quit@porn, Pato and 3 others like this.
superjbro97 more_vert
i have gone a week without one. when i went away for a holiday. as soon as i come back home bang i started to masturbate again.
I_Will_Overcome more_vert
Just joined today and honestly, this is the sort of message i needed to see. I have just set my streak and i am ready to fight this to end. As you said, we are all in this together. Moreso, during this unforeseen covid circumstances, we need to be strong and support each other as possible. We can and we will achieve whatever we have set our minds to.
Solemanlane++ more_vert
The same situation i suffer and the next day starts and the continued
Symbol of Peace and Rex salazar like this.
charlie_puth more_vert
@Ajar wellsaid bro.. it feels so good to see al this motivation and help me to recover fast
Symbol of Peace likes this.