Life is almost forfeit

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by newvirgin, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. newvirgin

    newvirgin New Fapstronaut


    Today is my 3rd day of my new journey. I will turn 30 november 1st so I wanted to start for beginning of this month so that I have a more clear date to follow. I tried quitting before but I just can't. PMO has a strangling hold on my life. I work as a independent contractor so I can make a lot of money if i actually put in the work but I can't hold steady hours. I am always tired, no energy, can't talk to girls, no motivation to do anything. I have all the ideas in the world to make money and get ahead in life but PMO is taking up all the time i have during the day. I spend most of the day just watching shows and anime and PMOing. I just can't stop. I tried so many times but it is so hard. I work on my laptop so I have access to the internet all day long. It is especially hard since I can't get away from the laptop either. I am almost 30 and I was never in a relationship which is very depressing and the sad thing is that recently I just don't want to. I don't seem to have no emotions towards anything or feel like doing anything. Losing interest in life but when I watch all these people on Youtube traveling to these great places and having a great time, i want that for myself but I don't think I can.

    I need a lot of motivation and help from all of you friends so that I can get back in the rat race. Please and thank you for reading.
  2. Thomas8

    Thomas8 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum. I understand your story and can relate. But from now on we must think positively, you can overcome PMO. It will be hard, and you may have set backs, but if you set you mind and develop a plan you can do this. There are many resources here to help you start. I always recommend start by reading this post.

    Afterward, develop a plan, write it down (its has been shown that people are more successful if they write there plan down, then just thinking about), then work your plan. You may have to do some soul searching to understand what your triggers are, then what positive ways are there to deal with the triggers.

    Keep posting, get the stuff out of your head and in print. This has helped me deal with this.

    All the best.