Home workout

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by B787-8, Jul 30, 2020.

  1. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    I have two dumbbells. I do my workout at morning.
    1) Push up 3 sets 12 reps
    2) Bicep curls 100reps
    3) Overhead dumbbell press 3×12
    4) Front arm raises 30reps
    5) Inner grip row 3×12
    6) Abs workout
  2. That's a good one. Mine is 200 situps 200 pushups and 50 pullups-50 chinups.
    It's not hypertrophy oriented so I don't know wether it is suitable for bodybuilding
    B787-8 likes this.
  3. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    Yes dude good workout. You are training like one punch man
  4. Lots of biceps curls. How much weight are you doing that with?
  5. Totally, it's the best basic routine
    B787-8 likes this.
  6. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    Each dumbbell weighs 4.5 kg. I do bicep curls because i am thin person
  7. On the path

    On the path Fapstronaut

    I don't understand. So, you're doing this every morning? It's really limited. What are your weightlifting goals?

    You're really over training your front delts with the push-ups, overhead press, and front arm raises, but you're barely training your side and rear delts. Your shoulders won't be balanced with this.
    B787-8 likes this.
  8. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    You should have some sort of workout where you have a plan for progression. If you are a beginner you should see some gains by doing just about anything.

    If you only have two dumbbells, a great resource for fitness I would check out is r/bodyweightfitness and their recommended routine.
    B787-8 likes this.
  9. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    Hello. Actually my height is 187cm and i am very thin so i am beginner. I also play football so i don't concentrate on legs. Due to Chinese virus our gyms are closed and my plan is to join gym. If have any advice for new exercises which i can add in my workout give me??✌
  10. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    Yes dude i am beginner. I am very thin and tall so my main focus is to gain some fit body shape✌
  11. On the path

    On the path Fapstronaut

    OK, so here's some advice if you're interested in body building.

    If you find something that stretches, do band pull aparts. This will help with your rear delts and rotator cuff muscles, giving you strong shoulders. Once the gym opens again, change to face pulls or reverse pec decks (if your gym has them).

    Also, instead of front arm raises, do lateral raises. Push ups and overhead dumbell press will your front delt already -- No need for another front delt exercise. Instead, work your side delts with some lateral raises. They will make your shoulders look wider and bigger.

    As for your bicep curls, do hammer curls also. To get full looking arms you want to work biceps, triceps, and brachialis. Push ups will work triceps and supinated curls will work the biceps, but do some hammer curls also to work that brachialis, so your arms look full and stronger.

    You also need to work your back more. 3x12 rows with a 4.5 kilo dumbbell isn't going to get you much on your back. If you can find a safe place, I'd recommend pull ups. If not, I would recommend just trying to lift up heavy shit. My favorite is tire flipping. You can also Romanian deadlift heavy objects found lying around. Just lift with your back and that V taper will start to develop.

    Just don't forget to eat a lot if you're trying to develop muscle. Your body won't grow if you don't give it the nutrients it needs.
    B787-8 likes this.
  12. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man for helping me and give me valuable suggestions i will try this.
  13. On the path

    On the path Fapstronaut

    No problem, man. Also, when I said "lift with your back," I should clarify: Keep your back straight and push up with your legs. Don't actually try to lift anything heavy by flexing your spine or using your arms. That's why I recommend the pull-up most, though, since you want to work the back and not the legs.
    B787-8 likes this.
  14. oryxcrstl

    oryxcrstl Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't recommend pullups as it is unlikely a beginner can do at least 5 with good form. I would recommend: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/exercises/pullup
    Another exercise for the back that I would do along with pull ups is: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/exercises/row
    Personally I use two chairs and a broom and some items to put the broom higher.

    Also if you can't do pushups with proper form incline pushups are great. You should try to do incline pushups before you can do 5 pushups with correct form.
    - push up form
    Incline push ups can be done at any angle. Doing them on a bench is much harder than say a counter.

    This can help with core for beginners: https://www.nick-e.com/deadbug/

    Keep in mind you should make sure your form is right. I'm sure you can find videos on the internet. Filming yourself can sometimes help with that.

    Sleep is important too.
    B787-8 and On the path like this.
  15. B787-8

    B787-8 Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude✌