Does anyone here hate seafood?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. I've tried and tried liking it. I can't even eat fish sticks without thinking of barfing.
    The smell alone makes me wanna puke, I see all these Red Lobster ads and I wanna get into some crab legs smotherd in butter type deal but can't overcome my disgust for seafood.

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I really like fish, but the rest of it (clams, crabs, etc.) is gross.
    Hold it in likes this.
  3. I can eat fish out of the river
    King777 and LEPAGE like this.
  4. Triplex VII

    Triplex VII Fapstronaut

    I'm with you, for the most part. I like Tilapia, and Haddock is amazing. But I hate the taste of shrimp, fish sticks are prerty gross, and crab legs just look like alien spider legs and the idea of them getting anywhere near my dinner menu is just weird. They look so gross.
    recon117, LEPAGE and Hold it in like this.
  5. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I feel the same way. I've never liked seafood, but the rest of my family loves it.
    recon117 and Hold it in like this.

  6. Perhaps if you had it prepared well.

    I think seafood prepared in certain ways is indeed barf inducing. I can't stand fish sticks. I can't stand breaded seafood. Deep fried seafood isn't my thing either. I just tried Red Lobster again after several years and now remember why I don't go there, they serve bland seafood that isn't worth it. And then there's boiled seafood, no way, no thanks!

    Now if you go to a place where they have fresh seafood and prepare it properly maybe you might like it. And fresh is important. Fish shouldn't be smelly, if it is then it should be avoided.
    Hold it in likes this.
  7. I dont think prepairing it will do anything. The smell is already psychologically burned into my brain.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. annabellmatt

    annabellmatt New Fapstronaut

    Yes, I do.. Specially Lobster and many more is there
  9. swelster2

    swelster2 New Fapstronaut

    Seafood is God's gift to humanity. I LOVE IT BY THE POUND! :D
  10. This is similar with me and okra. Except with me it’s the visual.

    Years ago in a Navy chow hall I was eating with a squadron mate and he was eating boiled okra. He was talking while eating and chewing without keeping his mouth closed. So I caught sight of all that stringy paste looking crappola inside his mouth.

    That gross image is still burned into my brain 30+ years later and I still can’t stand okra. I don’t care what anyone says about how it’s cooked.
    Hold it in likes this.
  11. I’d love a rotation of salmon, swordfish, halibut, ahi, walleye, shrimp, and lobster. Rotate through those seven seafood items every day of the week. Throw in some others to mix things up a bit. But those would be the core seven for me.
    Hold it in likes this.
  12. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I would like to eat lobster before I die.
    Hold it in and King777 like this.
  13. King777

    King777 Fapstronaut

    I'm from the Mediterranean and seafood is the primary source of protein and joy. Nothing else in the world that I eat makes me feel more natural and pure. I actually love almost anything (maybe except insects but I haven't been to southeast Asia yet so maybe I'll enjoy it too) but seafood has a special place. However I only love to consume it when its cold and wet, I don't prefer to eat it straight out of the oven/pan/grill etc..

    We have an old proverb that say: "Even if my dad comes out of the sea, I'll eat him."

    It is also a common belief that most of the seafood have aphrodisiac effects. So I wouldn't suggest eating seafood if one has tendency to pmo easily when urges arise. However for me it never works like that, I'm prone to pmo whenever I feel unhappy, depressed and amazingly enough not feeling strong and vivid sexually. So seafood actually helps me deal with the pmo.
    Hold it in and Deleted Account like this.
  14. LOL. Why did I have to read this? Haha
  15. Breadman

    Breadman Fapstronaut

    I love seafood of any kind. It’s so much better than animal muscles to eat. Too much like human muscle.
    Hold it in likes this.
  16. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    I love seafood but sometimes things can be a little too “fishy” even for me. I can relate to people who dislike seafood because it’s not all great, but sometimes I wonder if they just haven’t tried the right type of seafood for their specific palate, I’m sure even the biggest hater is bound to like something.
    Hold it in likes this.
  17. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Some seafood is kinda gross but that's what I like about it. I'll eat anything really. Let all the ladies know it ;);)
    Hold it in likes this.