brightsidealien Dec 22, 2020 Days are chaotic with ups & crazy lows but I stll fight & carry on. The challenge motivates me away from suicide & it was sent to me by God
Days are chaotic with ups & crazy lows but I stll fight & carry on. The challenge motivates me away from suicide & it was sent to me by God
brightsidealien May 23, 2019 Strong depression and more, making it impossible for me to keep on the good path. I need more help than I can get. Too broken to be fixed.
Strong depression and more, making it impossible for me to keep on the good path. I need more help than I can get. Too broken to be fixed.
brightsidealien May 23, 2019 Strong depression and more, making it impossible for me to keep on the good path. I need more help than I can get. Too broken to be fixed.
Strong depression and more, making it impossible for me to keep on the good path. I need more help than I can get. Too broken to be fixed.
brightsidealien Aug 9, 2017 "It's never ending how the road it seems to wind, no matter how hard I try to escape"