Curing same-sex attraction

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by jack_hammer, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It does though, albeit a low success rate because it's difficult and most importantly because homosexuality is normalized and it's very difficult to change a normalized behavior.

    You don't hear about the cases because the psychologists doing it risk losing their license. So it's done in hiding.

    How is being gay not a disorder? Something that goes completely against reproduction interests? Something that never happens in nature (exclusive homosexuality)? Bisexuality being extremely extremely extremely rare in nature and out of those cases almost none involve penetration? How can homosexuality be justified as "natural attraction" if people can and do get sexually aroused by and attracted to anything (bestiality, necrophilia, uro, scat, objects etc)?

    The only reason it's considered normal is because of LGBT aggressive lobby for it in the 1970s. That's it. It was a decision with no scientifical basis whatsoever and it was simply VOTED on and about 40% voted against it. The only reasoning for it was to "combat discrimination" which is hilarious because combating discrimination has nothing to do with it being a disorder. If you want to combat discrimination against mentally ill people you don't wipe out all psychological disorders. "You can't be discriminated against a disorder if disorders don't exist". Absurd.

    This is correct and it shows the absurdity of LGBT.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
    need4realchg likes this.
  2. No one said that it did. I think that you are trolling, and so I shall not respond to you in this thread any more.
    So far, there is no reliable evidence that it can. What has been found is that, occasionally, people who have a traumatic history can find that their sexual preference changes after healing the trauma — but is that changing a sexual orientation or revealing their true nature? At this stage, we aren't certain. What we are certain of is that "homosexuality cure" is damaging, and is therefore illegal in a number of countries.

    If a homosexual "wants" to be heterosexual, it's important to ask where that want comes from. If it comes from social, peer, legal or family pressure, it's not a want but a coercion.
    Do you have any links for this, please? I'd like to read about it, because this is a first for me.
  3. Lol, obviously I’m “trolling”
  4. Somebody is a rigid thinker
  5. How is being gay a disorder when it doesn’t damage anyone? Also conversion therapy is banned in California for a good reason. You are a just homophobic dude lol
    Gmork likes this.
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    The US also allows people to "change their gender", which is just severe mental illness as one can not change his or her gender. Yet you quote the people that allow such ridiculousness and hold them as authorities in what is correct and incorrect. And you call me a "rigid thinker". LOL.

    by the way, homophobia is not a word because a phobia means an irrational, pathological (requiring specialized mental health) fear. And nobody is scared of homosexuals, let alone to a pathological level.
  7. And what’s wrong with trans people?
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'd stop bothering at this point. You keep trying to provide evidence and have an actual conversation and all he can come back with is "lol ur homophobic" and irrelevant points.
    ultrafabber likes this.
  9. So you think that being gay is a disorder too?
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I dont know enough about the subject matter to have an opinion on the matter. All I'm saying is calling ultrafabber homophobic isnt really an argument and you arent really countering what hes saying.
  11. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    You are right and i should know better than wasting my time like that.
  12. lol, he is just a type of dude, who thinks that touching your dick is gay, I’m dead serious
  13. This was a fascinating thread. Just like to share my older brother is 56 and was gay for 30 years before leaving the lifestyle in 2019.

    the problem i have with the lgbt premise is that you have no choice in sexuality but you have to choose your gender. Why the double standard?

    Today we hear “I identify as ______“.

    But, identifying as a _____ doesn’t make it yours. “

    I identified as a porn addict for most of my life. But thank God I can choose otherwise.

    What people all want is the choice to CHOOSE ... that freedom is inalienable —- even in the topic of homosexuality. I think this is where we (morally conscious) err.

    Let us agree they can choose ; not presume that they must choose as we dictate.
    ivanhoe and ultrafabber like this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    That still has nothing to do with what hes actually trying to argue though, its almost a non-sequitur. Just calling someone homophobic doesnt invalidate any points they make.
    need4realchg likes this.
  15. Well, there’s no real evidence that support his point of view.
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    He's literally providing evidence and you are just ignoring it because it doesnt fit your preexisting worldview.
    ivanhoe and need4realchg like this.
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Meanwhile I'm getting sucked in lmfao even though I know its pointless. I'm my own worst enemy with this kind of thing.
    need4realchg and ultrafabber like this.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Honestly I'm not vehemently for or against any of this stuff but at the same time it annoys me a little when I see blanket statements passed around as gospel truth when the reality is a lot more complex than that. People often conflate sexuality with sexual tastes and from there conflate sexual tastes with porn induced fetishes. Its a rabbit hole.
    ivanhoe and need4realchg like this.
  19. Well, he says that being gay is a deviation, and that it doesn’t exist in other species, but in fact the bisexual behavior is quite common among the animals. As for the exclusively homosexual behavior, yep it’s rare, but still exists. But there’s no point in comparing people with other species as we differ a lot from anything else. As for gay people, the conversion therapy never works really. What’s more, gay people who undergo it are either forced to do so or have an internalized homophobia. Speaking of his point of view, if he believes that being gay is a deviation, then okay he believes in whatever he wants to believe. I’m okay with that, I got my point of view and he got his.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I agree, and dont have much else to add.