A great way to meet women: dancing

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by goodnice 2.0, Sep 12, 2021.


    I had the chance to learn to dance with a young woman. We did tango, and a bit of salsa lessons together. Yes it does cost some money, but so does any sport that you want to learn and get better in. The girl I danced with was beautiful, but for some reason that spark wasn't there. So i stopped dancing because my heart wasn't in it. But I will try to resume dancing sometime and see if I can meet other girls and improve my dance skills

    I think that dance is a highly underrated way to socialize and meet women. Social dancing in particular- thats where about 20-50 people gather looking to have a fun night dancing. And it isn't just couples. There are decent amount of single men and women there. There isn't any of the drama, games, or ghosting, since you just go there and meet whoever is there, and usually switch partners with dancing.

    Also you don't have to be good or experienced to go, its okay if you are a beginner. You can learn, someone will teach you.

    If you want to read more about why dancing is really good for singles, read this!
    Active Singles and Social Dancing - (swingkat.com)

    3 Reasons Ballroom Dancing Is The Perfect Activity For Singles | Fred Astaire
  2. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    if i didn’t have social anxiety i would do it. but i am having problems for spots of meeting women to the point where i just want to put a bullet to my head out of frustration. tried dating apps and get no matches. so nothing works for me.
  3. you have social anxiety because of pmo. And you get no women cuz of pmo also

    Social anxiety and being afraid of eye contact are characteristics of the fapper. Please quite asap for your own good
    Paraphilia: An Unacknowledged Harm of Masturbation (selfdefinition.org)
    Ghost79 and Oliver Gunter like this.
  4. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    everyone on here ironically told me that stopping masturbation doesn’t give you any female attraction
  5. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Good point, something I intend to look into once I have settled into my new job and got PMO under control. Ballroom Dancing for me, a noble dance from a more civilised age
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  6. It's a great idea. I don't because I don't like dancing, which is weird for a lifetime musician. I'd have to meet a girl somewhere else. Of course, I'd have to GO somewhere else...
    goodnice 2.0 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  7. MellotronScratch

    MellotronScratch Fapstronaut

    This is actually quite genius thank you for the post, I'm gonna try it out next month and comment you the results. Have a goodnight sir.
    goodnice 2.0 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  8. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    I will tell you a secret about dancing.

    When a woman sees a guy dancing, she knows whether or not he's got the moves in bed.

    Awkward dancing, awkward lover.

    Smooth, confident dancer, probably smooth, confident lover.

    I'm a guitarist/singer and I use my entire body when I do my thing - arms, legs, head, torso, face front, face back, dance away from the microphone, dance forward, do a Charlie Chaplin feet-thing, hold the guitar wayyyy over my head while bending backwards but still shredding (acoustic guitar), down on the knees with the tongue allll the way out (if appropriate!) and always moving. I am never in the same pose for more than 10 seconds.

    There was a beautiful, popular young woman I was trying to get to know better. It took a few months of steady pressure, then we finally went out. (She was my art teacher.)

    We ended up going to this art gallery opening where I played a 10-minute set.

    I went to drop her off and she said "Would you like to come upstairs and meet my cat?" Indeed, madame, I would.

    I asked her, later, after we'd gone to bed a couple of times, "When was the moment you decided to have sex with me?"

    "When I saw you play."

    Ditto dancing. I'm not kidding...

    So go and dance and be smooth!
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2021
  9. MellotronScratch

    MellotronScratch Fapstronaut

    Thats's a great story :) thanks for giving me more confidence
    Vanquisher12 and BoraxKarloff like this.
  10. Most on here are relapsing in 2-3 week cycles if we are going to be honest. Whats the longest you have gone without?
  11. i like your taste :) i like how elegant and classy things were back then
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  12. Hi LMTSM :) I do hope you are doing well brother. Are there any other music events you can go to meet women? It seems kind of tough to meet women in a casual way once you are done with college
  13. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    I don't know, man...I just go right up to 'em and start blabbing, they either think I'm a weirdo or they laugh, and eventually I get digits. Or not! One can't be too serious about it, that sends 'em away. I like to think every woman has a little girl in there somewhere, and that little girl responds to playfulness. I have played "peek-a-boo" with grown women, on planes or wherever, when appropriate. Hell, I don't have muscles or height or a beard, gotta come up with something lol
  14. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut



    I honestly feel sometimes I was born in the wrong era, I value civilised things in a world where so other few people of my generation do (except you as it happens ;)). The vast majority of people of our generation prefer to go down to the local nightclub for an orgy done to crap background music from the 90s onwards.

    Still, there's nothing I can do about it except look for other people my age with similar interests, I hope I will meet some girls out there who have such refined taste, and you do too :)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
    gamegeek2001 likes this.
  15. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    18 days. but i was still edging. didnt see no improvements. and i was still having physical symptoms like testicle pain, burning urination, ect. went to a doc recently about the testicle pain and everything was normal, then my therapist telling me its “natural” kept making skeptical of the whole situation.
  16. What up Seth? You could go anywhere to meet women, meetup groups are probably better than bars, churches better yet.

    But me, no, I'm not messing with that. I want to complete this reboot.

    How are you these days?
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  17. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    Hey I got kind of shy about dancing with the skilled girls. Did that happened to you? I get somewhat ashamed.
  18. If you put a step down on the quarter note, then you basically got it.

    Most songs are in 4. beats 1 & 3 left foot step, beats 2 & 4 when the snare drum hits, right foot step. The rest of the body doesn't matter. Go crazy! Do nothing! Nobody cares.
    greenishmoon likes this.
  19. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Maybe we men need to learn to approach female strangers in public places, we men somehow lost this skill, the art of chivalry.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  20. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Don't go and do activities just to meet woman. Go and do activities you want to do. Woman can tell when you love to do something and when you are there just to meet woman. Don't waist time with this approach, spend it doing stuff you like, woman that like the same things you do are going to be more likely to like you.
    MellotronScratch and Ghost79 like this.