Great presentation on being single, dating, cohabitating. And Hapiness

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by eduardkoopman, Sep 9, 2018.

  1. eduardkoopman

    eduardkoopman Fapstronaut

    This presentation is so true for me personally. I have been:
    - in a good/healthy long term relationship,
    - unwantedly single,
    - and since a couple of years I volentairily chose to stay single and not be dating/celibate.

    In my case. I am now (volentairily single & not dating) overall as about equal happy as I when I was in the good/healthy long term relationship. A little More happy in some ways, and a little less happy in other ways, but overall in total it evens out about pretty much.
    The time I was less happy, was when I was unwantedly single. Because i dragged around a feeling and idea of lacking something, that would make my life significant happier then being alone. Which now after years (as a 35 year old) , I have to say is untrue for me.

    Is this the same for other people?

    I came across this Presentation from PhD Bella DePaulo. Spitting some data from research studies. It seems my experience is simmilar to that of many.
    Maybe a good thing to listen to, if are down/depresed/etc.. about being single.

  2. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the share.
  3. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Most times people do things out of fear. Fear of not being accepted by others. Of being seen as strange or incompetent. Of not fitting in.

    It's a way to act the way that they think other people will like them for rather than asking themselves who they really are and what they really want.

    Whether you want to be single or in a relationship, the important thing is doing it for yourself rather than for the sake of being validated by others / society.

    Some people want marriage / kids, but is it really what you want or are you just going with the flow of what's widely accepted by others?

    There's pros and cons to anything. The rewards has to be worth the cost. That depends on each individual, but to never question your own personal concept of happiness or fulfillment and just accepting what's acceptable for others is a mistake.

    I've met happy and fulfilled single people and the same with married couples (with kids and the cliche white picket fence mortgage).
  4. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    the video isn’t showing up for me as embedded, any chance you could post a direct link? Thanks!