Books You Read during Reboot?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, Nov 21, 2019.

  1. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Hi fellow Fabstronauts

    I thought it would be interesting to see what are our favorite books that made a difference in our lives (in battling addiction and more broadly).

    Here is my top list so far:

    1. Mark Lewis: The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction Is Not a Disease
    2. Stephen Illardi: The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs
    3. Epictetus: The art of living
    4. Seneca: Letters from a stoic
    5. Wayne Dyer: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao

    Please write yours, so we can all get new reading ideas.
  2. Hello,

    So far I would recommend:

    1. Your Brain on Porn
    2. The Porn Pandemic
    3. I Want to Change my Life: How to Overcome Anxiety Depression and Addiction
    4. Not Nice by Dr. Aziz (much better than No More Mr Nice Guy imo)
    5. Iron John
    6. The Way of Men
    7. Meditations from Marcus Aurelus (so insane how a guy who lived BC already had the ultimate wisdom about life and shit that you can still apply today)
  3. Dr.LoveLength

    Dr.LoveLength Fapstronaut

    I was just about to suggest this but you beat me to it :D

    Certainly a powerful book. One any modern man would be wise to read. A book thats survived and been passed down through the generations of time is worth taking note of.

    also discourses of Epictetus is a life changing read.
  4. The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell


    3.Stories of insomnia

    4.Old testament
    lceres6 likes this.
  6. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    I'm mostly through Exhalation by Ted Chiang, which has a few stories that are applicable to recovery in general as well as the social impact of technology. They could probably be found elsewhere, and including The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate, Dacey's Patent Automatic Nanny, and The Truth of Fact, The Truth of Feeling. The quotes I posted in a quote a day thread will give a sense for at least two of these, the last of the three deals with the subject of outsourcing our memory to technology and the social impact of that, which was also covered in an episode of Black Mirror as I recall.

    Since the subject of how tech impacts this addiction (which is always highly personal) can come across as rather dry, I find it highly valuable to have such mirrors to reflect on the subject in the form of Chiangs 'soulful science fiction' and highly recommend these.
  7. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl has been an important book for me lately. If you think surviving a Nazi death camp has nothing to do with you, I'd beg to differ. I'll quote the book jacket: "Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose." There's a lot I'd like to say about this book, but suffice to say please read it if you have the chance.
  8. Gaia01

    Gaia01 Fapstronaut

    1. Rebooting as the best Remedy (Seasons 1-30) By Soaring Eagle
    Just epic explains everything rebooting,
    has become a daily read. Can be found as a free download on Scribd
    lceres6 likes this.
  9. 1.Your brain on porn by Garry Wilson
    2.Hack Book SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION