Post published by Mr. Diesel

Hello, I would like to ask, how do you keep on this path? I find that I have very good thoughts at first, but some time after, I fall off and get crowded. Is there any way to have a reminder? I shaved my head and I'm thinking of getting an amulet
The Passenger more_vert
The Passenger
Sorry. What do mean this path and reminder? Shaved head and mullet?
Mr. Diesel likes this.
pancabalani more_vert
Hi my friend! I'd suggest spending time with the Dhamma: listening to talks, reading books on the topic. Also, meditation :)
Mr. Diesel, eoptda and The Passenger like this.
Nekkhamma more_vert
I agree with @pancabalani, find ways to study and practice Dhamma every day, if you don’t already. Do what’s manageable and sustainable. Creating time and making daily meditation a priority, that has been most helpful for me. Contemplating the unattractive parts of the body (asubha practice) has been beneficial, as well, especially when there’s a lot of lust. Helping others, is helpful to ourselves! Taking it a day at a time, doing a little Dhamma reading each day, meditating each day, taking on the five precepts...these are all things that have been super helpful in my life. Good luck! :)
Mr. Diesel, Kevoya and pancabalani like this.
RememberTheCant more_vert
Also, bear in mind that Buddhist practice is a gradual path - there will be ups and downs. Reflect on how you've changed as a person having practiced (or followed NoFap) for a year. Are you more or less kind/compassionate/peaceful? If you see no change in your fundamental outlook after a year, reassess your approach to spiritual/personal growth and ask a spiritual friend or guide.
Mr. Diesel and pancabalani like this.
Mr. Diesel more_vert
Mr. Diesel
Thank you for your responses. I honestly forgot to write back haha.
Mr. Diesel more_vert
Mr. Diesel
I have began to train, I am learning thai and buddhist history, It's gone well, I'm meditating 10 minutes every morning. I want to bring the eightfold path and the five precepts into all my life, I feel satisfied with how it's going, at the very least. Thank you!
pancabalani likes this.