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  • Nofap day 68/365. Hardmode day 49/365. I’m on a diet because of my triglycerides. 2 small meals a day, all grilled or healthy. Very painful experience especially when the meds create food cravings all day long. It’s manageable on the reduced dose.
    You are managing thats good.
    Balls full stomack empty it will be nice if you can adapt to that.
    Rainbow Warrior
    @Toni7 .. my life is wasting away on meds. I’m regretting every thing. Lost my youth to pmo. People carry on though. I think it was meant to be. Maybe God wrote for me to be in a mental institution for 20 years. I will ask him before I sleep. But i love empty stomach. Fasting is good. It is better for me to fast than eat all day. The boddy was designed to be food deprived!
    Nofap day 66. Feel strong within myself. Meds have been reduced, maybe I should start volunteering. I’m Closer to moving into my new house. Just waiting on Italian recliner sofa and armchair to arrive. I have mixed feelings about moving. There was no sense of dark magic in the new house that could potentially incline me to pmo. Satan targets idleness and uses two techniques to keep you weak. Pmo is one.
    Nofap day 66/365. Hardmode day 48/365. Today was my bday, bloated. 2 quarters of my life gone. Had an appt with the nurse AM for my annual health condition review. Went well. Edged a bit in the shower this evening but no relapse fortunately. Soap and Shower gels should be banned.
    Nofap day 64/365. Hardmode day 48/365. Slight edging, stupid eBay triggers again! But not enough to relapse. So Hardmode counter remains the same. Prayers being prayed on time while I have the time. Feel a bit better with reduced dose of medication. But I’d rather be off them. It’s starts causing the urges to shag the mattress.
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    Rainbow Warrior
    @Beginner1 welcome and thank you for your support! Means a lot. I was trying to purchase a jacket, i purchased the jacket then the thought of the woman came into my mind. Soon as I woke up this happened. I should have just got straight out of bed but I didn’t. My current streak im on day 64 no pmo. Prayers are helping a lot. I know I can do it to 90 days and then a year!
    The Road of Sanctification
    The Road of Sanctification
    Catalogues and online shopping are one of my triggers too. It is so pervasive. Im on day 19 hardmode and i am beginnibg to feel those urges
    Rainbow Warrior
    @The Road of Sanctification yes we should keep all images banned from the house and on the phone, it’s hard to avoid when shopping . you are doing well my brother I pray you are well and healthy and getting closer to God. Fight those urges with productivity. You can do it!
    Please help me understand days and Hardmode.
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    Rainbow Warrior
    @MrNewtothis Hardmode comes with experience but once you have the knowledge it’s gets easier then every day becomes Hardmode. You are suffering from pmo I assume? There was a time you was well? but you won’t be poorly forever. Nofap is a cure if you got no other illnesses. It is certainly my cure. And it will work for you in ways you never imagined
    Rainbow Warrior
    @MrNewtothis read and cultivates your knowledge of nofap. Read the book by Gary Wilson if you can read. Watch material on YouTube. You will heal. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask questions to anyone on the forum including myself. Don’t regret anything. Everyday is a new day. If you suffer psychiatric illness or physical nofap will give you the cure you looking for.
    Rainbow Warrior
    @MrNewtothis Hardmode like I said is completely not watching sitting inappropriate including tickling yourself.. but for this you need to remain productive. Stay busy and try to get a job if not then volunteer if not then pray to god at home to you feel strong enough to go out. And nofap a long streak will give you that confidence!!
    Nofap day 61/365. Hardmode day 48/365.
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    What's the difference with Hardmode.
    Rainbow Warrior
    @MrNewtothis welcome! Hardmode? Well, not looking at pmo. Not touching oneself. Not even fantasising. Not removing safety filters. Not looking at girls wrongly in public. Not overeating. Not talking filthy. The benefits are amazing. Double the progress and faster recovery. The key is to also rest as much as possible and remain productive when you need to in order to distract negative thoughts!
    Had a great response but it all fell apart maybe that good because I was asking for answers verses asking questions. My thoughts got deep then I was over on words so now I'm letting go for a moment.
    Nofap day 60/365. Hardmode day 47/365. I wish I could read and write but I struggle since I was a child with an unknown disability. But as the saying goes, if you follow the Quran and Sunnah or the Bible and the teachings explained you will never go astray. The lords holy book and his messengers examples, the best form of guidance. Every solution to every problem in life is in the holy book.
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    Rainbow Warrior
    By reading or listening to it you know where you’ve come from and where you are going. It’s reassurance for the soul and the mind that constantly questions its purpose of life on Earth. God wants good for the soul that yearns heaven. So seek him and live a comfortable life. Do good to others and love to meet God
    My recent blood results have come back today. Triglycerides are at level 3.8. I’m very close to a heart attack. If I don’t get off these meds soon, it could happen. My diet is mixed but heavy. Full of acids. And fat. Before I was on meds I would eat 1-2 small meals daily in 24 hours. Now it’s out of control. Takeaways every week. Can’t stop !
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    Take some meals with leafy greens like spinach, cabbage, and others. Work out mildly like walks. And grill chicken instead of fried. U got this brotha just cook or order from healthier alternatives
    I promise u that healthy meals taste so fucken good. Its an upgrade rather than a self punishment I promise u
    Rainbow Warrior
    @BranchingOut Food tastes bland unless it is a takeaway. It’s so satisfying to eat junk than healthy on medication. When off the medication is the opposite, I eat healthy. Everything I eat gets storred as fat it doesn’t burn the foods. I really hate living this way. I have to be extremely cautious with my diet in the next 6 months. I’m dreading every moment
    Another tip from when i was on day 700 nofap. In my previous to previous streak. Removing triggers and setting filters can help you keep going. The mind can then rest and anything that disturbs it is a recipe for disaster.. like nudity and the approaching symptoms of self destruction. Set filters and remove triggers. And strengthen your willpower.
    Rainbow Warrior
    @BranchingOut hope your well! Another tip which strengthens willpower. Walking daily and regularly if you can. This offloads negative thoughts working the spinal brain located between the hips pelvic region. Walking makes room for positive thoughts, clears a foggy mind. It regulates the autonomous nerves in the spine. Your body’s all computerised you see. Intelligent design.
    Nofap day 52/365. Hardmode day 40/365. Removed a big trigger on Facebook. Need to deactivate it soon.. streak going good. House move delayed. Water seeping in from the outside through the walls internally in the room i am making into a prayer room! Some Furniture left to purchase. Didn’t buy a hybrid car. Helping my brother decorate his new house, so keeping busy mostly. Resting a lot too with back pain.
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    Rainbow Warrior
    @miracle mike welcome to the nofap community. I pray you will recover swiftly and live a happy life.
    miracle mike
    really struggling through the holiday week.

    I hope youre still killing it. Your posts are always motivating
    Rainbow Warrior
    @miracle mike have you got any filters in place to block pmo from showing on your devices? This can curb your problem by 50-80%. Then remain productive alongside or rest in bed . Resting helps the brain to rewire and process new cells faster. Thank you for the support means a lot!.
    Nofap day 49/365. Hardmode day 37/365. Unfortunately P**n is everywhere. There is no harm in girls going out with no clothes on, but that ain’t the problem. You have an ability within you to control yourself and your eyes. A Saint once said, in the end of days p**n will be played Everywhere and on TV. It’s on Google, Facebook, TV and TV adverts, eBay, public billboards. We are living in those days.
    I get what you’re saying but you’re missing the forest for the trees. A society that has normalized immodesty and nudity is what paved the way for society to become soaked in porn and now human trafficking. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t excuse immodesty in public and have a society that isn’t bombarded with porn. The one ushered in the other.
    So people whether they're women or men, if they're being immodest, they're not helping the situation and are part of the problem. You can hate me all you want for saying what you’re too afraid to say.
    Rainbow Warrior
    @Spaz girls being nude in society are not inviting themselves to be raped. Unless they advertise that nudity with silly slogans then yes it’s an invitation potentially. I’ve learnt to be too soft and ignore i just keep going and keep my head up and ignore foolishness. Night life is fooliiIshness and i just ignore it. It’s a test to become stronger.
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