Post published by Mr. Stark

Today is 6th day since my last reset. I want to share something with someone. Maybe a friend or someone. I don't know why, but this is eating out at me. It's killing me. Its like there are moments that it feels like I am literally in hell. Hell. Really. Really. There is psychological breakdown. Some sort of nervousness. I am confused. I have no clue what I should do. I am deeply in confusion about what I should have had done with my friend. How should I behave. What could have been better for me if I could change the past. What to do now. I am afriad of future. I am afraid of past for repeating itself. I feel like I have no good friends. Like I have no best, or good friend. I don't know how to survive. What is the purpose of my life. What is the best pill to take. By pill I mean decision. There is so much bottled up restlessness inside my mind. Feels like I might be at the verge of exploding. It's dangerous. What should I do?
Should I be having someone as my life long friend. Are there even friends that are very good to me. What am I here for in college or in hostel, to make friends or to study. Am I necessarily to fall in love. Should I have a girlfriend. Should I have a group of my friends in the class. What if now I am in a situation that I do not have as such any particular group of friends. What if I have to sit alone sometimes in the class. What if I have no one to whom I can stick. What of all the loneliness. Why can I not walk up to girl and talk. Why do I not have a bunch of fun loving permanent friends. Why do I not have a group of friends that includes both girls and boys. What if in future my wife after marriage finds what a stupid fellow, feel sort of person I was, who did not even had a proper group of friends or a good company in college or even school. What will I tell her. What do I do.

All this is insufferable
Mr. Stark more_vert
Mr. Stark
Its like with all this in my mind I am sometimes in the verge of panic attack. Like I might loose it all... All the shit in my head... I feel like just bursting out into action... Of destruction....
Mr. Stark more_vert
Mr. Stark
If any one has an idea please tell me what to do
WennieBoy more_vert
I'm having bad days than you. I know many people is hesitant taking benzodiazepines. You gotta tell your doctor to give you some Clonazepam. Since I was child, I'm having bad panic attacks, depression and insecurities.
R.o.B likes this.
WennieBoy more_vert
I am on and of from Clonazepam; it changed my life. Lifted my mood up! I am feeling energetic and my Blood Pressure got on a healthy level.
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WennieBoy more_vert
NoFap + CBT (you can download on playstore) + Medication = Success and Hapiness.
R.o.B and MasterRoshi like this.
MasterRoshi more_vert
I agree with @WennieBoy that it might take multiple things to get relief. I found daily journaling + meditation + eating healthy + sleep schedule + therapy + SAA meetings + rigorous honesty with myself and loved ones = success and sobriety
R.o.B and Brain-Police like this.
MasterRoshi more_vert
Oh and my therapy is CBT based. But we also do lots of talking. I tend to instantly journal notes through the week so I have stuff to bring to the session. Self awareness of the pain and being able to explain it helps.
R.o.B likes this.
MasterRoshi more_vert
My depression has nearly disappeared. I have very little cravings for PMO, but my anxiety is very very high. So just my next thing to conquer. It’s a slow and steady process.
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MasterRoshi more_vert
Just like working out or weightlifting. Results happen slowly overtime from regular work. IMO there’s no magic pill solution for this disease and my mental health. It takes daily work, but I am seeing results
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new blood more_vert
new blood
you need to talk to someone you trust or used to trust in the past and take it off your chest. it will help your mood. after that you should go to a psychiatrist a ask him for help.
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new blood more_vert
new blood
and ask him for help
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italianbread more_vert
your words are always welcome here:) just get it out man i wish you well
R.o.B likes this.
italianbread more_vert
full disclosure i was sexually confused for the first 2 years of university and if my future wife ever found out about that it would most certainly turn her off and make her have doubts about me. my best advice is A) hide it, say you were a serious and mature student who had aspirations. B) get better. really decide who you want to be and then make it who you are. screw what other people think.
R.o.B likes this.
italianbread more_vert
your future wife will not hold the old you against you if she knows the current you is who she wants to be with.. dont stress about not having a gf cause u wanna be your best self before you have one other wise you might end up like me and ruin a good thing... i wish i met my ex-gf today and not back then i really do
R.o.B likes this.
Mr. Stark more_vert
Mr. Stark
Thanks for the beautiful words everyone! Please keep sharing!
Gods_princess more_vert
I'm not sure if you were a Christian but I just wanna tell you that Jesus gives me peace again again and again. I have similar problems as you do as you know but God helps me to look away from myself and my problems to look at how great he is. And in being thankful for everything we have we're actually happy. I don't have any close friends for 5 years now! But I'm in university to study for my future job. I recently talked to more people but that's it. Just be who you are.
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