Congratulations on accomplishing a-half-year term of your brilliant journey, my friend! I'm happy about the fact that a lot of people are trying to face themselves and live in a better life via NoFap - and I know for certain that you're a massive inspiration for those people, inclusive of me, in the community. I'm also confident that you'll reach the goal of the 365 Days Challenge. Keep it up! :)
Thanks a lot for your kind words. You have also been an inspiration to me for a long time. I am glad that you are still on this forum and I hope you'll stay here for a while longer ;) We have a brilliant future waiting for us, if we stay true to who we really are.
Hey man, I have been nofap ing on and off for more than a year now but you've been staying strong and now you're on day 177 if I'm correct. That's a real motivation for me. May you pass all your life challenges successfully
Thanks a lot. I can say the same about you. Seeing all the people who are still here after such a long time motivates me the most. I hope we will both make it to a better life :-)
Thanks, I really appreciate it :) I have quite some time left on this challenge, Im looking forward to seeing your progress :)
Don't worry about "what day you're on," focus on leading the life that you would like to have and being the man you aspire to be.