14 day no sex chat challenge

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by mcrcvrng, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    Ok, so here is what I'm thinking of in terms of how to organize this: Since many of us are used to this habit, we need to replace it - meeting at a chat site that doesn't have rooms which may be triggering would be called for. I wanted to set the time relatively low so people feel like it's something they can do. Personally I would like to check in twice a day, probably evenings more during the week with my work schedule.

    We need enough people at the right time to make it work, so I'm hoping people will step up and we can coordinate so it's not random. It'd be good to set a specific time.

    I work 9-6 M-F so really evenings would be what works for me.

    We can chat about reboot, and/or self improvement in general.

    Any ideas for a good chat site where we can create a room?
  2. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    If a user room is a challenge, perhaps a site that is even based on sex addiction recovery of some kind that already has a room? The point is to have a place where it's focused on that purpose.
  3. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    Before a real-time chat solution comes together, I will check in twice a day here .. and continue to look
  4. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    Ok I just found intherooms.com - it's a recovery community with meetings of all kinds, not just 12 Step either. Anyway if you register, they have two chat rooms. One is the main recovery room which doesn't seem to have much happening and the other is "uncensored" which has more activity, so I'm thinking the recovery room is a good one to use.
  5. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    Is anyone else interested in this? Maybe I should just keep it in my journal..
  6. NickyP

    NickyP Fapstronaut

    Hey @mcrcvrng, I'm currently struggling with relapsing into sex chat. Have you had any success with replacing that pathway with a new chat room?
  7. mcrcvrng

    mcrcvrng Fapstronaut

    Hi @NickyP, I have to admit I kind of gave up on it. There are chat rooms like the SLAA SAA IRC rooms, or say In The Rooms which hosts a variety of recovery groups via video conferencing, but between the two chat rooms the one focused on recovery is pretty dead and the thing about the other is they may have no concept of sex being an issue. So while recovery from alcohol and drug use may be understood from what I've seen chances are low something like what we do no NoFap will be understood. You can imagine someone recovering from alcoholism might just fap as a way to divert their attention from their drinking.

    So practically speaking I'd say look up the SLAA room, which is more active than the SAA one. But overall it's probably just a good idea not to chat that much anyway.