Recent content by renewyourmind47

  1. renewyourmind47

    91 Days and Counting!!! Another 90 Days for me who is WITH ME????

    welcome to the journey of greatness!!!
  2. renewyourmind47

    91 Days and Counting!!! Another 90 Days for me who is WITH ME????

    there are exponential amount of mental, spiritual, physical benefits I will write my story soon. i am 25.
  3. renewyourmind47

    91 Days and Counting!!! Another 90 Days for me who is WITH ME????

    Join me in my 2nd reboot it does not matter where you are!!!
  4. renewyourmind47

    Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

    day 91!!!! eeeeeeeeee!!!!!aaaaaaaaa!!!!! Nothing is Impossible!!!
  5. renewyourmind47

    Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

    Wow! bro that is pretty legit! keep your reboot going trust me the struggle reduces by like a million.yes, I do get videos/photos of the garbage I downloaded into my mind. However, I am a strong believer if I wired the crap in I have the power to let it out via renewing of the mind. Romans 8:32...
  6. renewyourmind47

    Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

    Bros! I am overwhelmed by your responses! I feel super honored to share my life and struggles and overcoming with everyone. Yes, a lot of it is having a strong mind. Let me say or I dare say there is a drug of choice in everyone's life. Some turn to porn, drugs, gambling,food,... however I want...
  7. renewyourmind47

    Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

    Hey let me tell you bro! It is one of the greatest feeling ever!!! Trust me 90 days seems soooooooooo far away and come one no porn no j/o no sex.It seems almost like a sexual suicide. However, bro it is the polar opposite. When I was sinking in the porn and with my homosexual struggle it seemed...
  8. renewyourmind47

    Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

    Hey bro, as for my withdrawals I got somewhat depressed and some anxiety.I mean I would wake up with porn and needed to sleep too. However, I started working out and keeping busy reading legit books on our ability to reshape our minds. I am a spiritual guy and my relationship with God increased...
  9. renewyourmind47

    Tomorrow!!! my 90 day reboot is complete!

    Hey bros and sisters!!! TOMORROW!!! My90 DAY reboot is complete... OH MAN OH MAN THE joy! one of the greatest challenges and most rewarding thing I have ever done!
  10. renewyourmind47


    LOL I meant that since I started a 90 day challenge like 10 days ago and the challenge overlaps with October by default I am in. I hope that makes sense now...;)
  11. renewyourmind47


    I am already in a 90 day challenge but obviously I am in!!!
  12. renewyourmind47

    whatever is true,noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable--if anything is excellent or...

    whatever is true,noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things! Phil 4:8
  13. renewyourmind47

    Love.Power.Sound Mind.

    Love.Power.Sound Mind.
  14. renewyourmind47

    Amen! Bro! All things. Love.Power.Sound Mind. Is what the Father gives us!

    Amen! Bro! All things. Love.Power.Sound Mind. Is what the Father gives us!