Long time addict just didn't know it

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by arpyegap, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Hello all. 39 year old guy here who has struggled with this for a long, long, time. I started the way a lot of folks my age did, the Sears catalog... advanced to my fathers stash of nudie mags, bought my own mags, and then the internet made it so easy.

    Thank God the internet wasn't in my house as a young kid... I would likely be 100 times worse. Anyway, now I'm married, have wonderful kids and just trying to recover from something that is really a lot more evil than it is portrayed to be.

    On the surface it seems harmless, but I can tell you its not. It is addictive. I've never done drugs, but an addict is an addict. I've PMO at work, at my in-laws house, wherever I could. It starts out "not hurting anyone", but for me quickly escalated trying to get the next thrill.

    It sucks, I hate it, I hate myself for doing it. I don't want to be a slave anymore. I need you folks and I need the support. I suspect we are all in the same boat.

    Thanks for listening,

  2. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Another day of success! Its amazing how many temptations there are out there. So many triggers just logging on the computer or watching television. So far so good
  3. Gleemonex95

    Gleemonex95 Fapstronaut

    Right there with ya - also in my 30s but got internet access as a teen. Can't believe this isn't taken more seriously in society. Anyway, remember you are doing this for your family but also yourself. Best of luck to you and I hope to continue seeing you around.
  4. AndrewV6

    AndrewV6 New Fapstronaut

    Hey bro,
    Stick with it. The pain of discipline is easier than the pain of regret. We are all here to support you. When you get tempted log on and we are here for your support. You are stronger than your addiction. Tell yourself that. Just looking for help is a huge first step and that is the manliest thing you could do, admitting you have a problem.
    Much love
  5. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Arpy. I am 6 months PMO free, porn free, and MO free. Like you I found the abuse to be a thrill, like a roller coaster or fast car. The escalation factor is common in what might be called the end stage of the addiction. For a lot of men they up the thrill by experiencing more and more bizarre porn, porn that is a million miles away from their actual sexual tastes. That is when many stop. That escalation factor by the way is called the Coolidge effect. There is a scientific reason for it.

    I am porn free and am never going back. I don't struggle with it anymore, but in the beginning did. That thought, "I am never watching porn again", was a difficult thought to have, it was difficult to post here in this forum, because even though anonymous, there are so many guys who have trouble getting past 2-3 days, it sounds like a boast. I know a lot of guys think "how can anyone say never again"? But there is also a freedom in knowing I will never be a slave to pornography again.

    I have used this forum as a tool to fight the problem and I have posted here many times. It has helped me stay clean. If you would like to understand my story and my approach to getting clean, I have a thread I would invite you to read. At this point, it is fairly lengthy, but I think that if I were a newbie really trying to get clean, then it might help. It is not my insights alone, but the insights of many other guys who are quitting porn. Here it is.


    I would love to see any insights you might have there.

    I'll say one word of encouragement: The fact you acknowledge you are an addict puts you way ahead of the curve in beating porn. Guys cannot really begin to heal until they realize they have an illness. There is a method to quitting that worked for me. I say get educated, get tools, and learn to love withdrawals. At some point in your journey--and this is true for every porn addict that quits--you will have to love the pain of withdrawals over the dopamine release that porn gives you. That is very difficult to do, but once you do it, once you weather the porn withdrawals, you will find they become controllable.

    Good luck in your journey.
  6. aj550

    aj550 Fapstronaut

    Hey. I just joined today.... Early 30's, and posted above you in the Newbs thread.

    Same issues, but no wife or kids.... I'm here because I'm finding this destroys my relationships... Once I start getting close to a person, the dragon comes out and ruins everything.

    Good luck. Hopefully we can all beat this... (no pun intended......)
  7. Soul Cage

    Soul Cage Fapstronaut

    AndrewV6: A short but a very inspiring and comforting post to stumble across, thankyou
  8. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Well I guess this is day 5 for me, at least that is what the counter says. It has been easier than I thought. Mainly because I've not had the time alone to engage in PMO[/B]. I often "work" alone on the computer when the wife & kids are at work & school. Being alone with the computer is a temptation I cant often resist.

    It did however strike me today that this is it. I've made a commitment to quit... 3o days at first, but I ultimately want to be done forever. Here I was congratulating myself on 5 days and the realization that I am no where near "done" with this task hit me like a ton of bricks! Its kind of depressing to think about it. Keep me in your thoughts & prayers.

    Thanks guys,
  9. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Temptation comes in all shapes & sizes. I wonder if everyone is triggered without realizing it. I look in the paper (ads for breast augmentation), I watch football (there are those cheerleaders), I close my eyes to go to sleep and these images pop into my head. Its like they come from no where. I never even thought of a "trigger" before.

    I've been kind of "cold turkey" for the past several days. Sooner or later, my wife and I will likely have sex. I don't know what kind of thoughts that will bring up. I don't know if that will stir up a lot of these images and thoughts. I've not had any sexual contact in so long (I know 6 days is not that long). I'll probably be done before we have even started.

    When I tried many times before to quit PMO, that is how the thought and justification would creep in.... "I want to last long enough so I need to take the edge off before having sex with my wife". Problem is after I PMO'd I either didn't want to have sex with her (I was already satisfied) or when we had sex, I would have erectile issues or couldn't finish. I've had to fake it before.... not normal. That sort of stuff is why I decided I just need to be done.

  10. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Well its the weekend. Home with the kids right now so no temptation and/or opportunity for PMO. Thank God for that! I was a little tempted yesterday afternoon. I was working from home alone with the PC so I had a lot of opportunity. I got into my work and eventually read a book which kept me away from the temptation.

    I'm going to take it a step at time.... one whole week!
  11. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Well as expected my wife and I tried to have sex last night. I had a little to drink and was feeling pretty mellow. I was aroused by her, but I was really unable to perform. Actually I was so revved up from no PMO for a week that I was done in about 30 seconds. She was cool about it, but I dont know what to do. Will this ever get back to normal? I never had that problem before. I need some kind words guys. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

  12. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi Arpy,you are making great progress, don't get down, it does get better. I started my mission to quit because I could not O with my wife. I could have sex with her for hours, and it was good, but I could not O. While the sex was, for her, physically, satisfying, it was not emotionally satisfying because I could not share that moment of intimacy with her. Her self confidence began to slide because I could not O with her, but only with porn. That is when I decided to change my life.

    Now, when I have sex, I O with my wife every time. This, for her, is far more important than the sex we had before, which, as I say, was totally physically satisfying for her, but lacked the emotional connection that Oing with her meant. It is here I have to say that men and women really do feel differently about sex. On certain levels, it is still just a physical act for me. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife dearly, but sex was never an emotional event for me as much as it is for her. I think that's just a man/woman thing.

    Give it some time, as in weeks or a month, and you should be able to stay in the game longer. Be advised that sex before porn addiction and after porn addiction is not the same. The time you spent addicted does change you. The "after" porn addiction sex is still good, and can be great, but it is not quite as...fervent for the recovered addict as it was before he ever encountered porn. That said, I think my wife enjoys it more now, after. Now I not only physically satisfy her, I emotionally satisfy her as well. So there is that.

    I don't usually give sex advice, I usually only talk about quitting porn addiction, but...I have posted about how to beat premature ejaculation. If you want to you can search this forum for "making spaghetti", as in the making spaghetti method. It should be taken with a pinch of humor. It will give you an idea how to put something in your head to make you go all night. That said, be careful with that. At this point in your recovery, you really ought to be focusing on pushing your dopamine button with sex, so I encourage you to O every time, even it at first it means you are doing it more quickly than you think is appropriate.

    Yes, more information than you ever wanted to know.

  13. aron

    aron Fapstronaut

    I had the same problem as William. I could last for hours at a time without O. This was during my porn period. Now that I quit it, I get aroused much more easily and reach O much much faster. At some point it took me less than 3 minutes to orgasm. But now I am getting used to the new level of excitement and last longer, although not as long as during my porn period.

    Trust me, it will take some time to get used to this state, but take it as a positive sign that you are healing. With time and patience your sex life will become better.
  14. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. A touchy subject I know. In general I'm not a real "sharing" touchy feely guy anyway. But it has helped more than you can imagine to just journal here and get some feedback from guys who have been there and done that.

    Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday here in the states.... as such I had no real opportunity for PMO, which again was a very good thing. I've got an accountability partner ....AWESOME!!!

    Thank you all

  15. William

    William Fapstronaut

    It's a good streak. Keep going. Porn is not an option. That has to be a motto for you, porn is not an option. Keep going. Make it a solid 30, and you might hit the tipping point, being the place where you want NOT to look at porn more than you want to. After that it gets a lot easier.

  16. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Well, another day in the books. Its funny that the temptation can show up completely random. This morning I had the chance for some alone time at the house. This was always a temptation... alone time and boredom. I chose not to put myself in the situation... a good move I think.

    I hope someday I can trust myself to be alone. If not, I guess I'll need to make more friends!

  17. aj550

    aj550 Fapstronaut

    Atta boy.

    I had a relapse on Sunday. I was exhausted, sore, tired, and most importantly, bored.... And late Sunday, early Monday I fell off.... But I'm back on again. I made it just under a week before. I can do it again. I know I can. I just have to go one day at a time, focus on the end results, and remember that it's worth it.

    Question, Does your wife know you are doing this? Perhaps sharing this with her could help.

    My girlfriend knows I'm walking this road, and has been very supportive of me.

    Either way, best of luck, we're all in this together buddy!
  18. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    My wife does not know. Eventually it will be something we need to talk about. I want to get to a little better spot before I talk to her about it.

    I've been FAP free for almost two weeks now. That is probably a record for me. I've done it for so long and so often that I don't really know what my "record" is. I think it is highly unlikely that I've gone 2 weeks between FAPs in 20 years.

    Thank you guys for all of your support.

  19. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Well another day in the record books. I was actually home alone yesterday (a big trigger) and was able to resist. I concentrated on work and spent a goodly amount of time posting & reading on this site. Very helpful.
    FYI I profess to being a Christian (anyone can see that I am a struggling one by my behavior). I am also very reserved and "proper". I seldom exhibit any emotion... my upbringing I suppose. Anyway there was a musical group named "Addison Road" that sings a song "What do I know of Holy". The song basically asks just that "What do I... a flawed creature.. know of a love that took my shame and sin and died for me and because of it. The song has always spoken to me, but yesterday I was quite literally sobbing uncontrollably on the floor! Amazing!

    Anyway, later I was actually aroused and enjoying my wifes touch... nothing happened, but it was great. That's when it occurred to me that porn robs us of human touch (besides our own). It not only takes that from us, but it sets the "sexual bar" at some ridiculous and unreal level!

  20. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Hi guys - I've made 2 weeks! minor party for me! I actually feel really good about myself right now. I hope I can maintain this feeling. I am afraid dark periods may show up as I progress.
