Is this cycle ever gonna end?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nimbo, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    I’ve just relapsed a few mins ago after 32 days into my streak. I’m starting to get irritated with myself, because I keep fucking up. Also due to this repetition of restarting my streak over and over again.

    I keep relapsing after a month, I don’t know why. My best record is 70 days, so obviously I’m capable of going over a month, but these past few streaks have all ended the same. I’m see 1 slightly arousing image anywhere online and my mind immediately goes to porn.

    Wasn’t even jerking off I was just watching it and climaxed from the visuals. Why does this happen, it’s easy to avoid by just getting up and doing literally anything else, yet I fail every time.

    It also annoys me how after I relapse I come onto here and complain like a bitch. Sorry btw, but I just hate feeling bad for myself.

    If any if you guys have tips to recover quickly from relapse, or an explanation why I keep failing at the same 30 day mark, please let me know. Also maybe if you could just give me some guidance or encouragement, that would be good too.
  2. My longest streaks have all been in the 30-day ballpark in the past - I'm pretty sure my current streak is my longest one. I think the problem (for me at least) when I relapsed was that 30 days is the point where it's been long enough since you last relapsed that you don't really see it as a problem any more. The problem is that urges still come and go like normal, so you have to stay prepared to deal with them. I don't think that it gets more difficult at 30 days; it's just that we don't try as hard by then, so we relapse.
    What I find helpful when the urges hit you really fast is to take a really really deep breath in (as much air as you can possibly hold) and, as you breathe in, gather all of your thoughts about porn/sex/etc. into your head at once. Then when you exhale, imagine all of those thoughts flowing out and away from your mind.
    Also, go pee when you get an urge. Seriously. 90% of my strongest urges in the last week have just been me needing to pee, especially when it feels like "oh my god this urge won't go away". It's because you can't empty your bladder with willpower.
    Nimbo likes this.
  3. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply, I’ll try that next time I reach the 30 day mark.
  4. humanside001

    humanside001 New Fapstronaut

    I'm really rooting for you, feel your pain and hope you do better next time.
    Nimbo likes this.
  5. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    I mean man it’s all willpower. Are you working out, eating right, getting good sleep? You gotta put your body and mind in the best position to succeed or you will relapse.
    Nimbo likes this.
  6. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Instead of trying to resist the urges and expecting them to get harder, just view it as the fact that nofap is working. you dont have to act on them.
    Nimbo likes this.
  7. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    Tbh I haven’t bin getting the best sleep as of recently, I just started working out again so hopefully that’ll help. My diet is pretty good I’d say, I cut out all junk food. I understand that it’s willpower, but I feel like my willpower isn’t as strong as it used to be. (Back on the 70 day streak) Do you know what I mean?
  8. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    You keep relapsing after a month. Where are you aiming? Do you KNOW that you are NEVER going to do PMO again in your whole life? The "know" and "never" are the keywords there. Because maybe on the back of your mind there is a vague idea like "let's try this for a while", or "maybe I can control this", or "yeah, I made it today", etc.

    Even the "I made it today" is timid; it should be "how else but abstemious from that evil day after day".
  9. Nimbo

    Nimbo Fapstronaut

    My goal is to reach 90 days, but I always relapse around the 30 day marks because that’s usually when I get out of my flatline. Once the flatline ends thats when I get urges again.
  10. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut


    You gotta convince yourself mentally that you are the alpha. Giving into PMO makes you weak and you can’t have that. I told myself that over and over again until it was embedded in my mind.

    I literally have no desire to watch porn now and my libido is returning. I had some pretty good sex last weekend after flatlining hard From day 8 to day 65. (More to come about me once I hit day 90)

    You have to find it within you to beat the porn. It’s there you just gotta believe it.
    Nimbo, clapas and humanside001 like this.